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porn actors as seduction models

lao che

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 21, 2013
arguments for and against porn are not necessary here.

there is a porn actor/director, rocco siffredi, who many of you are probably familiar with. he is very dominant with women, while at the same time very affectionate. of course, ladies in porn are being paid to be compliant with him, but one (mostly) gets the impression that this is how it is. rocco is used to getting his way with women, quite naturally, and the ladies, for the most part, seem very taken with him. again, i am aware, of course, that the ladies are being paid to look happy, but i've seen many a porn scene where the ladies being paid didn't look too happy at all.
in fact the last successful seduction i had took place in a similar way to many of rocco's 'seductions'. i met the girl in a public place, was physical quite dominant with her, grabbing her hand, pulling her close to me, touching her hair, telling her how adorable she was. there was no fucking doubt about what i wanted and we both knew i was gonna get it... hahaha anyway i didn't necessarily 'model' myself on rocco, and cannot possibly compare!! haha but kinda wish i could be like that with every girl i meet. don't know why i'm not! i think he's awesome with ze ladiez and i wondered what anyone else might think about that.


the reason i actually am posting this is about another porn actor- nacho vidal. i'm not a fan of this dude at all really, but there's this clip i saw:

http://www.youjizz.com/videos/claudia-j ... 70002.html

i have no idea if it's cool or not to link that here ....... apologies if not...

so obviously it's scripted and she's being paid to fuck but i can absolutely imagine this kind of shit happening. nacho is very laid back, and very masculine, almost intimidating. he get's into her personal space but he's not invasive. in fact i stole the 'don't move' thing, when a girl was obviously nervous around me. that was golden!
he makes a couple of jokes which are borderline creepy, like shouting into the girls dead phone or putting on the czech accent; she's meant to be a girl alone in the woods so i imagine if i'd do that it would look weird and a girl would freak out but he gets away with it. he also cracks a couple of kinda smooth/very smooth lines, like 'translating' the direction-signs 'you should go with this guy ...' or when he has his arms around her from behind and he grabs her arms 'your boyfriend is this way' as he points her hands in opposite directions(yes i know it's scripted!!! but it all appears very natural). i've done shit like this with girls i already knew, and can almost almost imagine picking-up a girl i've never met before in such a manner (chase or ricardus, and probably loads of other dudes, have probably pulled of such a feat already).
when they get to the castle nacho goes into 'rapport' or 'comfort' i guess. he starts asking the girl what she does. but he doesn't ask 'what's your job' he says "look at you .. you in fashion?" while he's tugging at her shirt and pulling it up ... the body language is really important here. as is the whole 'assume the sale' thing

this video is kinda safe for work up until about four minutes or so ..

i really think there's a lot to be learned and discussed here, and i 'd love to hear what some others think about it.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
The only thing I have to say is that girls in fact like dominant guys. This is 100% true. Nacho seems dominant (I guess he is for real) and that is attractive. You don't have to learn from porn actors. Just know that this is a character trait you must have.

It's also really important in sex. You must know what you are doing. "Do you want to be on top?", fuck that. You just move her. If she doesn't want to do it (she says it or her non-verbal indicates otherwise) just pick other.

Read this post about becoming a dominant guy and this one about bad boys.


lao che

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 21, 2013
thanks for your reply

i'm 38 years old. i've been reasonably successful with women in the past and i'm coming out of a long term relationship, so i'm trying to find my feet again.

what i've noticed as i get older, and especially since i discovered girlschase a few months ago (i have been familiar with the 'pickup community' for 5/6 years but ... well, kept at arms length) is that when watching movies and tv shows i have begun to identify with different characters than i would have previously. i'll give some examples

in the comments section of one of chase's articles, someone mentions the Olivier Martinez character from the richard gere movie 'unfaithful' as his model of a seducer. i checked out this film and now i can see how attractive and seductive he is. before i would not have been able to appreciate that, i would have thought that this character was 'wrong' somehow. maybe a little creepy or dangerous.

'two moon junction' a sherilyn fenn movie from the 80s. i watched it as a kid coz there were some rude bits, fenn gets nekkid more than once. i rewatched it recently. the guy breaks into her house and has a shower. he helps himself to her stuff and refuses to leave. later he tells her 'you invited me over, not with your words, with your eyes'.
there's another scene where she is angry at him and she calls him bad names. for every bad name he throws a sweet name back at her: "bastard!" ... "princess!" "asshole!" ... "sweetheart!" etc. it's pretty funny. as a kid i would never have believed you can do shit like that and get away with it (not that i would recommend or that i'm thinking about breaking into a girls house). those characters were bad-men, or whatever. so far outside of my own reality that i couldn't identify with them at all. the product of an overbearing mother, absent father and three sisters! not that i want to psychologolize us but, yeah, no doubt that that's what fucked me up, and it's taken a long fucking time and a journey halfway around the world to shake off those influences.
in fact, i didn't even know until recently that it was possible to model yourself on different people, that it was possible to even change yourself. i never had a role model growing up and it's to my serious detriment.

so that's where i'm at now. i'm not trying to learn from porn actors but i guess naturally i'm a bit like rocco, as i said. quite physical, affectionate and complimentary, direct without being needy. but when i saw that clip of nacho vidal i saw it from a different perspective than i would have had i watched it a year or three ago. before i would have just written it off. just porn. scripted. whatever. and nacho i would have viewed as a sleazy porn guy, creepy and intimidating. but now i can see that yeah, stuff like that is totally possible. shit, nacho was probably doing stuff like that since before he was making money from it. why not?

anyway, guys thinking about rapport, attraction and all that jazz might be able to learn from that clip. developing comfort isn't about sitting across a table from a girl and asking her about her job. body language, eye contact, voice tone and INTENT are key.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 23, 2013
Great to know lao che. It's nice to watch movie characters!

This is off topic. I have to tell you that if you like porn (sure you do! who doesnt'!? you even talk about male actors) you should quit. If you like hookers you should quit. If you like to masturbate you should quit.

Is good. The only thing you can break if you can't take it is masturbation. If you are not getting sex, and can't take it, do it without porn. Better to imagine a girl you fancy and play a scenario in your mind. Eventually you'll get more control and be able to hang longer without having sex/masturbation.

Of course, whatever week schedule you have on masturbation, try to stop for the longer possible time you can before you actually need to. This will be your next minimum limit. If you resisted for 2 weeks, next time, at least, you have to make the same period of time, and of course, the idea is to beat that.

you miss 100% of the shots you don't take