Come on bro. How many hot chics have you talked to? 99% of hot chics I have talked to give very bad conversations. I can even go as far as to say that hot chics tend to be (not always) evil. Don't misinterprete this as women hating. I don't hate women, just stating a pattern I noticed. When it comes to conversations, it's a bad idea to practice on hot chics. The chics I find to have good conversations are avg, to below avg looking. I've talked to a lot of people, and I find that if the vibe is not there, and 90% of the time, it's not, then it's best to just walk away. And the 90% is with a mixed bag of males, and females. When it comes to hot chics, I'd say that 99% of the time, the vibe isn't there, unless there's a mutual attraction. And I'd say, if I went into a busy street in NY, 1% of the females would be attracted to me, and vice versa. Honestly, I think that when I'm talking to someone, and she isn't contributing anything of value, then I don't know what I'm still doing there. People always talk about men of high value, but we should be looking for women with high value more than anything else. Walking away from hot chics with no personality also tells me that I have standards, and that I'm not just looking for some random cute chic to date, which is a mistake that alot of pua make. Another mistake pua make is they are trying to be someone they're not in order to impress a chic. People always tell you to be yourself, and if you're trying to modify your conversations to please a female, then something is wrong. If you're an anime nerd, then be that anime nerd. Find yourself a female who is an anime nerd. We all grown men here, we know how to have conversations. All of us do, and we do it all the time, even with people who work in stores, and security guards, and yea, we do get better with conversation when we practice, but If there's no chemistry between us, I find that talking with hot chics is one of the most annoying things on earth. And I don't think I've ever gained anything by stretching out a conversation with a hot chic. In fact, I just say to myself. Damn, I just lost 10 minutes of my life here talking to someone who contributed nothing to my life. A lot of times, I will just say dumb things so she will end the conversation with me. A lot of guys want to say they're the prize, or they're high value, but if you are, then you definitely won't be talking to some female if you believe it wont be leading anywhere. A smart salesman is someone who knows when someone's actually going to buy something. He can sense if you will buy something or not. It saves him a lot of time and allows him to focus on real customers. A dumb salesman will waste his time on a customer who isn't even going to buy anything while allowing for the genuine customers to slip away because he was wasting his time on the fake customer. A smart male will say hi to a female, and within 1 minute, he will know if it will lead to something or not. Heck, if you look at the smart salesman, he won't even need to talk to you to know if you're going to buy something. He just looks at the way you carry yourself, and he will know. With females, it's kind of similar. Obviously, some females are shy, and don't know how to act in front of males, but if she is normal, then she will make it known to you that she is interested. I went through long periods of time where I would just say what I say, see if she asks for my socials. If she doesn't, I just leave, because honestly, I thought it was just too thirsty for me to be begging for socials. If she's into what your saying, into your style, she gonna ask for socials. It's the era that we live in. I had females ask for my socials even when I'm asking for directions. For example, I'm at the college campus. I ask her where the gym is. She tells me. Then she asks me if I'm a freshman. Just that question alone indicates some kind of interest, meaning that the conversation can go further. A lot of pua try to force it, which is a big mistake. I know a bunch of puas, and they get lots of numbers. But remember this. Just because a chic gives you her number, doesnt mean she's ever going to call you back. So you can use all the riz you want, but at the end of the day, if she wasn't into you, she aint gonna call you. High value men don't need tactics. All you gotta do, and all I do is, say hi, ask their name, and if they are friendly, then I continue as if I was talking to anyone else. Where you from? What's your job, etc. If they're not friendly, then I'm gone after she gives her name. And believe me, I've gone down that route of trying to trick a female into liking me, and even though I slept with some females, it really wasn't worth it. I'm still thinking, instead of wasting my time trying to shag these broads that weren't even really into me, I could be spending my time with females who matched my energy, not just for 1 hr, or 1 day, but for days, and weeks. I am looking for repeat customers, not a fly by night.