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Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Short for time here going to reduce to bare minimum.
Have gotten lazy over the past two weeks with my endeavors of women but persist I shall. It seems to be that I am mostly fighting the inertia to take action rather than A.A. although I get A.A. in crowded areas. I hypothesize that Im worried about performance anxiety while being in front of people although when I approach girls that are by themselves and in a uncrowded area im fine.

Mall- Cute girl in skirt started off without much energy in my vibe and we traded a bit of banter back and forth while we walked her talking about how she's taken. Told her we should be just friends and she dismissed me saying to holler at her the next time I see her. Like what do you think i was just doing...

Beach 1- Walking up towards the parkinglot cute tan older looking women. I open with "How old are you?" she's taken aback fairly and asks if I always ask women that and I explain my reasoning to make it look good. She was like 10 years older than me and from Holland so we trade a bit of info and banter but no magnetic vibe.

Beach 2- Boardwalk in group of friends. Catch up and pre open when I look at her she has a look of shock and disgust on her face. I believe this may have fazed my current vibe momentarily before regaining composure of somewhat and asking if she's single. She said no I dismissed me not even trying to converse. Her friend thought it was a cool/different way to approach women though so thanks to Ricardus and Chase once again for sharing your wisdom.
  • -Im going to start making sure I smile and get myself more excited to toy around with my vibe. I feel too tentative and serious when approaching.

Beach 3- Hot beach girl with awesome ass walking to beach parkinglot. No A.A. at all yet very shitty vibe today, not enough sleep! I open and think I smiled dont remember. The vibe was awkward, impersonal, interviewy, and serious. Desperately needed some banter.

Work on vibe!!!!
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take