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- Aug 3, 2013
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I know that facial hair is an important fundamental, so I've been letting my facial hair grow out a bit more than I used to-- which was shaving every couple days or so-- and now I'm usually sporting some stubble. I'd say it looks pretty good. Anyways, at one of the parties I went to over the break, which was quite a few, I had a pretty interesting experience with a girl I know kinda well (or at least used to know kinda well). Granted she was pretty damn drunk and I was slightly drunk as well, so it may have affected the conversation a bit. I had talked to her a bit when I first got to the party and deep-dived a bit. Found out that she was still working at Dairy Queen, that she wanted to go into computer science or engineering (something like that, I forget exactly what though since it was a couple weeks ago). Eventually some more popular kids and her friends came and she was gone for awhile. When we eventually started talking again somehow the conversation went onto facial hair.
Anyways here's kinda how it went, we'll call her BlackHair (such a creative name I know):
Basically she seemed fascinated with my facial hair, but told me multiple times that she doesn't like beards. Right after this we got interrupted by one of my drunk female friends. So I didn't see BlackHair for a little while, and I got talking with another girl who I only slightly knew. She was definitely interested in me, I didn't even have to do any work to be quite honest. Only thing was that she was very, very drunk and I was not physically attracted to her much at all. So I talked with her awhile, she tried to get me to dance with her for a little (not sexual dancing at all though), and eventually we split up when the same drunk female friend came around. She is my best friend's girl, but apparently thought I wanted to hook up with her because of my leather jacket, which means I'm a man-whore and want to hook up with any girl at any party. It was pretty damn funny when it happened, and almost created a bad situation, but everything turned out good. She made up for it later by telling BlackHair that she should hook up with me, but BlackHair said that she knows me too well to be a hook up, and basically that she cares what I'd think about her. Well damn! I probably could've told her that it wouldn't make me think less of her and show how I'm non-judgmental, which I started to try to do but didn't really get very far.
I had to get going really soon, so I kinda let it go after that because she wanted to hook up with another specific guy and said it multiple times in front of a small group. Just curious as to what you guys think about her comments about my beard, whether or not facial hair/stubble is a good idea in high school, and what I could've done to get the hook up with BlackHair. Thinking back, I probably shouldn't have let her get away that first time we were talking (or the second time either) and moved her to a couch to talk without others around, and try eventually to get her to a private room and escalate.
Things I need to work on: Maintaing the conversation and moving her, not breaking circle, escalating, and overall fundamentals.
Any advice, criticism, or feedback would be much appreciated.
Anyways here's kinda how it went, we'll call her BlackHair (such a creative name I know):
BlackHair: (Whatever lead up to the topic of facial hair) ...I don't really like beards.
Me: Well (pause), I have a beard.
BlackHair: Oh my god! You do! (Starts feeling my facial hair and rubbing my face, told ya she was drunk!) That's so weird! Why do you have a beard?
Me: (In a sexy voice and maintaing direct eye contact) I'm a man.
BlackHair: (While still feeling my face and facial hair) That's really weird! I don't like beards! Some guy at work wanted to hook up with me and he had a beard... (other boring shit)
Basically she seemed fascinated with my facial hair, but told me multiple times that she doesn't like beards. Right after this we got interrupted by one of my drunk female friends. So I didn't see BlackHair for a little while, and I got talking with another girl who I only slightly knew. She was definitely interested in me, I didn't even have to do any work to be quite honest. Only thing was that she was very, very drunk and I was not physically attracted to her much at all. So I talked with her awhile, she tried to get me to dance with her for a little (not sexual dancing at all though), and eventually we split up when the same drunk female friend came around. She is my best friend's girl, but apparently thought I wanted to hook up with her because of my leather jacket, which means I'm a man-whore and want to hook up with any girl at any party. It was pretty damn funny when it happened, and almost created a bad situation, but everything turned out good. She made up for it later by telling BlackHair that she should hook up with me, but BlackHair said that she knows me too well to be a hook up, and basically that she cares what I'd think about her. Well damn! I probably could've told her that it wouldn't make me think less of her and show how I'm non-judgmental, which I started to try to do but didn't really get very far.
I had to get going really soon, so I kinda let it go after that because she wanted to hook up with another specific guy and said it multiple times in front of a small group. Just curious as to what you guys think about her comments about my beard, whether or not facial hair/stubble is a good idea in high school, and what I could've done to get the hook up with BlackHair. Thinking back, I probably shouldn't have let her get away that first time we were talking (or the second time either) and moved her to a couch to talk without others around, and try eventually to get her to a private room and escalate.
Things I need to work on: Maintaing the conversation and moving her, not breaking circle, escalating, and overall fundamentals.
Any advice, criticism, or feedback would be much appreciated.