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Socializing  One good thing about gen z and virgins.....


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Back in the days to get a virgin, minimum couple of months to a year, usually they would wait till prom night, the dude needed to be a boyfriend and dating for a while....

A player friend of mine off the forum got a virgin second meet, first meet got a bj from club, i was really impress and thought he was lying full of shit, till he posted pics "he told me nah it was game as usual, her friends gave it up and she did not want to give it up to a civilian she was seeing, so she gave it up to me ", when i was giving him high five, another player @pancakemouse told me he got virgin from tinder, and bismark also got another virgin from cold approach....

I personally since i am from generation x screen out virgins, but never again.... These girls are biz like usual, no super neediness, no super attachment, no we are living happily ever after stuff...

My theory is they are watching porn from early age and all the religious pressure they had in the days gone... Also i believe since girl are not waiting till marriage to give it up cause marriage obsolete cause people getting marriage till much much older...

also the divorces kids are left alone, if you watch gen x players movies you can see how gen x players avoid virgins, good sample in entourage or here in wedding crashers:

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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Nov 20, 2012
Back in the days to get a virgin, minimum couple of months to a year, usually they would wait till prom night, the dude needed to be a boyfriend and dating for a while....

These girls are biz like usual, no super neediness, no super attachment, no we are living happily ever after stuff...

also the divorces kids are left alone, if you watch gen x players movies you can see how gen x players avoid virgins, good sample in entourage or here in wedding crashers:

You know...

I didn't log onto GC for about 5 days because @Chase responded to my post and I realize that i cannot just respond to his post casually, because my message will be off.

If everyone has been paying attention in the forums during 2021 and 2022, almost all of our conversations, our posts, literally every fucking thing is now 'where the rubber hits the road'.


Did Covid actually accelerate, amplified our topics being out to the world? Because I have ordinary mainstream friends finally waking up seeing things. (Non dating stuff)

Are virgins easier or are we being lied upon or is just the nature of cultural upbringing?

Are Gen Z girls more "easier", non needy, non attached or they have more problems under the hood of the car?

Are Guys here having more sex, more girls, more success or is it just all Instagram?


I been thinking about this for pretty much the last few years. Personally I'm kinda on a collision course with Chase.

Chase is the 'objective/tangible/quantifiable/male' worldview while
I am the 'faith/intangibles/unquantifiable/female's worldview'.

I hope that I am up to the task so that everyone in Girlschase.com, can benefits from the 'clash'.

Sidenote: if our conversations were in real life



Modern Human
Modern Human
Mar 16, 2020
Gen Z girls are way easier and less clingy, there's no two ways about it. Gen X was so much harder back in the day and I was dating Gen X in Miami, Philly, Manhattan.

I do think porn has made it easier for girls to have ONS or just start a FWB with a guy they met, esp on a relative basis. {ofc there were always girls like this}