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FR  of Pot and traffic lights


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
My fave jacket on my back and at the first street turn I find a girl with such cute features wearing a nice woolen jacket. As I ask her: "are you in the University?" She barely makes eye contact as she says "no. Sorry." I let that pass, thinking it's still a warm up.

Towards the field venue, there's this set of traffic lights that have its posts near to the train cross bridge. The sky is still dull so I push the pelican pedestrian cross switch and the sides of my eyes catch a glimpse of a cute brunette that slowly is coming. Instantly I find myself hoping that the lights would delay switching so that I'd have a good enough chance to tell her she's looking good. While crossing the lights though, she crosses as well, my lips parted and I began saying something to her mid cross with traffic around us. Plainly she didn't hear cuz she didn't respond and I glanced back to see if she looked my way but she was still moving. Her ear piece were deep in her ears. Good thing I didn't grab her, and swing her to the opposite end of the pole....Okay I'm at a digression.

Next chick comes into the train station, with the nice moves of a bed warmer (potential mate) so as I drop the phone call that I was on while waiting, half bored at this station, she sits at the chair where I'm at. The second I'm off the phone I open her indirectly. She's warm and I instantly ask if she's single. Negative answer. Now I keep talking with her and tell her I think she's cute. She asks for my number, before long I'm my number in her phone while pitching for a meet up tomorrow. She emphatically says she'll text me. After getting the number, I get to talk with her abit more and even ask her to get a drink for me with a smile.

She slid off the offer meekly and tells about being sick during Christmas, drugs and pot. She might be thinking she has a new pot buddy. If we do meet up, I'll have to ramp up sexual vibe. And I should have buzzed my number with her phone also.

After that there was no more meetings as I discovered the timing for the station brought mostly elderly folk and workers.

End of.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers