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Overloaded, who here was in the same place?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 8, 2021
I want to know who on here was ever in the same place? I am in the process of starting at a much higher paid job and also beginning a side business of mine, which leaves me very busy and mentally strained now a days, so often times as I'm reading articles and replies here I feel too overloaded, which is the result of trying to think about too many different things at the same time. Shouldn't it be more like what Scarface said? First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the.... you know what.

So has anyone else ever been in the same place as me? Do you recommend ignoring PU for a while until getting settled in, or take a small amount of time aside to practice off to the side? I feel the problem with the second idea is that PU is a complex thing that practicing off to the side is not going to make a big impact on my learning process of PU. It may just be a waste of time to try to cram in some small practices. Because i know from prior experience that making a small amount of approaches doesn't do much to raise my understanding of what's going on in the bigger picture of PU. ATM I'm leaning more towards the first option since it's more important at the end of the day and it would give me one less headache.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 10, 2022
ron, I actually love your questions. They are questions i just gloss over and never ask myself about.

if you're too strained to read my response, my answer is...

No, you don't get the money, then the power, then the pussy.

Interacting with women is what we call a domain dependent skill. Getting money I feel fosters deeper attributes that could be useful in learning how to interact with women-- but it is not a replacement for those skills themselves.

Plenty of lonely, horny rich guys.

(Power might be another subject. That might be the real aphrodisiac. But just because you make money doesn't mean you have power. I dont want to talk about power rn)

Are you asking for opinions? I personally think you should ignore 'PU' altogether. Get yourself in the best mood possible, go out and socialize and interact with girls. When you run into a situation that is new to you, or something you fuck up or have questions about, go find knowledge.

Never stop doing this, to some extent. It is as essential as going to the gym. It took me a long time to realize this-- you must socialize, you need it to be healthy. Build your business, grind your grind, but take care of the base first of all-- sleep enough, eat correctly, stay hydrated, exercise/lift weights and socialize (with men for friendship and women for sexuality).

Don't worry bout most this shit. The stuff you're reading is by guys who have been interacting with women for years. They're talkin about precise angles to hold a paint brush. Right now you just need to fuckin paint pictures, use fuckin crayons if you have to, you don't need the subtle points that emerge from years of experience. It's too overwhelming, it takes too much experience to but it into perspective and context.

So acquire the skills you need only as you need them, and gather experience.

It's not always so hard to get a nut you enjoy. It may not be worth writing about to guys who only fuck sociopathic ethiopan models or whatever, but it's still pretty fun. You can fuck them later. why not go bang the grocery clerk in the meantime, lad.