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O's 180 day Journal


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 30, 2013
About me: Names Omar, just started third year of college. Like many fine individuals on this site, I signed up to the boards after a recent break up but, Ive been following chase's articles for a while. The relationship articles mostly. I have to say, I've gotten relationships figured out pretty well, and just got out of my most meaningful relationship to date, 9 and a half months. We broke up, because I made her feel too insecure. Didn't show any reassurance, my attraction had started fading from her being so clingy. Now that shes gone, it hurts, but I think it was for the best. I look at it this way, bright future, new women. Anyways, I'm new to the game and today was my first day out on the field legitly. 5'10", 165. Egyptian descent, on the attractive looking side. 20 years. Don't have my own place yet, my university is close and it's cheaper. Good with making friends with women,
social guy, people respect me. I'd like to say i have my fundamentals in check, at least until I actually talk to the woman lol

Short term goals:
-Cut down 15 pounds, while gaining muscle.
-Change jobs
-Straight A's in my classes
-Get my game better
-Start first by getting a number from an attractive girl
-Quit cigarettes
-Get over ex
-Approach atleast 10 women a day

Long term goals:
-Get an extremely athletic body
-Take home women
-Get my own place
-get my degree, and hopefully go to something in med

Purpose: To make something of myself, to travel and meet women, to change the world.

Day 1. August 31st, 2013
-Light red button up
-black guess jeans
-pair of black and white sperrys
-braided belt
-Seashell rosary
-3 cool looking bracelets from a tribal store, the small braided rope ones.

Approaches: 1

One thing to note about me, Ive studied so many articles of chase's and his ebook, took notes, the whole 9 yards, but today was my first day of field work. One week after the break up, decide to finally start clubbing. I want to get my game better and thought a club might as well be the first place to start. Worked all day, then got ready and went out with a friend. Wanted to go to roosevelts downtown but we decided it was too far and ended up going to some place called midnight rodeo. Turns out, deff not my kind of crowd. Half of them were in their 30's and they were all country lookin folk. I get in around 11:20, of course with x's on my hand since im 20. Walk around with my friend for a bit, find my friend morgan and sit down with her. We talk, as i watch the people in the middle dance. A bit after, her roommate comes and joins us, but she was fat af, so I shook her hand, introduced myself and looked back to where I was looking. Circled around the place one more time, looking straight and not letting my eyes search. Move to the back with my friend, noticed a cute girl who kept stealing glances at me by the bar. She was with her two friends, and I had no idea how to approach them so I walked past her and circled around the place again. Finally saw her leaning against porch around the dance floor in the middle. Came up next to her, and leaned against the porch the same way.

Extremely nerve wrecking but finally Came and stood next to her leaning on the porch. Started off TRYING to pre-open with the nudge, but it was kinda awkward. I gave her a little hip bump but then for some reason i thought I didnt do it hard enough so I did it again. Turned my head slowly and caught her eye contact, but some retarded reason I didnt say anything. She looked away, and I looked away, Then a second after I looked at her again, FORGOT to use direct game and just went with hey im omar (full contact body language) and shook her hand. Here is the convo somewhat:

ME: Hey I'm omar nice to meet you, shakes her hand.
HER: Hey Im (forgot her name) nice to meet you.
ME: So hows your night going
HER: Its going good
ME: Thats good, (smiles and head nods) So is this what you usually do for fun, come out to clubs like this?
HER: Yeah Ive gone here a couple times
Then the rest of the conversation is blurry but what I do remember is that for some reason I asked her how close she was to her friends when she said she was waiting for them,
then she mistook it for me asking her how far she lived from there and said ten minutes. I also asked her how old she was for some reason. And finally, She told me she
was gonna get into the army and I deep dove a bit about that, asking if thats what she wanted to do forever, if she was going to college, and if she could travel anywhere where
would it be. She said costa rica and said it was poor and I dont know why, but I asked her if she would want to live there. It started feeling like an interview, with me just
asking her questions and her answering, she seemed uncomfortable. I asked her to get a seat with me but she said "she was fine where she was." I started off saying the place was boring when I meant to say isnt it getting boring just watching the dancers. Its probably the wrong thing to say anyways. I knew I had fucked it up right from the beginning, so I just walked out armpits sweating, and left the place. Went to my friends place and smoked a bit, then went home around 2 am.

Notes: Dont' start off with full open body language after pre opening. Don't hesitate, use a sexier smile. Don't make the nudge awkward. USE DIRECT OPENER AFTER PRE OPENING. stop saying so, so much. Be flirty, don't ask questions like how old they are. REMEMBER 8 questions to ask a girl by case. Don't make it feel like an interview. Don't give up after having one fail. Still proud of myself for overcoming that approach anxiety for the first time in my life.

Tomorrow: Approach women at coffee shops and bookstores, practice day game. Memorize 8 questions, and learn how to not make it feel like an interview.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 30, 2013
Day 2. September 1st, 2013
-white oxford button up from polo
-slim Blue jeans from armani
-pair of blue and white sperrys
-braided belt
-3 cool looking bracelets from a tribal store, the small braided rope ones.

Approaches: 0

Today was a fail. I woke up around 2 pm, slightly hungover from last night. Stayed indoors till 5 feeling sorry for myself and shit, almost didnt go out. Thought to myself that im being way too lazy and Im never gonna get anywhere If I dont go out, I want this, bad. So I showered, got ready, and made my way to the gym. Talked to the woman about memberships, 35 a month not bad. Gonna go tomorrow and join. After that, I googled coffee shops near by and saw some place called kosmos was down the street. Went there, and walked around, practicing my sexy walk and posture looking around for it. After ten minutes, I couldnt find it, so I made my way back to the car. Lost my car for a bit lol, but I eventually found it and made my way to a Starbucks one exit down. Went inside with posture and sexy walk, noticed actually getting lots of glances from people, went in with a buck 49 and when i got the bartista I realized I forgot to bring money and couldnt even get a small coffee. Annoyed at myself, I went back home, got a dollar, and not letting myself be discourged I went back to a Starbucks close to my house. Got a grande coffee and sat down looking at my phone. At first I didnt see any women who were sitting around, but I decided to wait. The cute blonde working there kept giving me glances, so Id meet her eyes and then look away and smile, but shed end up cutting eye contact first. I had no idea how to approach someone working and she looked busy so I continued just looking at my phone and straight ahead as if lost in though. After a few minutes, one of the people who worked there got on break and had sushi on one of the side tables. I sat there with my coffee and looking straight ahead trying to catch any glances, and I saw her look at me once or twice, and I just smiled ahead and looked back down. One thing to note was that Im pretty sure she wanted me to talk to her. She brushed past behind me to throw something in the garbage, not once, but twice. It had to mean something. Eventually I mustered up the courage and got up and brushed past her and went to the bathroom like an idiot. Came back out, and sat one table ahead of her facing her.

The layout was like this

. <her
. <Moved here

I kept looking to my left trying to see if shed glance at me, but she didnt even look up.Or atleast not when I could see, Im pretty sure she could see me from her peripherals. Anyways, I realized I had to preopen her but had no idea how to do that from where I was sitting, I couldnt even do the glance and smile. Feeling like an idiot and thinking I had already fucked up by sitting that far away, I just left feeling dumb. I came back home and got an invite from my friend to a pool party. I had a bottle and was excited to go, but then a bit later he text-ed me saying people were already leaving and it had been a full day party apparently and then said hes not going. Damn. Stayed at home, lit up some incenses and meditated. Also tried EFT tapping, seeing how it was mentioned in chase's emotional freedom article. Now Im here. Im mad at myself for not approaching her, gonna make up for it tomorrow. Setting a goal, Atleast 5 approaches tomorrow. Can't get nervous. I hate how my heart starts beating fast and I feel all anxious.


Notes: Don't get nervous, don't over think, count 1 2 3 and go, ask questions later.

Tomorrow: Approach women at more coffee shops and bookstores, practice day game. Memorize 8 questions, and learn how to preopen women sitting down.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 30, 2013
Day 3. September 2nd, 2013
-Grey button up from guess
-Black from gucci
-pair of black and white sperrys
-braided belt
-Seashell Rosary
-3 cool looking bracelets from a tribal store, the small braided rope ones.

Approaches: 2

I'm disappointed in myself, but I count today as an improvement. For one, I beat my old approaching record, 1, lol. I spent a good 6 hours out today, and only had two approaches. So, I got to my friends place around 2, I told him that he should join me in trying to get better with women, and he agreed. So we went out to starbucks, got a coffee, realized not a single woman approachable there. There were all kids or old women, or families, so we left and went to a honda dealership. He wanted to buy a new car, so I sat in the lobby and waited, spreading out my arms a bit to show some presence. There was this cute girl working at the front desk, and I kept telling myself I'd approach her, and kept thinking about all these ways to do it, but I never did. She ended up getting off work, and I took too long and hesitated. Then, I
got tired of waiting for my friend as he was test driving some cars, so I went down a road close by, going to starbucks, a tea house, chickfila, and a baskin robins. All the girls there that were attractive were in big groups of people, and I felt like I wasnt ready to tackle that. Need to get my confidence up. Finally, I decided to go to the mall, where I thought to myself that I couldn't make anymore excuses. Started walking around there at like 4:30, sexy walk and posture the entire time. Circled around the entire mall atleast 20 times, not gonna lie. I did get plenty of glances, felt kinda good. Saw 2 girls who were actually friends of mine whom I havent seen in years. We talked for a bit, then she had to go, and I went on my way. Also was approached by some girl who was trying to get me to adopt a kid, but she turned out to be 25, started interviewing me, and I asked her like one question back. She started crossing her arms, so I told her to have a good day and left. I actually stuttered a bit in that conversation as well, need to be smoother. Saw this cute girl working at one of the middle gondola things, and I kept hesitating to approach her. My heart starts beating really fast, and I overthink so much, but I told myself to get it together and walked up to the gondola. She comes up to me and asks can I help you with something? Here is the convo:

Her: Can I help you with something? (smiles)
Me: Yeah, what do you sell here exactly?
Her: Laughs, well we sell proactive..
Me: (cutting her off like an idiot) I face towards her too fast, and look at her and smile and say: I'm Kidding, I thought you were cute and I came to say hi, I'm O"
I messed up the direct opener, should have said " I saw you standing here.. and just had to come and tell you... you have the most striking sense of fashion I've seen all day" .
Her: Oh thank you, I'm ____
Me: So do you like working here?
Her: Well its my first day, I actually just started, I use to work down at the (i forgot the store name) down there, ever been there?
Me: No, I've never even heard of it, well you sure look like you don't like it here, what do you actually wanna do?
(at this point, I'm literally all panic-y inside and I have no idea why. hearts beating super fast, sweating, thinking a million things and choke)
Her: I don't know! I've never really figured it out
Me: (choked) well it was nice meeting you, have a great day (smiles)

I don't know why I left, my mind starts going all haywire, I kept thinking of what to say, I couldnt even make the convo smooth. My mind started going blank, I kept
thinking I was saying the wrong things, tried speaking slowly but was a nervous wreck the entire time.

Notes: I need to get rid of that panicky feeling, and I feel the only way to do it is to approach more women. Also, get my direct opener right, don't over think. Let things
flow and be natural, need to get rid of the anxiety somehow. Don't let my voice falter when I'm asking a question, she wont bite me for fucks sakes. Turn slower towards her, don't look so eager, use a sexy smile when telling her shes cute.

Background continued: Anyways after that, I start circling around the place again, walk into the book store and look through the ailes but no one catches my eye except this one cute girl working at the frozen yogurt place inside the book store. I leave the book store, walk around again, then come back in, and this time go to the counter. I must've looked like an idiot because I went up and started looking at what was on the counter, and then this happenned:

Seduction 2:
HER: Hey welcome to yogurt mountain, can I help you with anything?
ME: (again like an idiot even though I told myself id say something different, I don't know why I fee so much pressure): Yeah, what do you guys sell here exactly?
HER: Yogurt
ME: I'm kidding, I thought you were cute and came to say hi, I'm O. (said the wrong thing again)
HER: Aw thank you! I'm ____ (she then goes on to take off one of her gloves while my hand stays in the air awkwardly, I pull it back waiting for her to take off the glove then she her hand)
(I start getting super panicky again, fuck)
Me: So do you like working here?
Her: yeah its fun, I dont do much
Me: (said the most retarded thing possible) : I applied to a frozen yogurt place like this actually called ____, they have the same gay green spoons, and I look down at the cups infront of her and grab one.
Her: What?
Me: its called ____ (Should have said forget it not important)
Her: Oh ive never even heard of that place
(at this point, her coworker whose a dude comes out and starts talking to me, fucking cockblocker)
Him: I have a friend that works there
Me: Oh thats pretty cool, then look back at her
Him: Yeah he says its not that great of a place to work
ME: Oh well Im gonna go check out your yogurt, later

Then I leave, I felt like such an idiot. I walked around the place for another hour, determined to find more women to approach, but the mall was clearing out, so at around 6:30, I left. I went to two coffee shops close to my house, and at the first one, there were no women. At the second one, there were 2 cute girls sitting at a table studying, and I sat on a chair facing them like 2 meters away, but they didnt even glance at me. Not even once, Im pretty sure. I didnt even try, feeling defeated and dissapointed in myself, as I had made my approach goal today 5 women, I left. I'm here now, and I'm gonna get off soon and lift some weights.

Notes: Learn how to deal with a cockblocker, dont point out things in the environment when Ive already opened, don't say something about myself if she hasnt even asked. Don't use the word "gay" . Again, learn how to stop panicking.

Tomorrow: Approach women at more coffee shops and bookstores, go back to the mall and practice day game for atleast 2 hours. Memorize 8 questions and learn how to smoothly transition and not choke, fix my direct opener, learn how to stop panicking, approach approach approach and practice, till I can stay calm with women.