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LR  Online Dating Pull

sociably genY

Space Monkey
space monkey
Oct 27, 2013
Hi All -

I have been fairly quiet on these forums over the last few weeks but after my trip back to NJ I decided to post some field reports! One of which was a LR with a girl online about a year ago when I still lived in NJ, but never actually met her in person. She randomly messaged me about 3 weeks ago after I was shuffling some pictures around on FB.

her: hey whats up
me: what's up?
her:Nothing just hangin out..bored as hell. How are you doing? How's school
me: I'm well actually out with friends. And I graduated!
her: ohh awesome! lol are you seeing anyone?
me: I am not, why do you ask trying to sweep me off my feet?
her: maybee 0:)
me: Well how do you plan on accomplishing this task?
her: I'm not sure yet...but I will definitely figure something out
me: Well perhaps we should start with a night out together
her: Okay! lol Would you wanna do that?
me: Maybe Im pretty busy the next few weeks but i think i can make some time
her: OK lmk I guess
me: I will What's your phone number?

It was a relatively short exchange but provided a strong chase frame that she set up on herself. All i had to do was keep it rolling. So I finally met her last Monday and took her out for Margaritas at this well known mexican place near her house. The date lasted for about 2.5 hours. She is clearly qualifying me for a bf at this time which I remind her that I live in DC and it would be tough. She reminds me that she'd visit, but I deflect most of her advances. Most of the conversation was a continuation of the FB talk. A number of times I tell her that she is trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me, which she playfully responds with a denial. We talk mostly about her future, life, likes, & dislikes. We really talk about everything, and then we start making fun of the waiter cause it looks like he is hitting on a few ladies to our right. (People watching is a great date idea btw)

After I pay I lead her out of the restaurant by her back. I pull her close cause it is cold outside telling her that I can keep her warm. As we get into the car she asks if she wants to watch a movie at her house. She tells me that she's in the basement and its private. I literally can't believe how easy she is making it but I agree as long as its a horror movie ;)

So we arrive at her house, this next part made the initial kiss extremely easy...

me: So am I am good driver right?
her: Yea you're pretty good!
me: Good thing I didn't drink too much or you'd probably do bad things to me.
her: haha yes (As she was turned away preparing to get out)

I basically stopped what I was doing, waited for her to face me and pulled her in for a kiss which was seamless. So we make out for a bit and I forced myself to hold off on the escalation until we got inside!

We proceed to go into the basement and relax. She puts a movie on and I just lay down on her bed almost immediately telling her its my bed. She plays along and puts the movie on. We watch something, but I can barely remember. Basically we are cuddling for about 20 minutes when I notice her nodding off, so I turn and start to make out with her and escalate from there. The only sad part is, the condom I brought was old and the lube was basically all dry so the sex was hampered by an old condom. Lesson learned here, but I plan on enjoying this girl for a bit ;)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 1, 2013
Cool! Nice when it she almost does all the work for you, eh? I used to do a lot of online dating, and I had a story like this, where we got drunk together at a beer garden and she invited me home for another round, made out while watching a documentary about mummies (boner killer!) and then got it on. The nice thing about online dating is that you get numbers without much rejection, which helps boost your confidence when you are getting started. You know the girl has a modicum of interest when you meet her, makes it easier to get things rolling.