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OR  Older Women


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
There's two particular moments during this week that i've noticed older women (40-50) have been giving me strong eye contact when i was shopping or at an event. My guess is that these women are even married w/children old enough to be my age (20). I know this happens to some guys here but its really never happened to me much and was somewhat taken aback when i saw them looking at me intensely, also left me wishing they were younger and unattached because i think chasing them would be a bit weak on my part because i know i should be aiming for better.

Short Versions:
Dollar Store- I was at the dollar store and as soon as i walked in i noticed an older, attractive blonde women (40-48 my guess) stare at me and smile seductively. It wasn't friendly, i knew that stare and smile by heart and instinctively knew she was checking me out. Even as i made my way through another aisle she kept looking at me hard ( she was about to check out). A lot of thoughts flashed through my head as i walked. One, i was both flattered and a bit embarrassed because i didn't know how to react towards this since its never happened to me. Plus i didn't want to look as weird or creepy if responded in the same way towards her, especially with other customers there. Two, it temporarily boosted my ego because i felt like an attractive/desired man in that moment because it never really happened to me with older women. Three, i wished it was a hot blonde/brunette who was giving me this attention instead of this older lady.

Library Event- I was w/my parents looking to check out some movies to watch for today and we walked in we realized there was a big event for children because of the upcoming holiday. Anyway, i'm looking for movies before the live music begins and my eyes catch another pair of eyes observing me. I look up and see this older, attractive women whose age i placed at maybe 50 give or take 3 yrs looking at me strongly, smiling a bit. I look away and ignore her since im thinking she's either here w/ grandchildren or with other children and it feels wrong to stare if she is. I walk around her and feel her gaze follow me and again the same feelings of above kick in. Finally, i sit down in some chairs behind her and watch the musicians play. I see her stand up and walk towards the bathroom (which im close to) and i gotta say i snuck a look at her and was somewhat impressed w/her body. She had an hourglass figure with a nice chest and stomach to rival some of the younger ladies there. She gave me one last look as i pretended not to notice and after a few minutes was gone and i didn't see her again.
She walked with style and an air of class surrounded her. I was impressed with all this and her fashion sense but i sincerely wished she was younger so i could flirt back without feeling weird or creepy for doing so.

So far these two events happened to me... Anything similar happened to you?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
All. The. Time. Matter of fact, this was the exact case with [Tina] I don't know what it is about my appearance/vibe that gets the 38-50 y.o. set bothered and hot, but it does. Matter of fact, I was systematically sexually harassed by a 44 y.o. at the first office job I had...yeah.

Even as a teenager, older women have always been very warm toward me for some reason, with no prompting at all. Not something to really brag about (bit embarrassing, even), so I haven't mentioned it before. Now if only I could reproduce this effect with the 25-35 crowd, hmm...(lol)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Maybe we look very mature for our age and thats what draws them in...


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
It has happened to me as well, not that I would go after them myself. It's quite common in other cultures particularly France where Older women/Younger men flirt. Its not a bad thing of course, in all honesty you could practice with them in terms of flirting I suppose. It never hurts to keep your skills sharp. ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Just_Dave said:
It never hurts to keep your skills sharp. ;)
- True that... Would you get physical w/her though if u had the chance?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Eternity said:
Just_Dave said:
It never hurts to keep your skills sharp. ;)
- True that... Would you get physical w/her though if u had the chance?

I use to work in a grocery store, and some of the moms I would see would just be drop dead gorgeous. My answer would be yes because she would be so experienced in her ways in pleasing men. ;)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
I use to work in a grocery store, and some of the moms I would see would just be drop dead gorgeous. My answer would be yes because she would be so experienced in her ways in pleasing men. ;)

Even if they were in their late 40s or early 50s would u go 4 it? That lady from the library event in my OR definitely had something to her that attracted me to her after repeatedly looking at her. Just had this "vibe" to her that i dug. Ever had something similar take this effect on u?


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Eternity said:
I use to work in a grocery store, and some of the moms I would see would just be drop dead gorgeous. My answer would be yes because she would be so experienced in her ways in pleasing men. ;)

Even if they were in their late 40s or early 50s would u go 4 it? That lady from the library event in my OR definitely had something to her that attracted me to her after repeatedly looking at her. Just had this "vibe" to her that i dug. Ever had something similar take this effect on u?

Hey man that's why somebody out there invented lube. ;) Sometimes these women just want to feel sexy and get attention because their husbands forgot how actually beautiful they were along the way. When I was 17 in Australia , I had this 28 year old hitting on me in the hostel I stayed at. If was a little more experienced I would've gone for it. The signs of interest were there, and she wasn't playing around with me. She was there just looking for fun nothing serious. I thought she was playing and never actually went for it. However, you never know until you tried and they don't want it you'll know for certain.

You'll never know how good a Mustang really is until you drive one.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
You'll never know how good a Mustang really is until you drive one.

HA! Made me laugh!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take