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FR  Older Women Laughing at Me


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Any of the younger guys here on the board encounter older women laughing after approaching? I feel like the older girls do not take me seriously or go into auto-reject because of the age difference (I’m 22).

Over the last few months, I have encountered older women around 35-45ish that laugh after my cold approach. Older women from that age group do not take me seriously and stand their ground laughing the entire time. I find myself standing around like a fool and attracting attention from the store until leaving. I have gotten 3 phone numbers out of 75 cold approaches from that age group. Most of the interactions are straight-up blowouts.

I do approach girls my age, but I find the most fit and attractive to be MUCH older than me.

Here's an example from my Older Women Journal:

Went to Walmart at 6:30pm on a Monday and approached a tall and professional older woman. She was at least 6’3’’ with heels on which accentuated her tonned gluteus maximus ;)

I just came back from the office dressed in a slim-fitting professional shirt, flat pants, and new dress shoes. Before entering the store, I put a tungsten ring on each hand for flair. I have a closed-trimmed beard to look older.

I first saw her walking past through a main aisle pushing a cart and saw no engagement ring on the hand. A couple minutes later, she appears in the personal hygiene aisle, so I go in and park myself about 10 ft. away. I try eye contact flirting, but she’s starring far away at toothpaste on the shelf with her arms crossed. I open indirect-direct despite the aisle being filled with 4 other people!

Me: Oh, hello.

Girl: (Looks over with tired expression)

Me: Do you think this is the right floss to use with Listerine Whitening Wash?

Girl: You know, I like a different floss. The Crest thin strips, really gets between the gums better than the cloth ones.

Me: My doctor said I have good gums, so I’m focusing on white teeth.

Girl: (Starts going on another rant about teeth).

Me: (I make a crooked smile, tilt my head down, and create a RU serious? expression).

Girl: (She slowly stops talking and looks less serious)

Me: Actually, I’m getting this floss, but I thought you were attractive and wanted to say hello.

Girl: (Laughs loudly, turns her head away, and covers her mouth). Wow, that’s really sweet!

Me: My name is Barry by the way.

Girl: (Takes my hand and still grinning widely). Nice to meet you Barry.

Me: So, what’s your name?

Girl: Denise.

Me: Looks like you haven’t picked anything out yet. Your cart is empty.

Girl: Yeah, I just started. (Still smiling, but crosses her arms again and looks at the products at the shelf).

Me: Same here, just trying to get the right oral care for a stunning smile.

Girl: Oh, okay. (Completely aloof, then changes mood). Sorry, I just had a long day today.

Me: You work in a fancy office? (She had formal apparel on).

Girl: Yeah, just in city X.

Me: Must be fancy, that formal apparel looks really good on you. The green really catches the eye.

Girl: (Looks me dead in the eye for the first time) Oh, thank you.

Me: I do not want to hold you up too much longer. What’s your schedule like this week? We should grab something to eat.

Girl: (Starts laughing again). Oh, no thanks I can’t.

(There were people staring at us in the aisle, so I began closing).

Me: Your schedule must be busy then?

Girl: (Started looking uneasy and maintained eye contact with the shelf).

Me: Okay, then. Have a nice day!

I noticed older women from this group follow the same pattern: laughing-serious-laughing-uncomfortable. They seem to like the compliments, but get uneasy when I try to close.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 12, 2013
You have more experience than me so I probably can't say much; but while reading that the only that stuck out to me was. ;

Me: Same here, just trying to get the right oral care for a stunning smile.

Maybe it would have been better to say "Just updating my stock of oral care to maintain my stunning smile."?

I don't really know, but I feel like what you said implies you don't have a stunning smile, which might not be an attractive thing to say.
Does that make sense or is that irrelevant?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 12, 2014
BarryS1 said:
Girl: (Starts laughing again). Oh, no thanks I can’t.

(There were people staring at us in the aisle, so I began closing).

Me: Your schedule must be busy then?

Girl: (Started looking uneasy and maintained eye contact with the shelf).

Me: Okay, then. Have a nice day!

I like the ballsy approach in the grocery store - good work on the hardest part (at least for me).

You shouldn't have provided her excuse for her (must be busy). If anything, I would have made a joke about some poor excuse she probably had. For example, "let me guess, you've sworn off men and prefer to cuddle with your teddy bear". Then again, you might have been better off challenging her more directly when she said she couldn't: "I bet you can. Give me your number and we'll grab a drink later in the week."
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Body language, vibe, tone of voice matter with older women. The more relaxed and indifferent to their presence the more you become attractive in their eyes. You probably don't give off the vibe of "experience" and they pick up on it. You may dress older but your eyes probably betray your age, thus they think you are trying to run game or see them as easy prey which they hate. Also, they know the game more than you because they are older and have played it and been played many times already, that's what i'm referring to in terms of seeing through your experience. Being well dressed, having tight fundamentals, using very seductive words, and going direct are key in gaming older women/MILF's. Unless they are horny and you are good looking they will probably won't open/flirt with you as much unless you have some traits of the above. An example is when i was at store sitting down, well dressed, with a bored, aloof look in my face when suddenly i spot a older lady looking at me from the cashier line. An ass that was a 10 and a face that was an 8, goddamn she was hot, but i couldn't open because too many people to isolate and she was on her way out. Before she left she smiled and waved at me seductively if i was behind her i would've run game no doubt but logistics were terrible. Work on younger girls first before you try gaming up with these women. The more experience, the flirtier they will be when you open them.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
I don't really know, but I feel like what you said implies you don't have a stunning smile, which might not be an attractive thing to say.
Does that make sense or is that irrelevant?

I see what you mean - getting the fancy vocabulary to work for me.

You shouldn't have provided her excuse for her (must be busy). If anything, I would have made a joke about some poor excuse she probably had. For example, "let me guess, you've sworn off men and prefer to cuddle with your teddy bear". Then again, you might have been better off challenging her more directly when she said she couldn't: "I bet you can. Give me your number and we'll grab a drink later in the week."

Absolutely, I just started challenging older women after the cold approach last week and boy what a difference! For example, last Thursday when I opened an older girl and she started walking away I said, "Don't you still want to talk?" She complied by walking back to me and shook my hand! I like the phone number example, its more demanding than what I had used before to request a date.

Body language, vibe, tone of voice matter with older women. The more relaxed and indifferent to their presence the more you become attractive in their eyes. You probably don't give off the vibe of "experience" and they pick up on it. You may dress older but your eyes probably betray your age, thus they think you are trying to run game or see them as easy prey which they hate. Also, they know the game more than you because they are older and have played it and been played many times already, that's what i'm referring to in terms of seeing through your experience. Being well dressed, having tight fundamentals, using very seductive words, and going direct are key in gaming older women/MILF's

Eternity, I'm starting to see what you mean by a vibe of experience. I think I can make the quickest change by opening with a better compliment. For example, today I directly approached an older, athletic blonde while shopping and complimented that she looked cute. After blowing out and being laughed at, I realized that the compliment was not age appropriate. If I want to be seen as more sophisticated and above my age, I should be using a sexier vocabulary.

I'm gonna read one of Chase's article about compliments and give it another go. What do you think about the different compliments?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Save them for when u need them. Ironically, what doesn't work with young girls works well with older women such as small talk. Situation openers are great here, something simple and if she smiles at you first when you approach take it as a green light to approach her and say something like "How's your day going", "Long day huh?", "You must really like .... (if she's at a magazine rack)" and transition into either compliments or deep diving if she's receptive. Of course, when you have more experience then you can play with going direct like complimenting her eyes, body, ect. You'll know if she likes you if she keeps the conversation going. Though if they keep laughing at you it's probably because you have a 16-17yr old face most likely, I'm 21 but look 26-28 because i have rugged, gritty look. So perhaps it's best to get your experience with the younger crowd first and then try older women. Once you have that, they will seek out your attention, believe me. Besides, young pussy is the best pussy out there period.

P.S- Check out the "Make women wet with your words" article on the main site, it might help improve your vocab.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Aug 9, 2013
Save them for when u need them. Ironically, what doesn't work with young girls works well with older women such as small talk. Situation openers are great here, something simple and if she smiles at you first when you approach take it as a green light to approach her and say something like "How's your day going", "Long day huh?", "You must really like .... (if she's at a magazine rack)" and transition into either compliments or deep diving if she's receptive.

I've had the same experience as well . Looking through my journal, I've had longer conversations with older women going indirect-direct than direct. The conversation I posted was pretty long for a older woman cold-approach.

Though if they keep laughing at you it's probably because you have a 16-17yr old face most likely, I'm 21 but look 26-28 because i have rugged, gritty look.

I'm pretty much at my limit for looking older: facial hair, professional clothes, pompadour hair - not really sure what I can improve on. However, the ones that do screen ask if I'm 25 and I'll lie and say nope, 26 ;) A usual reaction would be, "OMG, I HAVE to tell my friends about this! What are you, like 25?"

Still, I'm usually dealing with a 10-20 yr. age difference and it's probably hard for them to tell. They probably just cluster all young people together. For example, being out of college now, it's hard for me to notice what even high school kids look like. At the gym I will see a high schooler wear their class shirt and think to myself, "Man, that guy can't be older than 12."

So perhaps it's best to get your experience with the younger crowd first and then try older women. Once you have that, they will seek out your attention, believe me. Besides, young pussy is the best pussy out there period.

Strangely enough, I can't get a date with a girl my age (probably b/c I see them only at danceclubs and concerts). All of the dates/lays I've had after starting this program have been between 27-31. Sexual prime maybe? Before this post I had the opposite line of thinking: older girls will be easier to get experience with - then I'll go for the younger ones. Probably b/c I was so awkward with younger women before I found GC, they just seemed like harder targets.

Eternity, this has given me a lot to think about. Thanks again your your help man!