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phone numbers. :)


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2012
Hey guys!

So this is something kinda new ive tried out a couple of times but id love for other people to try it out too and let me know how it is going for them. Now this is only to be used if you cant pull and you just need to get a number. So I would approach a girl, do the usual stuff and hit a high point in the conversation then say "Hey actually I need to go find my friends" and then start to walk away and then say "O wait seeing as I almost forgot we should exchange cells to keep in touch. ;)"

I have only tired this out a couple of times but any thoughts on the dialogue what to change what not to change. What type of body language do you guys think would be the best? Id love some input. :)

Thanks guys!! :)
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Sexy eye contact, smile, and yes touching is good. Almost as if you're shaking her hand but instead going for a hand holding type of thing. I agree this should only be used if you can't pull her, and after you get the number text her the same night. "Hey Jane, great meeting you Dave :)"


Dec 7, 2012
All I'll say is, if you had a conversation with a girl for about 3-4 times and happen to met her ALONE, and ask straight,"Hey can I get your phone number?" with a confident look on your face then you just get it, NO TRICKS PLAYED, plain and square. But if you are gonna try someone who is the talk of your locality, then it WON'T work, the top hotties need to be played. But, if your target is some average girl then it will work 100%


Dec 23, 2012
Hey douchecookie (I cannot say your sn without cracking up),

I think that this "strategy" feels a little gamey, and I feel like you're trying a little too hard, and even though, yes, you should have a plan to get her number, and it shouldn't be slapdash, it's weird if it's this rehearsed "going back to my friends, wait I'm not, give me your number before you lose me forever" kind of performance. Which is definitely how it's coming across. The point is to make everything look easy, and simple. Even if you're nervous. Especially if you're nervous.

There are a lot of posts here on waiting for the high point in the interaction, and I think you need to start becoming sensitive to those. They WILL get much easier to spot with time to the point when you'll know exactly when you can get a number/ask out/move to a different bar/kiss/etc. and you'll be able to see the window in slow motion. Then your dates become even more fun because you can play with these windows, you can tease her, build and release tension, make her wait, almost like a great dancer teases the audience by being ALMOST but not quite behind the beat.

Anyway, don't worry about all of this yet, my point is that the how is pretty simple. You can just give her your phone and tell her to put her number in your phone, set up a date, and then text to confirm it the next day etc. That part is pretty simple. Even if you're not super smooth and text her your number and she texts you back (it's better if she works a tiny bit harder than you), it'll work. It's not the HOW, it's the WHEN. And the WHEN is just a few minutes after the conversation hits a really high note, and you're both totally vibing each other. Too soon and it seems like you care a little too much, but done at just the right time it'll work perfectly.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2012
Idk it could be perceived as gamey but it depends on how you pull it off and in the right situation. :) Im sure there are better ideas out there but I want to experiment and see what works the best!


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey dc,

This technique actually works, but only if you've gotten some compliance and had her invest in you to a certain extent, first. It is especially important that you give off a sexual vibe during the interaction (physical contact helps) and that you actually move her somewhere before you get the number.

I've told multiple girls that I had to go after getting their number (and sometimes it was the truth... and sometimes it wasn't). It demonstrates a low level of neediness and creates a high level of mysteriousness, so some girls will be intrigued by it.

Anyway, feel free to experiment with it and let us know your results!

- Franco


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 14, 2012
I personally think the sentence :
" Hey, we should definitely exchange numbers to stay in touch"
works wonders for me. It's not asking her or forcing her but more like a suggestion to her which girls usually accept if you've done the initial conversation ok. You can then either move on the conversation naturally after getting the numbers or as Franco said tell her that you need to leave or you're in a hurry somewhere. Usually normal sentences like "Can I have your number" will reflect a sense of neediness so don't use it. be creative.

One of the challenges or should I say homework that I have set for myself is to get a number in under one minute in streets. Walking up to girl I think she's cute tell her what I think and that I'm in a hurry and ask for her number. Then immidiatly leave. And always remember to send the follow up text the same day 2-3 hours later.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 23, 2012
douchecookie said:
Hey guys!

So this is something kinda new ive tried out a couple of times but id love for other people to try it out too and let me know how it is going for them. Now this is only to be used if you cant pull and you just need to get a number. So I would approach a girl, do the usual stuff and hit a high point in the conversation then say "Hey actually I need to go find my friends" and then start to walk away and then say "O wait seeing as I almost forgot we should exchange cells to keep in touch. ;)"

I have only tired this out a couple of times but any thoughts on the dialogue what to change what not to change. What type of body language do you guys think would be the best? Id love some input. :)

Thanks guys!! :)

Hey douchecookie,

Nice name by the way ;). I think it's good to experiment and try different things to add variation to your game. I think if done right, your strategy can be effective to get numbers; however if you are new to pickup, it can come across as tryhard and you need rock solid confidence to make sure you aren't nervous when doing this. For me, it feels unnecessary to do that, I'd simply just conversate (after the direct opener) for a short period of time until we hit a high point then say "Hey we should deffinitely go grab a hot chocolate sometime, let me get your number so we can coordinate" then get the number and after continue the conversation like nothing happened, then shortly after I'd exit, and would make sure I don't exit when things start getting a little awkward. I'd wait till we're vibing a bit after the number then be like "Hey you know what, it was cool meeting you, but I have to be off. We'll arrange something this week ;)." I think if you keep it simple/direct/to the point then you'll be using spezzatura, leading to mystery. "Where's he going? I've never been approached like that before! He seems like he's on a mission, what/why? Etc. I feel like doing that would make her think a lot about you.

Question though* - When you guys exit the conversation, do you give her a hug? I figure touch is good, so it wouldn't hurt. Shaking hands? Too friendly/not ballsy enough. Any thoughts would be appreciated guys!



Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

Garrett said:
Question though* - When you guys exit the conversation, do you give her a hug? I figure touch is good, so it wouldn't hurt. Shaking hands? Too friendly/not ballsy enough. Any thoughts would be appreciated guys!


I understand the temptation here to get more touch in, and I was plenty guilty of it when I was new. I used to hug girls a lot.

But, it ends up being too "gamey," and pegs you as a guy who's "playing" rather than "serious." It takes your "sexual threat" down a few notches and pushes you closer to harmless friendly guy land.

For that reason, I typically advise you avoid hugs, shakes, or anything other than simply just leaving with a sexily-spoken, "See you," or, "Farewell."



Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 14, 2012
Hey Garrett,

Question though* - When you guys exit the conversation, do you give her a hug? I figure touch is good, so it wouldn't hurt. Shaking hands? Too friendly/not ballsy enough. Any thoughts would be appreciated guys!

I've always followed the James Bond approach to seduction, and I really can't remember the last time I saw Bond give someone a hug... ;)

As Chase mentioned, the temptation to give a hug can be high because of the physical contact you desire, but hugs definitely come across as "friendly." Instead, let her fantasize about you touching her "sexually" the next time you two come in contact! If your vibe is sexy and your voice (as Chase mentioned) is sexy, then she will naturally assume your touch is sexy as well.

- Franco


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2012
Hey so I'm not gonna lie using that technique didnt really help above... here are my stats for using it at getting numbers although I did get more animated responses but thats probably a bad thing.

This is 2 weeks worth of work (note im in a small town so I usually pick my spots that's why my percentage is like that, and fridays are dead compared to saturdays):

Friday: 2/3; Saturday: 4/6 (resulted in 3 dates; 2 make outs; and 1 eff buddy) (with the forgetful technique)
Friday: 1/3; Saturday 5/7 (resulted in 4 dates; 3 make outs; and 1 eff buddy) (without the forgetful technique)

So I approached em and I dress metro as hell so I always comment on their clothes, purse, shoes, etc. Then struck up a conversation about their family career etc. Ended the conversation at a high point. Then quickly pulled em back saying I almost forgot to trade cells with them. Most of them responded in a super excited manner... Altho I will say I did get called out by a couple of chicks as being a "player" because of this during dates... I was wondering what to say in response to this??? cuz ive been getting it a lot recently normally I just smile stick out my tongue and ignore the comment.