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Preselection having opposite effect?


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys,

I've noticed a trend for me that preselection seems to be having a negative impact. Chicks always assume I'm dating the chick I'm with and eject. They mostly ask the chick if she's my girlfriend but still eject anyway. Any advice? I've included some examples below.

Scenario 1 – Miss Tall, Bombshell look
I've mentioned in a few of my reports I've been going out with my (terrible) wing woman "Miss Tall", I imagine she can be intimidating to chicks being a busty blonde bombshell, I thought she would be great for preselection when I approached chicks but they eject and later ask Miss Tall if I'm her boyfriend, sometimes they'll ask me while we're talking which I don't mind so much, I see it as a sign of interest and I can let them know I'm single but usually they get away quickly.

Scenario 2 – Friends girlfriend, cute chick next door look
I went out last weekend in a little group with one of my friends' girlfriends, she's cute and probably a lot less intimidating to chicks, she looks more like the cute chick next door than a bombshell, but she had the same effect on chicks as Miss Tall. Chicks would look nervous and eject when I approached and would later ask her if we were dating.

I talked to a chick that I met the other week who was happy to see me, but she acted very standoff and asked if I was with the chick. I told her we were friends and tried to tease her for acting jealous to which she said she wasn't a home wrecker in a matter-of-fact tone. She later asked my friends girlfriend if we were dating so she didn't even believe me telling her that we were friends.

Scenario 3 – Even with other guys, everyone assumes I'm with the chick
Even when there's another guy, everyone assumes I'm dating the chick and not the other guy. I'm not doing anything that different, they just never assume them two to be together. I'll dance with the chick occasionally or help guide her through busy crowds, I think I need to be seen to interact with these chicks to make the most out of preselection and to not look like a social loser that doesn't know how to be social but I'm not getting the benefits of preselection.

Even without the chicks,
I've started to go out without chick friends, I get asked where my girlfriend is. I wouldn't mind but it's usually guys or the fat chicks that are asking this. It makes me wonder how many people think we're dating and how much of a negative impact I'm getting.


Fuck This

Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 24, 2015
I can only assume you are sticking to your female friend too much. Branch out with the people you are socializing with in the venue.
Second, it is a safe bet for her to act as if she assumes the attractive woman in your party is your girlfriend. If she is wrong it doesn't cost her any thing....and it assures her she's not poaching a kept man.

"where is your girlfriend?"
"Out here in the world somewhere....I hope to meet her someday, Until then, what's your name?"
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Thanks @Fuck This I don't think I'm sticking with her too much, I'm a bit of a social butterfly at these clubs and I know a few groups of people that I go between leaving her on her own. My wing has stuck with her while I've branched out and I still get this association. I don't understand, but I've not been out with her for a while so hopefully this helps.

"where is your girlfriend?"
"Out here in the world somewhere....I hope to meet her someday, Until then, what's your name?"

This is brilliant, thank you! I will be using this.
