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Past relationship: "Why do you love me?" -- Test?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Hey guys, I was thinking about a past relationship where the girl asked me,

"Why do you love me?"

EDIT: We had already said "I love you" to each other about a couple of months before this question arose; I don't remember exact time frame.

In the moment, I just answered as many non-superficial things that I could along with superficial things. For example, I really liked that she was honest and that we had this strong chemistry and her eyebrows, etc.

I imagine that this is some sort of shit test, and I'm trying to reflect on my past with newfound knowledge from GC. What do you think of this question and how to answer it?

Thanks as always,


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Jun 13, 2013

I don't think that one is always a shit test. Questions such as: "If I died, how long will you wait until you date someone else?" - Those are shit tests for sure and should not be validated with any sort of serious response. But asking why you love her could be about her feeling insecure for one reason or another. If she does ask, then you have to ask yourself if she has a reason for feeling insecure. Have you not been spending as much time together? Have you been too aloof recently when you're together? etc. If you think you have acted in a way that would leave her feeling insecure, I'd simply reply with something like this:

"What's not to love babe? Tell you what, we haven't been spending that much time together as of late. So why don't you come over Saturday afternoon, we'll get some food ready at my place and go for a picnic."
This addresses the underlying concern of her feeling insecure.

Just my opinion,
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
Thedoctor said:
"What's not to love babe? Tell you what, we haven't been spending that much time together as of late. So why don't you come over Saturday afternoon, we'll get some food ready at my place and go for a picnic."
This addresses the underlying concern of her feeling insecure.

Thanks, man. I really like this. If it's coming from a place of insecurity, I'm thinking that I should be more active in my relationships and find the root cause, like you said.