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Plateauing & Becoming the best man I can be.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Hi guys,
So I'm posting this here. It's not 100% about pickup but since this site has helped me develop so much as a man I am trying to sort out my thoughts on women, realtionships and life.

Here is a list of where I am and what I have improved in the past 6 months - 1 year:
- My career is VERY important to me. I work long hours. I want to be very successful.
- I have become a lot more social. Overcome some anxieties and changed my mindsets about it but not yet where I want it to be.
- I have met and dated a lot of women (I'd meet 1 girl every 2 years in my college days.)
- I feel I'm leaning more towards an abundance mentality and really know the type of girl I want these days.
- I am fitter and leaner than I have ever been.

Where I want to be:
- I have not yet achieved all I want in my career, but I am only 28. I am considering looking at new oppertunities to move up the ladder.
- I still have some social anxieties, I want to be a VERY social person.
- Although I've met a lot of women, I still don't feel I am able to "keep" girls I rate as 10's.
- Absolute abundance, a breakup or loosing a girl means nothing, always a new girl around the corner (very close to this but it's more about quality than quantity, see last point.)
- Although I look better than I ever have, I want to be super fit and have a body I am proud of.

These are just some things. I feel like I have plateau'd slightly. I have made big strides but not where I want to be yet. The "glass ceiling" some might say.
For example... I posted an LR a few weeks ago. While I am proud of doing something I couldn't have dreamed of a few years back, I was a little upset at not being able to keep this girl around longer. She was essentially the type of girl I want. And I find these girls the hardest to get. Since then I hav continued to meet women and have been getting on like a house on fire with a cute 25 year old. Yet, while I think I can get girls who are maybe "8"'s now, no problem, my standards have risen. I'd like a girlfriend but will not settle for less than a 10. (I hate using number ratings but I mean a 10 in terms of the things I am looking for).
I am just finding these girls so difficult to get and keep around.
Like, I have learned so much but despite all I have done to improve myself, I am really stretching to get these girls, at the end of the day, still feel out of their league looks-wise.

In terms of everything else... I just feel disorganized. Between, working long hours, making time to go out and meet women, fit in an exercise program rigerous enough to achieve what I want, and then have some time left over to chill... do hobbies... and literally just cook and do laundry... I am finding it hard to fit it all in.

I'm not sure if I'm looking for advice or just trying to organize my thoughts in writing, but that's where I'm at.

I have made huge strides but feel I'm plateauing... for example but girl I'm hooking up with right now is an incredible girl and probably what I'd have desired 2 years ago... but there's a certain "it factor" I really really want nowadays. I don't want to settle for "good enough", I want that elusive 10, but realistically anyone in my life would probably say I'd be crazy to give up on a girl like this. (And yes, I'm still getting out there, just using her as an example.)

Anyway, that's my brain dump.
Thanks for reading :)
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers