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OR/FR: Using Old Flames to Light New Fires


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Just Dave here,

Disclaimer: I have a girlfriend but I find it highly important to practice my skills when she's not around ;)

Report Gist: I used my coworker who happened to be my ex girlfriend for pre-selection to attract other girls while still on the clock.
Girls ratings: Not the real names
Tess 7/10
Katie 8/10
Crystal 9/10 (main target)

Report itself:
It's about a 2:00PM I just finished deep diving with one of my coworkers named Tess. I hooked up with her best friend last summer and wanted to see if we were compatible. After about five minutes and Tess telling me about dull unimportant things to myself my ex girlfriend Katie shows up.Katie is a Peruvian Japanese mix girl, with a short black hair, and green eye shadow tattooed on her eye lids (yes it's tattooed).

Katie: Julie sent me to help you guys
Tess: There's not much to do
Dave: silently reading random touch on itouch

Katie sits right next to Dave. Suddenly Crystal walks in with knee high boots, long brown hair, rosy cheeks, tight blue jeans, and a scarf. She was working the counter. I was thinking of her working my cock. Her boots were amazing so I was going to go with that opener. However the set up of the room has chairs aligned on the wall, and a giant desk where Crystal sat. The phone was ringing constantly so my timing would have to be perfect.

Dave looks down at Katie's kindle: What are you looking at
Katie: Blah Blah Blah *moves closer to Dave to show him*
Dave silent using a mix of intrigue and skeptical looks. A few bored looks from time to time
Katie: What do you like?
Dave: *Takes Katie's kindle pulls up website of poetry he's written*
Katie: Wow, this stuff is really sweet and your picture are amazing
Dave: *Moves Katie's head on his shoulder*
Crystal gets off the phone
Dave: Excuse me miss at the counter
Crystal: *looks up* Yes?
Dave: I wanted to tell you for sometime now but you were on the phone.
Crystal: Really? what is it?
Dave: Your boots have to be the most amazing boots I've seen all day. I'm Dave
Crystal: Wow, that was really sweet. I'm Crystal
Katie: *Her head still on Dave's shoulder as Dave does his thing*

Techniques used:
Iron giant (Future post coming soon)
Deep Dive
Skeptical, bored, and seductive look
Body Language I was pretty relaxed and chilled in my seat
Voice tone was major hear

Like I said before I was doing this for practice, so a number would've been dead to me because of my girlfriend. I'll be banging her later on today ;) The point of the report is using your ex for pre-selection. Also, using your job to meet new attractive girls. Girls are like man this guy is hot and he remains on good turns whether we happen or not.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
Re: OR/FR Using Old Flames to Light New Fires

Hey Dave!

Interesting post, I've tried using my ex for preselection too! The responses you get are typically quite warm, it's great ;). Looking forward to your post on Iron Giant!



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 21, 2012
Re: OR/FR Using Old Flames to Light New Fires


Looks like you did it right man. I am a bit of an amoral motherfucker, so I might've been tempted to act on this girl even with a girlfriend, but thats just me haha, and I'm assuming your girlfriend is worth being faithful to if you are with her; I've only cheated on a girlfriend once, and it was out of spite, in front of her, when I was shitfaced (I find that many of my major mistakes tend to begin or end with the words "when I was shitfaced...").

Work, I find, is also a good place to practice game (I usually don't like to mix work and sex, so I typically just tease the girls at my place of work with the possibility rather than actually follow through on it, unless a particularly sexy girl comes around...).

As for using an ex for preselection...this has only worked for me well a couple times, with one ex (the only girlfriend I ever had that I actually had feelings for past "damn I need that ass"); though I attribute this more to the fact that I tend to fuck up my serious relationships eventually (I have a problem with ending relationships; so sadly I usually just end up distancing myself until she ends it or just unceremoniously dumping her out of the blue), so if I brought most of my exes along they would be more likely to try and fuck me over or try to retrieve me for themselves.

That being said, I can see how it could work pretty well if the ex you used was a friend who was willing to help you out.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take