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OR/FR: Made a hot girl nervous


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 20, 2012
Note: This is a bit of both (OR/FR), since the girl i mention works at the bank i frequent often, so not really a new girl that was met. Interestingly, this happened today which rarely happens in my interactions with girls i usually see. Albeit, i'm still rusty because i haven't gamed in a while but the motivation and urge is seething underneath, waiting for me to unleash who i used to be in the past...

The interaction

Walked into the bank, eyes aloof and distant, going to cash my work check and get some cash for the weekend. I sign it and spot the 9 working behind the counter. She's helped me out before usually all business except some polite smiles and typical "customer service" these girls spit out. But i dig her, i want her, and imagined the first time i saw her walking into the bank in those tight pants showing off perfect hips and a beautiful round ass which is a terrible weakness with women i have. I approach her for a transaction and it begins to hit me- A.A, at my core. Suddenly i feel inadequate to interact with her, i'm wearing my dirty work clothes, shoes and my hair is uncombed and messy. But i need to cash my check so i proceed but still feel my heart beat, hands shake, and voice getting squeakier. "Shit:, i think to myself. Hired gun game is my forte and i'm feeling this right here, right now. No! fuck it! i have flirted with girls as hot as her and this shit will not bring me down because i don't get nervous with hired guns or girls who i interact every now and then.

I calm myself down say my piece about cashing my check, giving her my best bored look that i can muster though i look like shit and it hangs heavily on my mind and look around while i give her my I.D and debit card. "So, once again its all business"- i think to myself, straining to think of a good interesting topic so i can deep dive her quickly and efficiently but nothing comes to mind. She gives me back cash and i impulsively state: "Can i have it split into two different amounts" She looks at me and says sure and start counting it separately, then loses her count once, then twice, starts to blush and says "I'm so sorry, i just, i'm so confused- mumbling incoherently" I step in and say: "let me help you, i hold on to this amount and you count the other". She agrees, smiles at me and finally gives me the right amounts. I begin to think maybe her mistake was due to her thinking something positive about me, like "oh that guy that comes in every Thursday is cute" and made her mind wander and lost her count. I met many professional tellers male/female and when their mind is on their work they very rarely make one mistake much less two. Perhaps i can pull/close her later on.

So in conclusion, it felt good that the scripts changed and she was the one who got nervous and i was the one who kept his cool. Not much too learn from my interaction but felt i should write it down for the sake of posting a success, in my mind, that hot girls are not immune to nervousness and also fall flat on their feet in front of guys who think it will be the opposite. Yeah, i didn't # closed or f-closed but i'm taking it one step at a time and shaking off that rust of my game.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake