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FR  Picking up girls working at the Mall


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Hey all,

So I was about at the mall today and I went with the intentions of buying a button downs but I decided to look for Sperry's instead. I walked into this one store named "Journeys" where I met a cute, slender, white, girl, with awesome brunette hair.

The story: I should also add that I was going into this store to chill because a sales rep from a previous store trying to get me to buy stuff a little too hard.
Part 1: The set up
*Dave walking into the store* "Hi welcome to Journeys!"
Me: *Eyes closed turning around to see JourneyGirl in my face* Eh, hey thanks, but I gotta say I got overwhelmed at FinishLine just now so I'm kind of just trying to chill.
Girl: Oh, I understand salespeople can be a little to pushy at times
Me: *Dave smiling and making strong eye contact* Definitely you seem chill though.
Girl: *Smiling* So what brought you in today?
Me: Eh, just checking out some Sperrys
Girl: I love Sperrys, see any you like
Me: *Picks up shoe and hands it to here* Let me get a 12 if ya got it
Me: *Dave walks to sit in a chair while she goes to get my shoes*
Girl: Okay so I found an 11 and a 13
Me: Well, Sperrys do run large so I'll try on the 11
Girl: Awesome!
Me: *Looking up while tying shoe* So what do you have planned for the holidays
Girl: Not much just family blah blah blah blah
Me: Nice, so spending any time with your boyfriend? +Note, I ask this to any girl and any situation to screen for a boyfriend so I'm not wasting my time on a dead end+
Girl: No not really we're kind of not talking, so I won't be getting any gift from him
Me: I see, so kind of like a break?
Girl: Yeah!
Me: Ah, that's hard cause then if a cool, cute guy comes along you can't really do anything with him
Girl: Exactly! It's like I'm single but not really single
Me: What's your name anyway? *extends hand*
Girl: *grabs it* Sperry, and you?
Me:*holding it, Dave* +I let go once I got to my feet she was at work, so I didn't want to make it weird for her
Me: *Dave standing on feet now* I'm going to walk around in these for a second, we can continue talking though
Girl: *Excited* Okay sure!
Me: So part of Cleveland do you stay?
Girl: Over on blah and blah, you?!
Me: Wow I live pretty close to there
Girl: Really?! Where you stay?! *She was really excited from this point*
Me: Over there and there, so you live by Coventry right?
Girl: Yeah it's been really dead in the winter and what not

Part 2: The closing process: Now I asked her to get me more shoes to she if a meet was possible
Me: So you doing anything fun this weekend?
Girl: Well, my friend is having a party.
Me: A party huh? Are you going to be drinking? Well I don't know you're not 21 so maybe not haha
Girl: Hahaha no I still drink
Me: It's okay, I don't want you acting bad now because of me
Girl: haha you're fine
Me: So is this party open?
Girl: I don't know it's supposed to be my friends birthday party so I'll have to ask
Me: Sounds good, you'll have to let me know.
*Dave walking to check out, she's a cashier too apparently*
+I met her other coworker Jay there too, so I used make this as casual as ever.

Part 3: finale
Dave: *To Jay, while looking at Sperry making eye contact* you know Jay, you gotta help me to convince Sperry to get me into that wild party of her's
Sperry: Well, you'll definitely probably get in
Jay: Yeah Dave is totally chill! *Jay walks away*
Dave: Let me get some receipt paper
Sperry: Here you go, ooh to leave your number
Dave:*writes down number and add Dave bought Sperrys* something like that, just let me know about that party. Just text me when you're off so I know it's you in the future and if you don't cool meeting you anyway.
Sperry: haha I'll definitely remember you *smiles*
Dave:Awesome, *pays and leaves*

Special notes: Give the girl your number when she's at work, some girls can get in trouble if they hand out their numbers to customers at some places. I rarely take girls number these days unless she's single and really really interested, especially during the holidays. Plus, she really wasn't available and I didn't want to focus on a girl who still had another guy in the picture. Also, she works in the mall so the chance of seeing her again is pretty high
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake