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LR  Parking Lot

Don Giovanni

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2019
This one was the craziest so far. Best one so far.


I moved back to my country in August, having no apartment yet I'm staying with my parents for this month. It's a village and I have to drive 50km to the city where the fun is. My second night out this month.

I was getting errands done in the city and going out in the evening to catch up with friends. Sleeping over at my friends who also lives 20min with a bus from the venue we were at. In short: logistics = shit. Didn't plan it because the point was to catch up with friends and one of them was having her first live dj set.

My Outfit

I just cut my hair from long to this.

Converse shoes, skinny jeans, white t shirt and a flashy shirt unbuttoned over it.

The Approach, The Girl

While outside taking abreak from the dancefloor I said hi briefly to this Ukranian balerina I know. I don't like her air of ''I'm hot, have a job at the opera and do coke on the weekend'' so even though we were both fake friendly to each other I walked away distracted when she wanted to say something to me. But she had 2 hot friends with her, both foreigners, one of them is the girl of this report. Didn't speak a word to her then.

Later around 3am and I'm hanging with my friend outside. He has to take a piss and asks me to take care of his stuff. While I'm sitting there by myself this friend of balerinas comes out from the floor. We make eye contact and she comes and sits with me. Tells me the balerina is making out with some guy and she feels like a third wheel but that she knows me and asks me if she can join me (we didn't really talk before).

She's very hot, most guys 8-9 I guess, mine 9 for sure. 21yo Finnish girl, hair with green highlights, alternative/ rebellious kind of fashion, some tatoos on her legs, slim and petite, nice body, beautiful face.

From Social To Sexual

At first I was just small talking to her like I did with everyone that night. Not exchanging names, made her do it. Then travel (she's on interrail traveling across Europe) then the experience of traveling. This generic conversation lasted cca. 5 - 10min before I started going into monologues.

''What I like about traveling to different countries is the experience of stepping out from your everyday you. When you're home you have this image parents have for you, the expectations, then you step out from your house you're always on the eyes of people you hang around... you know everyone is always watching and you're wary of not doing anything that might not be accepted. Then you have your friends who expect you to listen to certain types of music, hook up with certain kind of guys. And the university, the church, the list goes on and on...

But when you travel it's just not there. You're free. You're in this space without rules. Everything can happen, everything is allowed.''

I remember then I wanted to go on into juicier stuff right away, but the vibe didn't allow it in my estimation... so a conversation around those topics developed. I was talking about how sometime ago I wanted to have the biggest band in this city or whatever, but this year when I lived abroad just realized who cares... I mean it's a silly ego play and connections you make with people without status are just more genuine. Honest. Two people who like each other not wanting something out from each other.

She agreed and listened with big ears to my rambling. She told me she's a painter, that she likes raving, that she's into gay community, bi (the venue was a gay club, more like soft lgtb friendly stuff), but that's it. 80% of talking on me.

Some light teasing that she must be a Billy Eillish fan judging by her hair, then a min later took it back and told her I like her her hair, how it accents the green in her brown - green eyes while I stroked her hair. She returned the compliment telling me she likes my fringe (thank you <3).

My friend whose stuff I'm watching was nowhere to be seen and I wanted to move my girl... well after 20min not my problem anymore. I took her to the bar to get absinthe. This place has an older waitress that likes me a lot for some reason who does the proper absinthe with the sugar cube burning and everything. We danced shortly by the bar while waiting, mimicking Uma Truman/ Trevolta Pulp Fiction dance.

Sexualizing More

We took our absinthe and went back outside to look after the stuff of my friend. I hugged her around her shoulders while walking back after some joke or something. Luckily no one stole nothing from my friend, but the guy was still nowhere to be seen. Then we just continued our conversation where we left it. Actually I did, very blatantly.

''About people worrying what others think... I believe all girls here are sexually frustrated indirectly because of it. You have 2 layers to it. First it is the ''I'm a slut if I'm not a virgin'' every girl carries in herself, which is very unfortunate and subconscious, some don't even realize it. Then it is the guy they're with who also believes his girl is innocent and without a libido. Besides this most guys believe they're THE MAN, the best in bed and of course he makes his girl come, but who cares because girls don't even like sex. Which leads to 3 min faking orgasm sex a girl has with her guy.

Actually I was reading an interesting book on the subject, about female sexual fantasies, this stuff just fascinates me. It's a collection of fantasies from different women with commentary on it. You can see how an unsatisfied girl seeks fantasies as a help to feel pleasure during bad sexual relationships with her guy. And those fantasies are... something.''

She agreed enthusiastically on everything.

HB: ''Exactly. Do we even need to say it that every girl is sexually frustrated? It's just the reality. You need to tell me about that book, I want to read it''

DG: ''Sure'' I wrote her the title (My Secret Garden) in her iphone notes. ''But I warn you.'' I get closer to her ear. ''It gets veeery explicit... you'll love it''.

HB: ''OMG yes.''

DG: ''What about you, can your girls, guys make you cum?'' teasing a bit with the girl part

HB ''I hadn't had sex with girls so I don't know. But...I have a boyfriend. And I love him, but it's exatcly what you're talking about. So I can make myself cum by myself mostly.''

DG ''That's very unfortunate you should communicate that to your boyfriend''

HB ''I tried but it didn't turn out good. It took the pressure of performance of making me cum on him and then I knew he was trying to do it, which just made me get in my head as well.''

DG ''Oh no, those scenarios are like an evil mindfuck.''

Well the boyfriend thing came out casually. Next on the menu my friend finally returned. I asked him to talk to my girl for a sec, because I had to take a piss. I know him, he has a friendzoneing superpower, so no threat.

Come back and another gay dude joined the now a group. He's an entertaining guy to have around but now it was a bit annoying when he wanted to interrupt mine and the girls vibe.

I took the first chance to go from group conversation back to us and I knew she wanted as well. Maybe this a is kind of fractionating? IDK, not intended, could backfire and I was lucky.

Then went into secret house gambit. I adjusted it a bit, included some girl on girl stuff in it. And concluded it differently... when she said that she would join the Eyes Wide Shut thing I was describing, I told her, see? Isn't it so nice when no rules, no shame, no expectations exist. And the best thing about it is that it never really happened. Got another ''OMG YES'' back and then told her that love and sexual desire are separate.

''Unfortunate we make it into one thing and confuse the two... That I'm guilty of it as well. But a functional relationship needs both. So if sex is not satisfied the other parts suffer. Wouldn't it be just great if we could be without judgement and find fulfillment separately, like it is intended as, naturally?''

I think this was the move that made her so aroused she couldn't resist me later.

Funny thing is that the gay dude and my friend who were in conversation didn't really hear us. We could as well be talking weather to them.


Then the fact of her train leaving in 45min came up. It's 4.15am now. I told her I'll make her company to the train station (5min walk from the venue) because I enjoy her, makes me remember Budapest.

We crossed the street to the train stations parking lot. We stopped and I saw the desire in her eyes, went straight into making out. She was more passionate then I expected... TBH I wanted to escort her just to make out with her, but this was suggesting more. But how, its only 30min before her train leaves?

I ended it and said that we should get to her train. Walked for just 10m before got back into making out. This time I started fingering her, she started touching me. And to help her I unzipped my pants, took it out. The fucked up thing? Some people were walking 10m away past us. She asked if there's people watching and I answered with a grin that yeah some just passed. Then I told her we can't do this here, that she should come with me.

I improvised. I saw a small hill, like bunch of dirt, grass not dirt really haha, half closed away from the parking lot but all the trains could see us. The pants came of quickly. She wanted me to wear a condom which I had in my wallet. In the 15min we had she squirted 3 times on me. I don't consider myself a god in bed so that must be due to successful sex talk and unusual (hot) scenario of public sex. Because she talked about her boyfriend not making her cum... Btw does a girl neccessarily cum when she squirts?

We exchanged instagram and said goodbye 15min before her train departure. Her parting words were

''Now you see how frustrated are we (females)''

and she texted me today

''Hi! I just wanted to say that I really had fun with you last night xo''

This was my best PU experience so far. I feel almost mellow for Girls Chase, the community... thank you for giving me this knowledge!
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Very nice dude keep it up.

I especially like your use of top-notch verbal crack. Despite her initial attraction, this was secured (even though she had a bf) basically due to verbals.