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Position Review: Upright Missionary


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 28, 2016
Hey All! Here for the other side of missionary. Up off your arms/elbows/hands! Get those hands on some juicy thighs and let's go:

I have a range of traits that combine extremely well for sex, especially in an LTR. These include a strong desire to be dominant, being a pleaser/giver, and being an endless experimenter. Spent 5 years having sex on average at least once every time I saw my ex the entire time (3x wasn't too rare even at the end). She had been a virgin and had low libido and STILL never rebuffed advances other than when in physical discomfort from a period or overeating (tiny 100lb chick never knew when to stop lol). Seeing each other on average at least 4x/week (fluctuated between 3-6, usually higher), that comes out to well over 1000 sessions. Combine that amount of exposure with my desire to please and to experiment and it should start making sense why I'd have some useful perspectives for the bedroom. Obviously the exposure is limited to her and my anatomy, but the fwb I had after the LTR got hooked hard as well, despite much less conducive bedding (that's a thing, too much squishiness/moving sheets can wreck your flow; also condoms, fuck condoms).

So anyone seeing my struggles to get girls out currently probably would question why listen to me about sex, but I promise that's more of a temporary funk and mechanics going wrong with approaches (ie. me friendzoning myself when they were ready to go in the first minute). When it comes to sex, it was my art, it was my love to my partner. I found ways to give her ~5 orgasms in ~15-20 minutes (to me, this was the optimal duration for a partner you see many times a week) and that made for a dedicated "customer", all the way up to the day we broke up.

My take on Upright Missionary:
The. Best. View. Ever. my love of thighs/hips is strongly connected to how they look when you roll a girl up on her back with her thighs together with her lips peaking through all the juiciness. You can also have legs out to the side and this position is where flexibility shines, as the more flexible she is, the further down you can push her ankles. If you find a gymnast/yogi, try pinning her feet all the way down in this position, good chance she can, which makes for an extra dominant setup as you are imposingly above her, holding her in place.
As far as variability goes, this position offers a lot of ways to tweak from thrusting speed/depth, where her thighs are, what you're grabbing, how much you roll her up, your angle, and her angle (based on how high or low you move her hips by rolling her up). Setting yourself up in a strong mount setup with your legs gives a lot of control in both directions.
You get to place your hands in all sorts of great places. Thighs up/together is my favorite as I love just holding her juicy thighs, but you can hold her butt (on the sides), calves, feet, and a couple special options I'll put below. Having her thighs apart gives you those same options, plus her waist or boobs (more like ribcage in this positioning).

Special Techniques:
This requires her thighs together and tell her to cross her arms over here thighs (usually near the knee bend). This is just like the doggy technique, though arguably even better! You can grab her forearms with one or both hands and rock her around like a ragdoll while she feels completely helpless (which is good; arms and legs totally controlled). I say this one is better because the motion is not linear, it's a rocking curve, so you end up rubbing a lot along her upper/lower walls, which is where a lot of the special spots are. Given the great grip, you can be doing all the movement, rock her to do all the movement, or anything in between. The sensation is INCREDIBLE, you really feel yourself pushing her "guts" out of the way, as she's all squished together and the angle helps.

Little warning about the above technique: Squirting is very likely if you're really getting into her.

A related technique to that one is if you have the right angles (usually you standing and her lying on a surface), you can pull her arms UNDER her legs, so she's being driven straight into your thrust and you can use your contact with her legs to help maintain her positioning. This offers a ton of power to smash her hips, I don't think there's a way to have a more aggressive (sustainable) thrust than this setup.

The other special thing I found with upright missionary is rolling her all the way up (thighs together) and holding her throat. You MUST BE CAREFUL, you must have a stable stance and not risk suddenly having your weight fall onto her trachea (front of the throat). If you can be stable and hold her neck (mostly the sides) in a controlled manner, this is very exciting for girls.

Now y'all, any special tips/thoughts on upright missionary?
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