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LR  Papi Takes Her Virginity

Hector Papi Castillo

Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 2, 2013
Hey boys,

Told you I'd post a second LR so here it is.

It was a strange night. I was in a strange mood. But then a buddy of mine who always brightens me up came to the bar I was at. The peeps I was with left and he and I headed into town. We danced around like fools at his favorite club and I got approached by a girl but her friend pulled her away, probably out of jealousy.

We left the bar and quickly glancing to my left, I see a cute brunette looking at me. I smile and look away.

She says something to me in Romanian. I stop and turn back to her.

"Sorry, what? I don't speak Romanian."

She smiles and says to me, "I love your hair" and reaches her hand out. I step to her and let her feel it. I meet her and her cousin. My buddy is a bit ahead of me so he comes to meet them. After a few minutes of talking he moves to the table next to us and stays on his phone to avoid any awkward moments with the cousin who isn't into him. Amazing wingman.

She's sitting on the chair while I'm kneeling next to her, but my knees are hurting so I tell her to stand up. she does, I sit down, and then I pull her onto my lap.

"good girl. sit in papi's lap."

She smiles and asks me if I'm her papi. I tell her yes. I bring up sex and she tells me she's a virgin. I tell her that I'm going to be the one to take her virginity and she tells me I'm not. She's 19. She's been going out since she was 16 or even earlier. These girls really are more conservative than their Western counterparts on average.

She gives me some shit, so I grab her face and kiss her. Her cousin is smiling.

I push VERY hard to bring her home, but to no dice. It' been 20-30 minutes now, so not wanting to keep my buddy waiting too long I decide to take her number. Not always great, but I'm working on keeping interest after hard pushes

It works.

me - this is Hector you're new lover [sic]

I send this to her while she's on my lap. She smiles and kisses me.

Ten minutes later, after I leave.

her - I love you! (kissy face)

her - (laughing emojis)

Me - do you miss papi already? (kissy face and laughing emoji)

Her - Of course (laughing emoji)

Me - I need to give you a nickname

Her - What nickname?

Me - I'm thinking (thinking emojis)

Me - my dirty nina (devil emojis)

Me - Nina sucia

Her - Ohhhh so sweeeeettt (laughing emojis)

Her - you know spanish too

Her - smart guy

Her - laughing emojis

Me - jajajajaj

Me - Say "papi, I'm your nina sucia"

Her - NO!

Me - if you keep being a b ad girl, im going to spank you

Her - Really? You're gonna have to do more than words

Her - (laughing emoji)

ME - is that a challenge?

Her - Just kidding (laughing emoji)

ME - good girl

Me- Papi loves you (kissy faces)

Her- Mami loves you too (see no evil emoji, kissy emoji)

Me - my little mami (two angel emojis, two devil emojis)

Her - (smily faces)

Me - Buenos noches mi amor (kissy faces)

Her - Night night (kissy face)

Her - Did I write well? I'm not sure (laughing emoji)

Me - you did. Papi is proud of you (kissy face)

Her - (laughing emojis and smiley)

The next morning

Her - Good morning papito! (laughing emoji)

Me - hii baby

Me - whenni i woke up i thought about you sitting on my lap

Me - Did you dream of papi? (sunglass cool guy emojis)

Her - Of course...not

Her - I didn't have time to dream

Me - ah

Me - what are your plans today?

Her - I'm just gonna sleep

Her - last night I slept only for 2 hours

Me - we should cuddle (kissy face)

Her - You wish ;)

I don't respond for 4 hours.

Her - That was it? You gave up? :)

Me - no, I was waiting for that second text

Me - I told you, I've been doing this a lot longer than you my love

Her - Doing what?

Me - The art of romance

Her - :):) you should teach me some lesson then

Me - tomorrow night. me, you, a bottle of wine and many lesssons for my little girl

Her - I don't know...depends on what kind of lessons you're thinking about

Me - we only learn what you want ot learn. as i told you last night, you know my desires, b ut spending time with you always is enough to make papi happy

her - Promise you w on't cross the line?

Me - I promise I will never do anything don't want to do

Her - ok then :)

Me - Le'ts do 5pm. we can cook dinner together too :)

Her - Sounds great!

Me - perfect. now give papi a kiss (kissies)

her - (laughing emoji and kissy emoji)

We figure out logistics the next day and she asks if she should bring something

Me - just look as beautiful as you can

me - papi takes care of everything tonight

Her - Ok then. I'll come over in pajamas and with no makeup. Is that beautiful enough? (Kissy face)

Me - lololol

Me - (I send some pic of a chick in lingerie)

Me - If thats what you mean by pajamas, sure ;)

Her - (laughing emojis)

Her - Close enough

Her - (sends a pic of some bitch in unicorn pajamas)

She comes over a few hours later.

It takes me about 10 minutes to take her virginity. She even hands me the frame. She tells me how her cousin and her friends told her not to come over, and then when she was adamant, they told her not to do anything with me. I asked her if she's going to spend her whole life listening to what other people say she should do.

She gets quiet.


I take her clothes off and she asks me to be gentle, since she's new.

I am gentle....at first.

Our second round, I put this bitch's knees on her chest and piledrive her. It hurts her, but she enjoys it. She stares at my cock as it drives into her and I ask if she likes watching papi stretch her virgin pussy open. She tells me yes.

I fuck her like four times.

The next time I text her, i ask her to come over and she gives me shit about only wanting sex from her. I tell her that I like spending time with her. She continues to give me shit so I ignore her.

The next morning she texts me, "Hi papi! :)"

Totally new attitude. We have a brief conversation, then I wait a day and text her "hey baby."

She comes over that night and we fuck again. This time, while hanging out, I tell her that her cousin is hot and that we should have a threesome. she gets mad, but is also turned on.

A few days later, she sends me a fucking picture of her and her cousin licking ice cream. It's beyond suggestive. I give her some devil emojis and then ignore her next texts, because I felt like being an asshole for some reason.

The next day, she sends me this

Her - You really see just the slut in me, don't you?


Her - So let's end whatever this is

Pimp hand ready.

Me - Look, if you want to believe what you're thinking is true, then go ahead. It obviously doesn't matter what I say. I told you that I like you and enjoy spending time with you. I ALSo told you I can't promise anything more than that. I've been 100% honest form the start so I have nothing to justify and I don't have to defend myself. So if you don't want to see me anymore, then thats fine but don't accuse me or insinuate that I'm a bad person by giving me this attitude. I did nothing wrong.

She apologizes and tells me that she thought she could handle a casual, sexual relationship but has feelings for me. I mean, I was her first.

We end things on a high note.

A few months later, I randomly hit her up and she comes over that night. We fuck on two more occasions. She tells me how she still hasn't slept with anyone else. I ask her why and she says all the other guys are boring. I ask her why she's with me then if she knows I won't date her.

She tells me it's still better than the other guys.

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Mar 1, 2013

Congrats on the lay! Despite being a conservative girl she went along with the papi-mami roleplaying and was incredibly submissive, I've heard a lot of Eastern women are more resistant to aggressive tactics (that I like to use, and that you used here) but it worked out well.

Anyhow, I've slept with 1 virgin and the post-apocalyptic drama I got afterwards was enough to turn me off to them, probably forever. Without more experience they always associate love with sex and if I know I'm not going to commit to her (and most times, I won't) then I'd prefer to not be the guy who breaks her heart and shatters her views, it's an experience all women need but I can't handle that honestly. Plus, because guys like us are so rare, virgins tend to end up romantically confused because they can't find a better guy/fuck in most cases so they either a) sleep with tons of guys trying to find their next "fix" of sorts or b) they don't sleep with anyone.

Kudos on the lay and smoothly doing damage control. Your style seems to have changed quite a bit, can't quite place my finger on it because it's been a while since I last read an LR from you but your style/game has definitely changed! ;)


Big Daddy

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 26, 2013
Yeah, I agree with Richard, it has definitively changed! I always took good notes on the old though, any chance we can get a couple back online? =)

One of the things that I was always curious to read and I'm glad you left it there is how you're texting now. I always got the impression that the texting advice in the articles never resonated that well with me. I'm lengthy, make stupid jokes and use emojis all the time too.

I'm also probably more aggressive than I should be while chase framing over text, which I'm minimizing because it's often misunderstood. In this case it worked for you but I can't do it consistently unless the girl is very submissive and sucked into my frame and you can read her like a book e.g. "waiting for that second text," etc

But what do you do when none of this shit to make her chase works?

I'm talking to a 19 y/o too atm and the bitch is tough. I try to get some investment from her over text, she denies and I say "no reward for you for today" (she wanted to know my last name, I was using that as a bargain to get some investment from her) and she texts me "okay." I give her 24 hours of radio silence to see if she says something, nothing.

Hit her up again, convo is going well and she's responsive, then give her three days of silence, bit still doesn't engage so I ping her. Every time we talk, she's warm and responsive and won't take longer than 15 minutes to reply my texts, but I can't get much investment. She's free on the weekends, but logistically they're horrible for me. So I use false restraints to see if she bites, nope, I'll have to wait until next week and try again.

She told me a story about a weirdo "in love" with her stalking her and that's why she freaks out with strangers and that's why she wants to know my last name blah blah. I think this is comparable to when this girl asked whether you'd cross the line. Only in this case I feel "I'm not a weirdo, promise" could get her annoyed at trying to get something from that she can't as she's clearly not as invested as your girl was.

At the same time, I feel that giving out my last name without getting the pictures I originally requested would be a "loss" in the investment game for me. So I don't know how to make her more comfortable without "giving in."

In the past my extremism of "I won't bend for her, she'll have to come to me!!!" has cost me a lot of pussy as you can imagine, so I've been testing the waters on investing just the amount necessary for it to go downhill and then pull back. For example, I never call girls before first date, but I'm thinking of doing it to get the reference point and get her comfortable and cut the BS.
