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Place for seduction the most important thing?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 12, 2012
I think it is a question with an obvious answer, but is having your own place (or at least out of parents' house with roommates) the most important goal to attain before one can really consistently lay? I ask because I have been saving up for a while and could easily get out of my parent's house, but I am also looking at some nice car options (I have a car, its not terrible, but im a flashy character). So, maybe on a scale of 1-100, where do you guys rate a nice car up next to having your own place?
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 21, 2012
Happy friday,

Not necessarily, I've banged girls in some wild places that weren't always in a bed. I would say having the place to yourself so you two can be alone is more important Another thing is to be able to consistently pull girl, what good does it do to have an awesome house but you can fill it with women.

I've banged girls during the day when siblings and parents were out the house. You gotta get creativity and not be stuck in the box. Tear out of the shit man.

Just Dave

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
^ yeah Dave has hit the nail on the head, no matter where you live, having the place to yourself at the time is the most desirable, but if you can't then it helps if the people you live with give you space. Some room-mates can be kryptonite for seduction. It's hard to say either way if you're living with parents/relatives as individual cases differ - some discourage it, some are indifferent, some encourage, others even try and get involved! Women are certainly less likely to be shy when they think there's nobody around, which can often equate to less inhibited sex.

Regarding the whole place vs. car thing, I say if you can afford a decent place to live and an OK car vs living with the 'rents and having a totally fancy car, go for the first option. In my opinion it shows more class to drive an older but good quality car that is well maintained and always clean and waxed. Things like Mercs, Saabs and BMWs always make a good impression if they're in top condition, even if they're 15 years old. Also finally I think generally society tends to respect a man who lives away from his parents - well, in Anglo cultures at least - and rates independent living over fancy car ownership.