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Practical Frame Control


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
I want to make this post to share my perspective on what frame control is and practical ways to strengthen it conversationally.

I won’t go into how you go about setting frames or how they’re established in this post. But I will define what frames are and what purposes they serve. This post will mostly be centered around strengthening already expressed frames and maintaining them.

These are my perspectives and how i’ve made myself a more persuasive individual.

What it means

At it’s simplest, frame control is controlling the narrative. Frames are any outlook that is held over a specific thing that build said narrative.

Think of any belief you may hold about whatever. Being an active member on a seduction forum for example, you may believe going around chatting up women is a productive use of time.

Where as someone else, let’s say a radical feminist, believes the very concept of seducing random women is evil and an abuse of authority.

These are both very real perspective’s for you and the imaginary rad feminist, and objectively one isn’t any more true than the other in their contexts.

The contrasting frames or frames of mind are constructed based on information from the same thing.

As seducers we believe women like to be seduced, because they say so in so many ways. The imaginary radical feminist believes the opposite because women(or their own experiences) have said so in so many ways.

The differences in frame or ideology come from different experiences, different values we were raised with, and the tendency to cherry pick self serving conclusions out of any given situation.

In that way there really is no 100% objective right or wrong to any given person’s frame of mind.

The control aspect comes from you being aware of the differences in frames of mind and reaching a mutual understanding, one that’s productive to your goals in this context.

We don’t want “agree to disagree”, we want the other person, or the audience little by little shifting over to your perspective on things. A perspective that allows for progression.

Controlling the Frame

With definitions out the way, I wanna go into common ways frame control is used, more elegant ways to go about it, overt and covert ways, and picking your battles when it comes to challenging frames.

Common ways Frame Control is Used

Frame control is a tool for persuasion, and more often than not used to mold behavior.

So with that being said I believe the most low level, common, and unproductive, applications of frame control are arguing, debating, violence, intimidation, passive aggressiveness, and ultimatums, In the context of persuasion.

While they do serve their purpose and can be really powerful if used at the appropriate time, with the right person, more commonly they are used when any disparity is had, and that person is strong willed and wants to control the frame.

I call these unproductive because while you may get your way, ultimately these behaviors drive a schism between them and you, depending on who you’re talking to. And only really should be applicable the deeper any given relationship goes. They are grossly misplaced if used in the context of early seduction or relationships. When a lack of investment is apparent.

With some they may shut down and negate your perspective altogether, or mirror back these same behaviors leading to nowhere. Others may appreciate these lower levels of communication. Others may be indifferent altogether. Some may allow you to steamroll them in this way. All depends on who you choose to spend your time around, and your role in their lives.

Nevertheless; “you serve vinegar, you gonna get pickles” -pimp c. Eventually anyway.

A caveat would be, like I said before, some people actually respond better, to this form of communication the deeper any given relationship goes. I’m hesitant to call them damaged, but i’ve found some people cannot be swayed in a more elegant way. Some scenarios do call for these.

But if you find yourself resorting to any of these in an attempt to mold behavior regularly, I really encourage you to read on because there are more productive ways.

Better ways to Control the Frame: Pacing and Leading

With any strongly held belief, I’m of the frame of mind that outright being disagreed with or telling/being told that you or they are wrong. Is absolutely deadly if your goal is to change minds. Unless you are coming from a position in which the other person is open to learning, and they know you have something to teach.

Doing so is regressing back to those lower level behaviors I mentioned before, and unless you absolutely have your facts in order, doing so may result in unfavorable dynamics.

So with that being said I think the natural progression from brashly disagreeing with someone, is Pacing and Leading.

It’s very simple, yet very effective. You acknowledge someones point of view, point out the aspects of their pov that are productive, and from there naturally segway into your frame using aspects of theirs.

This is the purest form of pacing and leading to me when it comes to frame control. It isn’t the “Okay I see but hear things my way” that’s more commonly used.

Here’s a demonstration:

HB: I like dogs better than cats.

Reader: Why’s that?

HB: Well, dog’s are more loyal, they’re always happy to see you, and they provide comfort when you need them. I feel like cats don’t really care.

Reader: Yeah dog’s are great, I don’t know though I don’t really compare the two, I like dogs like you said, but I also love cats, because although they can be assholes, they can be weirdly protective, I’ll never forget when I was younger we’d feed this alley cat. It’d always come around when it was hungry, well we had a dog at the time and they eventually met, a big pitbull. I’ll never forget the day because the little alley cat chased my dog off when my dog got protective. And although my dog was undoubtedly loyal, the cat was willing to go farther when it came to who’d be around me.

In this demonstration you pace HB’s perspective and weave it throughout your own based on the values she deemed important to her. You open her/their mind to perspectives they may not have been aware of. And begin to erase the line between what they believe and what you believe.

When it comes to shifting behavior, or allowing future behavior this is key, because you’ve addressed concerns regarding it preemptively.

And though simply pacing and leading may not change their mind completely. It does dissolve frames a bit, and the person is much less likely to argue you down on it. Because you don’t trigger a defensive response.

You may see HB with a cat somewhere down the line.

What we are going for is understanding, when two perspectives are polar opposites, not total domination and agreement. Although this may happen as well.

Notice the lack of a combative tone when getting your point across. On the average people are much more susceptible to influence, when you do not force it onto them in a way that openly contradicts their perspectives. Or downplays their convictions in a negative undermining way.

It’s human nature, we all have egos and sometimes fall victim to an over emphasis on the self, and when your ego feels challenged, high self esteem/opinionated individuals tend to push back depending on who’s doing the pushing.

Very rarely will you run into self possessed people who don’t follow this fashion of behavior. Women sometimes especially. When shifting the frame focus on making your frame easier to swallow versus forcing it down their throat.

Pacing and Leading via empathy is a good way to do that. You need to be able to get out of your own personal ideology and view things creatively. You need to understand their perspective in full, make a note of what fuels their frame of mind, and gradually lead them away based on the values that are important to them.

Using the dog and cat analogy. To HB, loyalty was a key part of her frame. So telling her that cats have cool claws, won’t do much in terms of persuading her to viewing cats in a different light.

The applications of this are nearly universal.

Better ways to Control the Frame: Frame Shaming

This one is actually pretty common among persuasive individuals and in society in general. Frame shaming, or highlighting the potentially insecure aspects of someones frame.

Unlike pacing and leading you skip over empathy and shoot down a potential frame. By way of good fun or being deadly serious about it.

Most people want to fit in and don’t particularly like being painted in a negative light, especially when it’s sometimes ironically true to them at some level, and their frame isn’t very secure.

“Aren’t you too old for x?”

“I dont think grown men should x”

“Women your age should be”

“Most people don’t”

I’m sure you’ve seen or heard something like this. And although kind of insulting you can’t help but find it rings kind of true when painted in that light.

Not a fan favorite for me personally but I can’t deny it is a very effective way for changing behavior or shutting down frames. Particularly for when you are high status in their mind.

Questioning someones frame as if it were silly or stupid, shameful, or embarrassing. Works fairly well on people who hold you in high esteem.

HB: Well the plan is to hold out for marriage

Reader: (Finding amusement out of it) wowww, hopefully you aren’t all dried up by then

HB: noo stop it

Reader: Or find out your new husband has a super small dick

HB: oh my god that’d be terrible

Reader: Well good luck with that

By way of shaming someones frame you tempt them into changing by pointing out flaws in their frame, not in a way meant to be convincing, but as if it were foolish and you know better. Poking at the holes in their reasoning, in a way that resonates with them deep down.

Like I said not a fan favorite for me, and if used on you it’s fairly easy to turn the tables.

Frame shaming can quickly turn into something not conducive for seduction so it’s best used sparingly and largely depends on who you’re using it with.

It’s what you often see in arguments centered around masculinity, politics, and situations where it seems the moral high ground/social norms are being discussed.

Better ways to Control the Frame: Creative Reasoning / Drawing parallels

i’m a big fan of figurative language in general, and i’ve found it works fairly well when it comes to persuasion.

When you illustrate something in a way the other person can vibe with, it will sometimes alleviate any concerns they have and bring them into your frame.

Because in my experience these things boil down to a lack of perspective, and all it takes is you communicating in a language that they can understand, to highlight how you all are on the same page.

This may be my favorite out of aotb, and it allows you to later talk about the most mundane things, that actually mean something else entirely. Almost like talking in code.

Let’s say you’re talking to a girl who’s big on, IDK baking? HB has reservations on you taking more than one partner, because she herself has been reluctant to. Dating in that way might seem shallow to her.

HB: Dating that way seems kind of shallow to me

Reader: Well, hear me out. For me it’s almost like baking in a way, the process is rewarding and exciting, but sometimes the finished product isn’t always what you were expecting. After all, there’s a million different recipes out there. And before you try them, it’s hard to say how any-one recipe may turn out, you might look at reviews or ask your friends, but we all have different taste buds. Sometimes it takes trial and error before you absolutely know what recipe you’re satisfied with. I mean sure you could suck it up and stick with the first recipe you ever try, but I feel like at some level, you know when somethings missing in the finished product.

Communicating in a language the other person can understand. So they can visualize and feel where you’re coming from. Talking like this will help them to connect the dots and broaden their perspective.

Better ways to Control the Frame: Pushing Hot Buttons

This term was pointed out to me by @TomInHo, a sales tactic in which you express your frame in a way that resonates with the other person.

I was wholly unaware that it existed as a tactic but would do it unconsciously when I felt like I knew who I was talking to.

Essentially when you are expressing your frame, you make inferences about values the other person holds, things they may be missing, or something that they yearn for.

This takes a bit of deductive reasoning and the ability to read a person. Knowing the implications in what you are expressing, and yet again, expressing it in a way that catches their attention.

Let’s say you’re talking to a girl who’s bored with her life. She may wish for excitement at some level.

But she also seems rather risk averse and may at some point self sabotage the dynamic between you and her.

Reader: I don’t know about you but boredom is killer for me. I feel like everybody’s so restrained whether its out fear of the unknown or of a good time in general. We so often pass up on great opportunities because of it. And because of that we never switch things up. There comes a point of time where you just have to say fuck it and follow your nose. I mean we know when we have a great opportunity, we know when we’re selling ourselves short, the feelings never lie. We don’t get that butterfly feeling on our way to work, but we so often take that feeling for granted when we’re on our way to somewhere that we know will be a good time. And sometimes pass up on it out of fear of that feeling. Sometimes we just have to say fuck it, and remember what feelings being too comfortable brings.

Pushing hot buttons is as close to mind reading as you can get. It’s how redpill guys, sales people, guys like andrew tate, garner their audiences. They’re speaking to things you unconsciously want, and set themselves up as the conduit to these things.

Prerequisites to Controlling the Frame:

  • I think the number one thing that should be accounted for is knowing who you are talking to. Knowing what they’ll likely respond to, and knowing potential things that may rub someone the wrong way. In that way you avoid setting frames that are too jarring, that are unnecessary to reinforce.

  • Number two would be being able to remain calm under pressure. If there are certain topics you are sensitive or passionate about, the other person may very well rub you the wrong way. It’s important to stay calm so that you can keep a sense of objectivity. Being able to remain objective is key for seeing what direction things are going, and how you can get to your desired outcome.

  • Number 3 goes back to one. Picking your battles and knowing when any of these things are needed to get your point across. Sometimes you’ve stated your case thoroughly and anything more would be overkill. This doesn’t mean your frames haven’t stuck. But sometimes it takes a little time for them to resonate with it. In this way sometimes less is more. See if you notice any changes nonverbally versus focusing on what’s being verbally expressed. This avoids any unnecessary confrontation, and subsequent dissonance that’d shut them down to your opinions.

These can be used in tandem and i’ve found they work fairly well for maintaining/strengthening frames.

Frame control is one of those things that has universal applications when it comes to the social atmosphere, it isn’t just used in seduction. So in that way, I think it’s very beneficial to have a good grasp on using it.

By no means does this cover everything, and there are other good posts here and on girlschase that have helped me out. But nevertheless hopefully this has given a fresh perspective on different ways.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
The Nonverbal Side

Since i’ve covered conversational tools for frame control I feel like it’d be a disservice not to dive into the nonverbal aspects.

So often we focus on what to say, we forget about how we say things. Which is arguably the more important of the two.

As I’ve said before frame control is controlling the narrative, while frames construct that narrative.

But, frames aren’t only dictated by the things that you express verbally. A huge part of communication is nonverbal, over 80% actually.

So while you may tell a girl that you’re an absolute rockstar in bed, if you’re saying it with slouched shoulders, your head down, and a mumbly voice with intense stuttering, it is more likely she’ll consider it some weird form of self deprecating humor.

Your passive traits all set frames on their own, I think it’s absolutely necessary to take a look at yourself and make an educated guess as to how you are being perceived before you open your mouth. When you are just responding and existing.

This is where congruency becomes a factor, and frames you set can either work for you or against you.

Nonverbal behavior has been covered to death, yet it’s one of those things I rarely see applied in person.

So for optimal frame control I think it’s absolutely essential you have:
  • Straight Posture
  • Good Eye Contact
  • An audible voice
  • Attractive Delivery
  • Intention with your delivery
  • A resilience to pressure(no apparent ticks or fidgetting)
  • A lack of stiffness
If you miss out on these frame control becomes alot harder. Because simply put, people don’t buy in to what you have to say all that much on the average. And when they do it’s for the wrong reasons.

Facial Cues/ Adlibbing

At times unnecessary frames are introduced, topics, threads, that really hold no net positive. They feel like it’d be a waste of energy, and unproductive to reframe, or use any of the tactics I listed above. Think the dog and cat discussion from my previous example.

At times like these a small acknowledgment is all thats needed to segway onto other topics.

It all depends on the frame that’s expressed and how you choose to feel about it. You might respond with a smile, a raising of the eyebrows with a tilted head, a curious “hm”, or “ohh” then change subjects.

The point is you don’t feed into the frame and it naturally runs its course. This has universal applications, and works fairly well when people say things intending to get a negative reaction, or push your buttons.

When they want you to defend yourself or justify something. You respond nonverbally but don’t necessarily feed into it verbally.

Pacing of the Convo

When you’re setting frames, and managing those set frames, pausing can be a very powerful indicator that you know what you’re talking about.

It displays a level of comfort, people who are flustered, don’t take the time to sip their drink, look off thoughtfully, or generally let a conversation hang. And then respond in kind very relaxed and deliberately.

Having the appearance of control, really helps in terms of frame control. And pausing is a great way to showcase that you are in fact in control.

So before you open your mouth, feel free to take the time to think about how you choose to respond to something, especially if it’s something that’d otherwise get under your skin.

There’s a saying that goes “don’t fight their battle”, when you’re rushing to get a word in, or otherwise chasing behind someone in a conversation, it’s fairly easy to shoot yourself in the foot, or say something that you wish you hadn’t. Because you rushed toward a response.


Sometimes the most effective way to burst a frame is through making them disregard it entirely. Either through laughter, or intrigue.

This can be wholly achievable with your delivery, the way you say things.

A good sense of comedic timing if you have it, or a provocative tone of voice. That intrigues, or distracts, and causes a changing of subjects without you having to on your own.

It’s hard to explain with texts. You ever have someone hit you with a contentious opinion?

“I hate flower print shirts” while you have a flower print shirt on. And I mean they’re dead serious. Laughable and totally unnecessary.

Instead of getting defensive and stating your case, saying something in a generally funny/unserious way like, “yeah, me too” will more often than not cause that person to backtrack or start qualifying on how they actually like your shirt and they hate other flower shirts that aren't yours.

Provocative delivery, saying something like “oh, would you rather me be shirtless”, works the same way.

Distracting from the frame and keeping the vibe moving forward.


These in combination with the verbal aspects of frame management, are super helpful for me in the context persuasion.

Arguably more important, the nonverbal aspects are key, and contribute passive gains in terms of getting your way.
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a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2021
This is the best resource on frame control I've read. Kudos. Mastering frame control will be a big part of my next year in Game, so this is very helpful to me.

What about using passive examples?

For example, telling a story about another guy and girl you know you did X and Y instead of talking directly about you and the girl.

Is that another form of frame control, or just a way to soften existing methods?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
This is the best resource on frame control I've read. Kudos.
Appreciate that!
For example, telling a story about another guy and girl you know you did X and Y instead of talking directly about you and the girl.

Is that another form of frame control, or just a way to soften existing methods?
Yeah it’s all the same in my book. Stories, whether it be about you and some other person, or about someone unrelated to you entirely but the overall thesis you took from it.

All of it in this context is used to convey a certain message, basically what are the connotations of what i’m expressing, And how is this other person interpreting my story in the context of me.

The funny thing is i’ve kind of noticed women read in to things alot more than men. So for instance you could express how you feel about someone entirely unrelated, and neverthless she may still read into that and take offense, or as a sign of interest, because she interprets it in relation to you and her.

Its like a symptom of her trying to figure out how you think, in those cases.

Girls often view it in the lens of you all together, and not this other third party. Despite it being a story unrelated to her.

So in that way the underlying message and explanation of how you feel about what you are expressing, is more important than the story itself, in terms of frame setting/ controlling the frame.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Parte tres.

Frames (1/2)

Now that i’ve gone over how I maintain frames, and have also touched slightly on how frames work in my mind. I guess it’s time to do my best to break down my thought process regarding them in action, and divulge what kind of frames to set.

Frames help to distinguish us as individuals, they serve as a natural filter for who you’re drawn toward, and the kind of people drawn toward you. Like attracts like. They also contribute in dictating how people interact with one another.

As social/seduction students, we learn how to be like women, we operate on a similar thought pattern in the context of frame control. We learn to be chameleons. But we tend to do it better.

Doubly so because we’re blessed with the ability to lead conversations in the directions we want them to go. And are pivy to truisms of the female experience.

Women through their, experiences, temperament or whatever, seem to naturally learn to know what sides of themselves to express with other people.

It helps to maintain a social harmony. One that being too disagreeable, opinionated, or straightforward, tends to dissolve.

They are not always straight shooters like most men, and will follow the lead of whoever they’re around, intellectually. Not to say they’ll just mirror your opinions, but it’s likely they won’t touch on certain topics unless you do so first or make them feel okay too. While expressing themselves wholly anyway. (If she gives af)

Meaning two different guys could talk to the same girl and the guy’s may have very different opinions on who she is as a person.

“Damn that chick is mean.” “What??? shes a sweetheart”
“She’s seems wife material” “Huhh?? Well she definitely get’s around”

But this also applies to the social landscape at large. You may go to work and slack off, yet still get promoted and have a vaguely “unprofessional” relationship with your boss.

While your peers may see your boss as someone to be intimidated by, and themselves as a cog in the machine. And your boss seems to treat them as if it’s really so.

So what gives?

Well it’s due to pre existing or established frameworks for the relationship. Mostly in the getting to know you process, that key moment where though not consciously, unconsciously you’re trying to figure out if this is someone you vibe with.

And on top of that, pre existing frame works you already have in your mind for how you’ll interact with certain people—Mostly based off of society, experiences, upbringing

Going back to the boss example, you may already have in your mind that you treat employers with a certain type of regard, regardless of how you feel about them. So although you may barely know this person, you force them into the frame of “I am your boss, you are my subordinate”, with your behavior, (goes back to the nonverbal portion), which comes with that cog in the machine kind of treatment.

Where as some other guy treats them as an individual, rather than someone hierarchically above them in a literal sense, and their relationship shows for it. They may not get that lackey treatment.

This is all totally unconscious, and even when you’re aware you’d be surprised at how difficult it is to actually change.

Imagine coming from a framework where being sexually liberated is shamed, and you’re only taught to interact with women in a controlled context.

Then going somewhere where women are used to being treated more liberally, and trying to match that standard. Or vice versa. There’s a ton of internal resistance there, because of the frames you have solidified in your mind about how to interact with women.

Setting Frames

For the rest of the world frame setting isn’t something that’s thought about at all. Except for socially aware women, and the very rare socially aware man.

It’s a natural byproduct of how you identify as a person and how you view other people.

We as “seducers”, are fortunate enough to be privy to info that allows us to present ourselves in different ways for different people, in a way that’s optimal for making different friends, relating to different women, and essentially getting the things we want out of life.

And once you are that well rounded person with different sides to your personality, solidified boundaries—concrete statures of behavior you will allow of yourself and other people, and a nonjudgmental attitude, it’s pretty much unconscious for us too. With the bonus of winning in most situations.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
Setting Frames (2/2)

Quick Breakdown of the how, when, and why of different ways to set Frames.

Reciprocated Questions

When you ask a question about something that you care about the answer to, essentially you are screening for a frame. Their framework on the topic matters in your mind.

But when you shine the spotlight on someone in this way, the gods of conversation usually require the spotlight be directed back at you, and you’ll have to give your perspective, a frame. So with that being said, it’s best not to ask questions that you yourself aren’t prepared to answer, those that’d frame you in a negative light, unless you want for them too. Or are already good at framing yourself regardless of the question.

(Also don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, if you aren’t prepared for the answer)

With questions and certain topics it’s also possible to predict tangential dialogues, where a convo may lead to, so it’s probably best to avoid those also if u don’t have a handle on controlling the frame. (Expressing yourself in the right way)

Every action is up for interpretation

And can be painted in a different light, you may see it with lawyers, defending their cases, or sales people talking you down.

This falls more into frame control, but it applies to setting frames as well. This goes back to expressing yourself in a way that appeals.

Any action can be interpreted and explained in a way that supports a frame that you want to convey.

Hb: Why won’t you hang out with me and my friends? Like are you shy? Do you not like them I don’t get it.”

Reader: It’s not that I don’t think your friends are cool people, I’d just rather be selfish and have you to myself.

Reader: I’ve never really been a fan of the whole meet my people kind of thing. I feel like if you feel me and I feel you, meeting friends, etc is best saved for the people who aren’t so sure, and need that outside validation

Reader: You’re ready for me to meet your friends already? I guess that means you’ll be proposing to me next

As you can see it’s possible to come up with different frames for the same question, depending on how you want to define the framework of the relationship.

In the first you gas her head a bit about something she’s worried about. And alleviate any concerns it may bring up in regards to you and her. The frame is you’d rather spend time 1 on 1 than with her friends.

In the second you frame people who want to do things, like introduce people they’re dating to their friends, as a bad thing. As people insecure in their
relationships. You say it in a way that insinuates you all have a good vibe going, and that you and her doing it is unnecessary, because you both know where you stand. (Whatever that means lol)

In the third you insinuate she’s jumping the gun, and at this rate it’ll be her who proposes to you. It’s meant to be facetious, but the frame is still “this is going too fast let’s relax we aren’t there yet”.

This can be done with virtually anything, the angle you choose to use just depends on what you want the narrative to be.

Like I said these are examples of frame control, but you are setting frames within it. There is no one without the other.


A great, great, great way to set frames and the precedent in general. Qualifying has been pretty fleshed out already so i’ll just go over why it’s useful in my mind, and how I go about it.

Qualifying is almost 3 dimensional in it’s expression, it happens in so many ways that you may not even be aware of. You know someone is qualifying when they’re directly or indirectly trying to live up to an arbitrary standard you may have set, or they’re generally trying to be impressive to you, based on the frames that you have set.

It can be subtle behavioral shifts. Let’s say a girl thinks you’re a big time player.

There are certain girls who will play to “player” standards as a way to qualify and will resort to more promiscuous behaviors.

Like, telling you about other guy’s, bringing up the act of sex more, actively flirting with other guy’s around you.

To see if you get jealous? Probably. She’s just doing what she wants? In a way. She’s just like that all the time? Not necessarily.

In these contexts she’s actually reaching for the bar you’ve set yourself, and trying to live up to that standard. She’s doing the things that she thinks you as a person will notice. She’s being a pick me.

Its “pick me, pick me!!” behavior.

This is good because it sets that leader/follower, Boss/subordinate framework for the relationship.

This also works on the verbal level. See the second example above where you frame meeting her friends as a sign of insecurity. You’re effectively forcing her to qualify as an insecure person by pressing the issue, or qualify into liking the vibe you all have without doing those things. It’s an easy choice for anybody when it’s framed in that way.

On the verbal level you can actively qualify girls, and tap into that position of authority framework. By doing so you’re effectively shaping her behavior based on this framework.

Approval based Qualifier

Reader: I like you, you seemed pretty shy at first but I can tell you really open up when you’re around the right people. (to a girl who’s obviously reserved)

Hb: yeah you’re so right, it’s hard to find people you vibe with, im normally quiet but I like talking to you

Let’s say she was quiet as a mouse but you say something like this. Obviously she’s probably aware that she’s quiet, but now that you’ve expressed that you’re okay with that side of her, and have given your approval on her opening up, she will likely come out of her shell even more. Qualifying into the standard that you’ve set, by going along with it.

The frame is you like when she opens up.

Its an Approval Based Qualifier because you’re expressing approval for behavior she’s already expressed, or touched on. That you want her to continue.

Hard Qualifier

HB: what’s your insta?

Reader: don’t tell me you’re one of those girls who are obsessed with social media

HB: nooo it’s just that I wanted to see more of you

(Keyword just aka justifying yourself aka qualifying)

Here you are framing girls who ask for socials, as social media obsessed, a bad frame that she will qualify out of, by dropping it. Here you can either reward her qualifying by actually giving her your socials or some alternative that’s better for you.

It’s a Hard Qualifier because it is harsh. You’re actively framing her as something bad in the hopes that she’ll prove you wrong.

Standards Based Qualifier

Reader: I love when girls feel like they can tell me whatever

HB: I love to do that. Like what’s the point of talking to people if you can’t tell them what you’re really thinking.

Here you’re setting your frame and she is actively going along with it, and showing how she lives up to it. She now knows what you like, and will express herself in that way more often.

It’s standards based, well because you’re setting your standard. You love when girls do x, she wants you to like her, so she’ll show you how she does x.


Stories are an indirect way to set frames about yourself. They’re an active way to display how you feel about things and how you interpret certain scenarios.

Reader: My friend recently broke up with his girl and you’d never guess why. Apparently they were watching that movie 365days, and she developed this huge crush on the main guy. I couldn’t help but to shake my head on the inside because i’m like…how can she control that, it was almost like he didn’t know girls could be sexually attracted to guys in the same way we guys are to girls. It’s like he thought she was only around for the good times, and not because she actually liked fucking the guy. Kind of felt bad for them.

The ABC’s of the framework here is essentially you’re a sexually aware guy, who knows women have sexual attractions, like any other human being. Which seems trivial, but not really considering all the red pill stuff floating around.


How you behave in general is the most powerful when it comes to setting frames, they’re honest signals broadcasted out to the world.

Going back to the boss example, if you treat your boss as a person, versus as someone who you’re trying to suck up to. It does well for the frame work of your relationship as more casual.

When you treat girls in a dominant way, showing you aren’t afraid to touch them, amongst other things, you’re setting the framework for “this is how I am, and this is how we’ll be”.

It also applies to standing up for yourself and speaking up on things you’ll allow and won’t allow in general. If your boss keeps asking you to come in despite it not being required, and you relent because it’s your boss and you don’t want to piss them off. You’re setting up a framework where they can walk all over you despite of what you actually want.

The kind of person you are around people, your reputation, what you choose to talk about, and what you will and won’t allow of others. Again. Sets more frames than anything else.

Think of someone you like, love, dislike, or respect. How does this person act, what have they done said, and why do they hold that impression over you? That impression is a byproduct of the general framework of you all’s relationship. Caused by how they are.


With all that being said, timing is probably the most important. You don’t want to randomly burst out into a story about sex. When all she just told you is what she just ate for breakfast.

You want to look for windows and good contexts to set your frames, a good context for the above story might be, movies, or girl/guy disconnects, for example.

Let the context come to you, or build up toward it with your choice of topics. Don’t blurt it out in an attempt to set a frame with no context for it.

You also want to calibrate behavior, there may be things that you’ll allow because of the context, or won’t do because of the context. These things aren’t static in reality.

You also don’t want to overly give your approval, to a girl who’s testy and may use it against you.

Or be too harsh with a girl who’s already fairly compliant while things are going the right way.

You also don’t want to set frames the other person may not resonate with unnecessarily in the context of persuasion. If a girl’s only ever been with one guy, giving her an in depth look at your sexual understanding may just as much scare her away as it does make her intrigued.


Hopefully this has given a fresh understanding of some of the ways you can actively set frames when talking to others.

There are plenty, and I mean plenty of resources for it already. And call it framing, but under a microscope most of these things we talk about are a way of actively setting frames.

I won’t talk about the nonverbal aspects anymore for pulling this all together. But I do highly recommend looking into @Skills post’s on physical game (not physical as in literally touching, but physical as in how you’re physically behaving btw). Also posts in regards to literal physical touch, and the general vibes you’re putting out.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Aug 11, 2013
This is fantastic. Frames is something I've always struggled to understand, especially the articles on GC, and in the forum, and it often seems too advanced and abstract for me to get my head around. But this is a great and very accessible guide, and its made me notice how I do some of these things unconsciously. Great work @Rakehell


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
@DoWhatWorks Appreciate that man, same to you.

This is fantastic. Frames is something I've always struggled to understand, especially the articles on GC, and in the forum, and it often seems too advanced and abstract for me to get my head around. But this is a great and very accessible guide, and its made me notice how I do some of these things unconsciously. Great work @Rakehell
Thanks slash, I get what you mean when you say it’s been kind of hard to get your head around. But in defense to other posts, it’s actually pretty hard to explain in a coherent and practical way for people who don’t already get it!

It’s one of those things where it doesn’t click at first but randomly does one day. There’s definitely a learning curve to even understanding it in action. And another learning curve for being able to do it effectively.

Glad you liked the post