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Positive compliance ?

Hunter O-2

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 16, 2024
Ola gents hope y'all good ,anyway I have this girl I fumbled way back like in 2023 right I moved too slow and we argued a lot and after that I got super negative compliance and she didn't even want to see me anymore so I left that issue and went back to dating other girls and focusing on my small businesses life was pretty good and still is so while ,I remember a while back I get a tap on the shoulder while I'm walking with a friend I turn around it's her and she is super happy to see me I'm confused and I play along she is touching me and stuff I'm like okay we talk for a few then she passes by fast forward this year I'm getting compliance from her and she just helps me promote my business and gets me customers mind you I didn't ask her basically she is a helper these days to me these days even when I didn't have a place to stay she helped me find one honestly I did like the girl back and she just basically makes herself available but gents I need advice on how to properly proceed on this matter from this point
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take