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Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012

Today I was out and I think I've become better well read. I noticed that on the dance floor I'm more relaxed and my body language is better controlled.

After standing back for a bit, a girl came close and I got her to talk to me by pre opening. Eventually, some other guy came round and began trying to talk to her. She left both of us. When I found her later, she still seemed eager to talk but when I asked her to move and give me a kiss on the cheek, she reclined.

The other girl came talking to me...

You know what, today was a good day.! No lay but I got some numbers and flirted openly. The thing I didn't seem to have was much investment in moving. But some girls hooked and talked longer than others.

I also didn't get any of them to like thE idea of going home. I found this girl who spent time talking to me but then began expressing her faith to me etc., so since we could relate, it seemed like the seduction went out the window lol. However she made some nice chitchat and I left.

The last girl was French and after talking for a bit, we exchanged numbers..and she said I should text her. I didn't think she'd follow thru even though she was pre opened. Also I think with her I went a little too indirect. So to treat that,I blew her a kiss on her hand. after I got in the car,I fired off a text to her.

This pussy r might seem a bit scattered. I'll rework it when I get on a computer. I'm using my phone atm.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers