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Openers  Opening ,Slow opening, some question and Sp


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Hi all
I'm really into perfecting my approche skills, i'm in the stage that i can passe my approache anxiety and going to a girl, and opening her with a direct opener. It took me time and mantal work, but know this is no longer a problem.But if i juts count in my direct opener, i'm reducing my chances with many girls, only to the ones who find me alerady "physically, their type", and in the situation where i'm now, this is not the smartest this to do. So i'm looking for a way too hook girls indirectly and naturally in a norma conversation.
In my resareches, i discovered bonus book of chase "slow opening" wich gived me solid insight on opening and how to make them better and not worse.
And he give also a technique for opening that i found pretty strategic and smart:

1)Brief situational or low-intensity genuine interest opener ->2) pause, break conversation and let ete contact drift away ->3)reopen four to six seconds later, this time fullu engaging.

Even if it's clear, i have little question for using it better:
-Any more exemples of its use?
-The first part (1) must end with a statement, as it is said in the book, does this must be done after the girl answer or befor?
2-When you re open "fully" engaging, what's the best way to do it..another question, another comment?I know that the situation depends, but a little general guidline could be very helpfull.
3-What's the best way to start this opener with a direct-genuine interest ?And don't blow it off?-
4-Whats the best way to hook the girl after this opener?

Her are my questions, hope some will help me, and this post help others!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013

1)Brief situational or low-intensity genuine interest opener ->2) pause, break conversation and let ete contact drift away ->3)reopen four to six seconds later, this time fullu engaging.

If at all possible, don't break eye contact (for 4-6 seconds) after opening because it comes off as a bit disrespectful, and can actually do some damage to the pick-up.

Generally, we use eye contact breaking, and diverting our attention elsewhere to get a girl to invest more heavily to get our attention back, when you do that early on, it's as if you are dismissing her immediately, and she loses interest.

Another thing is, if you open situational-y and break eye contact/conversation for a few seconds, during that pause or silence, the girl wonders why you're still there if she already answered your question, like a "Okay, what does this guy want?"

-The first part (1) must end with a statement, as it is said in the book, does this must be done after the girl answer or befor?
2-When you re open "fully" engaging, what's the best way to do it..another question, another comment?I know that the situation depends, but a little general guidline could be very helpfull.
3-What's the best way to start this opener with a direct-genuine interest ?And don't blow it off?-
4-Whats the best way to hook the girl after this opener?

2 - When fully engaging, it's best to direct your body language to her. Chest towards her, head toward her, feet pointing in her direction, eye contact... etc.

3 - Direct openers like "Hey, I saw you walking, and I couldn't help but notice how incredibly cute you are..." and go from there <-- I used that a lot when I was starting

4 - There's no way to "hook" a girl with a universal line, "hooking" a girl comes when you find a common interest with her and expand on it (deep dive). If she says something you relate to, dive into that topic and connect with her, let her know you understand what she's talking about. On the flip-side, if you say something and she seems to enjoy it (her eyes widen, her stance suddenly changes, her face lights up) then reward her ;)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 10, 2013
I think the "slow opening" thing only actually works when you're somehow "stuck" with a girl.

Elevators -and you need a couple of floors-, queues, maybe sitting close by in a train, maybe even at a traffic light, as long as it just turned red -or you look like chasing if you run back next to her once the green lights up-

I don't think you can use it very effectively when you actually walk up to a girl or in more fluid situations like walking, but I'd be glad to get some other opinions.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Right - in high energy "walk up to the girl and open" pickups, you'd use something direct, and not a slow open. e.g., street stops, walking straight up to a girl at a bar, etc.

However, anywhere where you can open a girl casually, make an impact, break away for a short duration, and wade back in you can use it. The higher energy the area, the more finesse is required - e.g., dance floor, vs. waiting in line - but still very doable if you're coming across smoothly and confidently (the key here is clean, slow eye contact breaks - if they're jerky or look sudden or hesitant, it looks like the break was caused by fear or uncertainty or not knowing what to say, rather than smooth nonchalance).

This one's nice for situations where you want to open but don't want to risk a big blow out for whatever reason, say because it'll be awkward (you're stuck sitting next to her for a while), or because you don't have anything you'd feel confident saying very directly then and there and you're not otherwise working on being very direct.



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Aug 7, 2013
Chase said:
Right - in high energy "walk up to the girl and open" pickups, you'd use something direct, and not a slow open. e.g., street stops, walking straight up to a girl at a bar, etc.

However, anywhere where you can open a girl casually, make an impact, break away for a short duration, and wade back in you can use it. The higher energy the area, the more finesse is required - e.g., dance floor, vs. waiting in line - but still very doable if you're coming across smoothly and confidently (the key here is clean, slow eye contact breaks - if they're jerky or look sudden or hesitant, it looks like the break was caused by fear or uncertainty or not knowing what to say, rather than smooth nonchalance).

This one's nice for situations where you want to open but don't want to risk a big blow out for whatever reason, say because it'll be awkward (you're stuck sitting next to her for a while), or because you don't have anything you'd feel confident saying very directly then and there and you're not otherwise working on being very direct.


Hi after beign using it a little woth situational opener, i want to try it wiht "Direct, genuine interest", and in the ebook it seems that it is possible to do a slow opening with direct but not more infirmation is given :

Brief situational or lowlow low8 88 8intensity intensity genuine
intererst opener pause, break
conversation and let eye contact drift away
---> reopen four to six seconds later, this
time fully engaging. time fully engaging.

What is a Low intensity, can anyone give some exemples?

I'm asking this cause i feel always better in term of motivatiob when i go direct, and the slow openiung seems the solution to balance it!!!
