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Outgamed by Mr Average?!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys, I'm friends with this guy who is Mr Average. He's overweight, badly dressed in loose, stretched out of shape clothes, stands with a slouch, stomach protruding and when he talks to chicks comes across very nice guy. There was a forum post with a picture of Mr Average, I can't find it anywhere now - think it was by DoWhatWorks?, and he looks the double of this picture! He's more an entertainer with chicks yet he has out gamed me with these two very hot chicks, and this is a horrible trend. After the first one I started to pay close attention, he must have been doing something that I can learn from, but he seems completely clueless, I guess he flies in under the radar.

Ironically, he's under the impression that I do very well with chicks because of the reactions I get, but I can't convert these reactions to results. After he's told me he's only got with one chick from night game, my results are better than that, but I still couldn't get near these chicks.

The first hot chick was friends with his chick friend, I was hoping the social proof would help but she acted like I was an ogre. She approached me and said sorry I'm socially awkward. I tried to talk back to her, and she recoiled and looked horrified, when I managed to speak to her, she shouted at me I have anxiety! And then stepped back. I decided not to push this one.

He then walked up to her and managed to have a conversation. She was happy for the incidental touching standing next to each other. She was a little standoff-ish to begin with but warmed up to him quickly where she recoiled in horror from me, after she opened me! Closed of body language, backing of, totally not interested though very receptive to him, I guess you can't win them all.

The second hot chick was friends with my wing woman Miss Tall, I got introduced to her and was hoping social proof and preselection would have helped. She hugged me when I went for a hug, gave me her hand, twirled for me, gave me a warm smile, but backed off straight after this putting some distance between us and her body language became closed off. That’s okay, I won't chase after her like a desperate needy guy for her attention, I have time.

My friend Mr Average approached her, got a hug and a seemingly warm response. She didn't back off from him, stood next to him and vibed to the song body rocking with him. She didn't know the words to one song and literally for the next 7 songs he proceeded to ask if she knew that one. It was cringe to watch. The whole thing seemed so forced watching him follow her about. However, whenever she stood next to me, she was very closed off, had her hand holding her drink up as a barrier between us but wasn't guarded around him.

At one point miss tall and her hot friend went to the bar, I stayed where I was, he downed his drink and run over to the bar to join them to keep talking to her. It looked so needy downing half a bottle and chasing after them, proceeding to buy both of their drinks. I couldn't believe how needy he seemed, how full on he was and yet she wouldn't give me time of day. Our other friend thought he was too full on, and he wouldn't get anywhere but he managed to number close her before she left. I don't know if he's sealed the deal with this chick yet, but she was much more responsive to him than she was to me.



Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
Sounds like maybe you went a little too strong with these girls and they quickly placed some barriers.
After that you didn’t have the skill to mellow those barriers down.
No big deal, that is a common problem among beginners/intermediates… need to work on your calibration.
Find a balance between being too direct (showing obvious interest) and being indirect (keeping some mystery).

It seems your friend acted like a safety net for these girls.
They night was feeling kinda “dangerous” for them (lot of players around) and then he came and gave them a comfortable experience.
They are not going to deny that, it also work for their social proof but I doubt your friend will get anywhere.
If he has as bad fundamentals as you mention, the number will probably be a dud.
Do you think these girls will care for him when they are back to normal life?

I don’t think your friend outgamed you… you’re just feeling that way because apparently he reached farther than you did.
But remember: reactions are not equal to results.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Thanks @ulrich I've been thinking the interactions over and I don't know how I could have come on too strong to the first chick. When she was introduced to the group she was at the other side of the "circle" and she waved, I waved back, she seemed closed off, so I socialised with the group to not scare the fish jumping in. I thought it worked when she came up to me and opened although she did only blurt out, she's socially awkward. When I tried to say something back, she recoiled in horror. I thought this is how typical conversations happen to socialise, she didn't recoil when he approached her.

The second chick I might have been too strong and asked for too much compliance going for a hug, taking her hand, and spinning her but she did willingly comply. My friend done the exact same thing but got a much warmer response, she stayed in set with him rather than running away. Chicks run away from me a lot. They run away so fast I don't have chance to calibrate, they'll run as early as the preopen.
I've tried standing around being passive to get them comfortable with me being near them, I've tried talking to them, I've tried dancing with them, I've tried pre approaching to get them used to the idea, I've tried being friendly and not being sexual with my touch or proximity, I've tried being more sexual with my touch and proximity, direct, indirect, body rocking, giving them space. I posted back in January about a chick that approached me and how she squeezed my hand so I squeezed hers back, she ejected and the feedback I got was I should have grabbed her ass to let her feel desired, she was clearly interested and wanted more than a hand squeeze. Even girls that approach me give me such a narrow window of opportunity.

Ironically I quoted the article you linked in my original post, I can get reactions but I can't results. I'm going to post about some two sets that approached me and I managed to screw up quickly, would appreciate your thoughts!
