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Prescription glasses - Are they actually that bad?


May 27, 2023
Hey all,
I'm new and this is my first post. I was reading Neil Strauss' book, The Game and read about how Style was encouraged to drop his prescription glasses and get LASIK. I've worn glasses all my life and I was considering getting laser just for the improved quality of life experience but what are your thoughts on this when it comes to girls?

Police dog

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Apr 1, 2023
Not about girls but don’t get eye surgery - there is a reason why ophthalmologists themselves don’t do it. If you are concerned about how you look with glasses just get contacts. But probably best way would be to just get glasses that look good on you.


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Nov 11, 2019
Hey all,
I'm new and this is my first post. I was reading Neil Strauss' book, The Game and read about how Style was encouraged to drop his prescription glasses and get LASIK. I've worn glasses all my life and I was considering getting laser just for the improved quality of life experience but what are your thoughts on this when it comes to girls?
glasses are sign of aging.... no glasses are health indicators of youth and healthiness...You can do lazik or contacts...


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 2, 2022
Hey all,
I'm new and this is my first post. I was reading Neil Strauss' book, The Game and read about how Style was encouraged to drop his prescription glasses and get LASIK. I've worn glasses all my life and I was considering getting laser just for the improved quality of life experience but what are your thoughts on this when it comes to girls?
Just get contacts for now.

If you’re over 35 and you have the right vibe, you can sometimes pull off glasses, but otherwise…nah.

Contacts completely changed my life.

Laser is worth having a good long think about before you do anything IMHO. It’s not as simple as it sounds.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
I have met a number of people who claim to have restored their vision through natural means. Basically, diet, rest, restorative practices. But most of all specific massages and eye exercises.

A friend of mine claims to have have gone down 3 prescriptions, before finally eliminating the need for glasses entirely. Says it required a great deal of regular discipline though. Had to practice at least 15 minutes a day.

Might be something worth looking into
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Sep 20, 2015
Glasses make you look less dominant and more agreeable. Believe it or not, this can actually help your fundamentals depending on how the rest of your look and vibe comes across. One of the best naturals I know always wears glasses -- on top of that he is not super good looking -- and literally has quality women asking him out left and right. BUT HIS VIBE IS EMMACULATE. He has amazing confidence combined with some of the most incredible empathy I've ever seen in a man. And he never chases.

I avoided glasses like the plague until recently, but actually this friend of mine inspired me to try wearing them on purpose, and I've actually found it at least as effective as no glasses. Interactions have a different flavor to them. It's a big attainability boost (Value-Attainability-Compliance model), and as others have written about, attainability is often underrated amongst us intermediates because we focus so much on improving value, frame, etc. It's much easier to get a girl chasing or feeling comfortable when you have high attainability -- otherwise, I find I have to do a lot more of the work, lead, and have a much smaller margin for error.

Now, I specifically wear glasses sometimes when I'm feeling a certain type of way.


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
I did LASIK once. No regrets after 8 years.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
At the time in my life I had the most girls most actively chasing me (junior high and early high school) I had big googly glasses. I dropped the glasses mid-high school to give myself a cooler look and girls chased me a lot less hard after that. When I talked to them they were more nervous; looking back the glasses made me more attainable.

I had a buddy who was extremely good with girls and always wore glasses. He had big muscles and a sardonic, caustic wit, and was Asian. His glasses and Asian-ness helped offset the big muscles and caustic wit to keep him more attainable, otherwise he probably would've blown girls out.

I'll sometimes switch to glasses when I'm tired or my eyes are too dry. I get more and heavier approach invitations from girls when I have them on; girls will actively approach me much more often; and the girls I talk to are more forgiving in general.

Only reason I don't wear them all the time is this thing in the back of my head that still insists, "But glasses aren't cool...!"

Not about girls but don’t get eye surgery - there is a reason why ophthalmologists themselves don’t do it. If you are concerned about how you look with glasses just get contacts. But probably best way would be to just get glasses that look good on you.

Yeah seriously.

Healthline said:
Through support groups and social media, she’s connected with 23 others who have lost a family member to suicide after experiencing complications from LASIK.

There was even an entire website devoted to this called LASIK suicides:

Had lasik eye surgery on (b)(6), 2010. Now cannot see to do any of my daily tasks. Near and mid-vision are gone. I only see far away. Was only told i would need readers for the computer. Local doctor can't believe how farsighted they made me. I am preparing to commit suicide after i get me affairs in order for my children. Only those who have gone through this nightmare understand the guilt and shame. You spend thousands of dollars and have no recourse whatsoever when the outcome is bad. It is a great scam for the lasik centers. Where on earth could you buy a product and then not have any recourse if it does not work??? please put a stop to this before others die or ruin their lives!!! please listen to us!!!

[Dr. Morris] Waxler and [Dr.] Everette Beers, who is a former FDA deputy director of the ophthalmic device division, say a flaw in the approval process allowed the industry to convince FDA to downgrade adverse events to mere complications, which is how the side effects continue to be classified today. As such, more common problems, such as impaired night vision, extreme dry eye and blurry vision — all of which can be severe and in some cases disabling — don’t count against the 1 percent “adverse event” rate that FDA made clear was the acceptable limit."

Re: LASIK, it can really be a boon if it works, but a certain percentage of people have side effects ranging from annoying to debilitating, and these side effects are permanent. I knew a girl who'd had it done who couldn't drive at night anymore due to halos she saw at night around light post-LASIK. These halos seem to be fairly common, of varying severity, but not everyone gets them. Others report something called "severe dry eye syndrome" they need to continuously use artificial tears to wet. The worst reports I have read are people who report post-LASIK they can only read or look at a computer screen for 30-120 minutes before getting a splitting headache, then needing to take multiple hours off reading / looking at screens.

So it's a gamble: if you get a good roll of the dice, you get perfect vision with no side effects. Bad roll of the dice, and you get side effects ranging from halos, to dry eyes, to (in the worst case scenario) an inability to read or look at screens most of the day. Any side effects you get will be with you till you die (or until they can grow new eyes for you ~30 years from now and you undergo an even more dramatic surgery).

Personally, I need to be reading/writing/looking at screens a lot (impossible to do GC work without that), which means the reading headaches thing would ruin me. So it's not a gamble I could or would take... benefit of not wearing contacts simply not worth the downside risk. The severe dry eyes thing, too -- man, I would not want that aggravation for the rest of my life. Contacts are way less annoying than that.

Probably comes down to how much of a gambler you are. Seems like in most cases it works out well. Me, I only gamble when the downside risk is something I can handle no matter which way it goes.

This YouTube video comment section of videos on LASIK risks are filled with comments of people saying either 1.) "LASIK was the best decision of my life" or 2.) "LASIK was the worst decision of my life." Pick your poison...!


Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I have met a number of people who claim to have restored their vision through natural means. Basically, diet, rest, restorative practices. But most of all specific massages and eye exercises.

A friend of mine claims to have have gone down 3 prescriptions, before finally eliminating the need for glasses entirely. Says it required a great deal of regular discipline though. Had to practice at least 15 minutes a day.

Might be something worth looking into
It's true .

Seen some of my friends done that .

These things are very culture specific , in this day and age .

I am going to start this from november .

And , yes It takes discipline and patience .


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Only reason I don't wear them all the time is this thing in the back of my head that still insists, "But glasses aren't cool...!"
Yeah man I also say the same for years by now. When I was more chubby I got girls trying to connect more. Connections were easier, I also was much younger so that probably helped

These days because I am in a more advanced age I do not want to shirk on the superb fundamentals, attainability or not, because I need to demonstrate excellence.