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Old Friend In Town



Got a friend from college and lets just say she has gotten a bit more attractive since the last time I've seen her. We've never hooked up but we are both attractive, single adults so the possibility should be there if I can get past the initial "were just friends and I don't want to mess it up" Bomb! She's staying two nights and then heading home. I have wine tasting, the ocean and the mountains of Cali to help me out. Any advice guys?

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Milertom, First and formost hopefully you are not deep into the friendzone, i.e you text her all the time, have gone shopping with her, just hangining out to hangout ect.

Even if so it never hurts to go for it, So my suggestion would be to hit her up, via text or if you see her in person even better the important thing is to get her out with you. Try doing something simple such as coffee, and make sure because you might be seen as just a friend, you do (unintentional intentional touching) such as guiding her through the door on the small of her back, touching her shoulder when you ask what kind of coffee she would like ect. during the interaction make sure to flirt and be sexual. I.E use (Sexual framing, and Chase Framing) https://www.girlschase.com/content/how-use-sexual-frame-turn-women and https://www.girlschase.com/content/secrets-getting-girls-chase-framing.

Also when the interaction is at a high point invite her over to your place (using plausable denibility of course) and when she is at your place and you two on sitting on your bed or couch use the manhandle kiss and see how she reacts to it https://www.girlschase.com/content/manhandle-kisses. So hopefully this all works out for ya. Best of luck


The Tool


1) Semi-Deep Friend-zone but I think it could be broke
2) She's staying at my place regardless, just depends on couch or my bedroom
3) Got 2 days and 2 nights to make this happen :)

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Haha Alright milertom lets get this done!

Since she is going to be at your place regardless, use the sexual framing and chase framing like I posted and see how she goes with it, BE EXTREMELY SEXUAL!!! One way you can test how she takes to you being sexual is a little trick I like to do, I tell a girl I have to show her something in my room (my favorite is a school textbook or photoalbum), key is to be standing up, make sure both of your shoes are off, when she is really close and standing next to you (pretty much shoulder to shoulder) have your foot touch one of hers (note the sexual tension should almost be unbearable at this point), and see if she pulls away, if she does not pull away look her dead in the eye and give her a sexy smile hopefully she will be staring you in the eyes as well, most likly there will be complete silence, then you go in for the kiss.

Hope this helps



Alright guys how bout this one. Same set-up for the most part. Girl coming into town for the weekend, staying at my place, and taking me back home for winter break before it's all said and done. I wouldn't say we're friends so much as she's the ex of a good friend of mine. But let us look past that for now. Here are the particulars, all things being equal she's way more attractive than I am and I haven't seen the inside of a gym for the better part of the past year. She's out of school has her shit together and her own place back home.

I know she's bringing her younger brother (he'll be crashing on the couch). In my opinion that complicates shit -thoroughly.

It's a delicate situation and I need help navigated this here terrain... advice por favor..

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Hey Julius. With this you have to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL!!! how else will you get home, or have a place to stay if you make things awkward. Also really think about if its worth the risk. If its all said and done to go about this to be certain try some sexual flirting and chase framing and see how it takes. Id post the link but I have to get to class, You can also then try the feet trick I posted in a comment above, try showing her something on the computer and make sure you are both standing while your feet are touching hers and if she doesnt get skiddish and move her feet away look her dead in the eyes and have hers and yours linger If you feel a bunch of sexual tension make a move. Personally I've done this alot with girls that were a bit of a risk and It turned out excellent. Its how I got my Best Friends sister (Check out my post on How to date your friends sister if your curious).

Cheers, Good luck.

The Tool.


Great post about your Best Friend's sister. I thought you summed it up best by saying your intentions HAD to be pure. I liked that; no messin around on the side. Also the congratulatory tipping of my hat for having accomplished this feat not once but twice.

If I could clarify a few points that may have been interpreted ambitiously. Yes she is taking me home for the break-No she is not my only ride just in case the situation becomes too awkward. That would be five hours of my life I couldn't get back.

Second I won't be staying with her back home, (shout out to all the guys crashing on their parents couch cause they converted your old room into an office space.) nevertheless if things work out there is no reason I wouldn't.

I'll definitely ask to show her my etchings whilst enacting the feet trick. IF you have the time could you do me a favor and answer this quick follow up question. And excuse me if it comes across as rhetorical. If she does get skiddish and removes here foot from the equation, at that point do I bar myself further possible embarrassment and just drop that shit?



The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
Thanks for the tip of the hat julius even my friends had a WTF moment when I pulled that off lol.

As for the foot thing, essentially its just the icing on the cake. So hopefully you will have done the sexual framing and chase framing (flirting sexually and her getting a positive response) The fact that she is alone with you should suffice enough to keep things moving. I would not drop out of the race yet if her foot gets skiddish. If your feeling ballsy just look her dead in the eye and hopefully hers will linger . If she does put one hand on her side and see how it takes, then go in for the kiss.

Best of luck my friend

Cheers, The Tool
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take

The Tool

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 24, 2012
QUick thing i forgot to mention make a rule that shoes in your house should be off at all times , Shoes on will have no effect, so either in socks or barefoot