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Health  Preventing an alcohol problem

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
I have always been an occasional drinker . I think I only drank like on 10 occasions last year.

But somehow since last week of February... I had been drinking on regular basis like 2-3 times a week now . 180 ml everytime.

I have begun to feel cravings for it and tbh I don't want it .

Initially , I did it for fun but soon ut became a crutch as if whenever I feel stressed out for exams . I would drink. And seems like I have not of an addictive personality.

I had no idea that would happen but to avoid getting addicted to it for real , I will go on cold turkey now .

I don't know if it will affect my lays in future or not but getting addicted to it seems far scary .

If anyone has got some experience regarding this then that would be great.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
some former guys that used to drink have replaced with Kava... or whatever is call, maybe field test that...
Will try if it's available here.

At the end of the day , drinking never made socialisation ( with new people ) easy for me . It put me more on high alert mentally and I would just never approach if I am drunk.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
This will not cause problems. Even in a bar, they will serve you non-alcoholic drinks
Yeah .

Best nightgame happened when I won't drink .

I am more afraid getting addicted to booze then losing lays


Staff member
Jan 24, 2021
I have always been an occasional drinker . I think I only drank like on 10 occasions last year.

But somehow since last week of February... I had been drinking on regular basis like 2-3 times a week now . 180 ml everytime.

I have begun to feel cravings for it and tbh I don't want it .

Initially , I did it for fun but soon ut became a crutch as if whenever I feel stressed out for exams . I would drink. And seems like I have not of an addictive personality.

I had no idea that would happen but to avoid getting addicted to it for real , I will go on cold turkey now .

I don't know if it will affect my lays in future or not but getting addicted to it seems far scary .

If anyone has got some experience regarding this then that would be great.

If you really can't help yourself, going cold turkey is good. Drinking isn't something necessary to get the best out of life.

But you say you've always been able to moderate yourself until now, so it's probably more of a new habit than a part of your nature. And if you can create a habit, you can undo a habit the same way, by replacing the alcohol with something else.

There's a good book on the subject called 'The power of habit'. The basic mechanism is that a habit is basically a stimulus that prompts an action in order to get a reward - e.g. you feel depressed (stimulus), you have a drink (action), you feel better (reward). If you replace the action with something else that provides a reward, you can take redirect the habit to something useful.

As long as the action of drinking isn't happening after the stimulus, the drinking won't become a habit, and will be a lot easier to moderate.

I just can't drink in moderation

Be careful of how you talk to yourself about yourself, it will create your reality. This seems to contradict what you said earlier.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
But you say you've always been able to moderate yourself until now
Yes that's correct.
Be careful of how you talk to yourself about yourself, it will create your reality. This seems to contradict what you said earlier.
Well even though I know that ... But how i behaved in the last 30 days , I was trying to escape and avoid stress of my exams.

And due to that I would drink every 3 days and slowly I started getting cravings for alcohol every day ... So , i have decided to cut it out ... Atleast till a time when I don't feel the need to drink to avoid problems.

I am in a fix right now cuz of things that can either improve my life or make me wait whole another year.

As long as the action of drinking isn't happening after the stimulus, the drinking won't become a habit, and will be a lot easier to moderate.
This is something I will take care of.

I am simply trying to not get addicted


Modern Human
Modern Human
Feb 23, 2022
you kicked your smoking habit, didn't you? How's that going?

I understand you're concern here. probably wise to dial back if you feel like you are at risk of developing a habit.

I personally have always been a moderate drinker.

In the past I had periods where I drank a bit more than others. Can only think of one period where it became more of a habit and I saw myself starting to have strong cravings and such. So I just dialed it back again.

These days I can't even remember the last time I had a drink. Older I get the more of a price I pay for even just one drink.

If I do drink, it will be probably no more than one drink, and early so that I can metabolize it before bed.

Can occasionally be a nice touch to the evening. After ward it's just Water, orange juice (bars often give me OJ for free, as long as I tip nicely they keep em coming), or even some bars have tea. I'll also order mocktails, as those are more common. Thing with those is they are often too sugary. I get a sugar high, and then my energy crashes.

For me Alcohol has never been much of a plus to my game. There is some merit to the initial buzz, but also makes me sleepy and takes my sharpness away.

And then there is the hit to health. Will almost always fuck with my sleep/mood the next day.

If you feel like it's becoming a crutch and you are having trouble stepping away from it, give it a thorough examination and ask what you might be gaining from it. As well as what it might be masking. Similar to the process with tobacco.

It sounds to me that this is more of a social drinking habit though. In which case I'd suggest just lean into gaming sober until you feel like the habit is more manageable.

Then, If you are going to drink set a one drink limit. early in the night. no more than two drinks per week.

Even then, is it really necessary?

For me drinking is kind of like smoking. I had my time with it (was def addicted to tobacco, but not alcohol). but can't really see the benefits now. Even a little bit and I feel it's toll on my body and mind. Every now and then I can afford the toll for a little taste of the experience (not tobacco, never ever again). but a little goes a very long way. More and more it is less appealing to me. Would rather just exercise, eat well, get sleep, stay focused, be clear. Be social without feel a pressure to confirm to others habits.

This is true for other substances too. Marijuana, Mushrooms, Ecstacy, LSD (tried a few others once or twice as well). Been there done that. Can reach transcendent states in a much less toll taking manner through mediation, or hiking, , or journaling/self reflection, or even just good conversation, good sex.

All these substances have their benefits, but they also have their price.

Also just the fact that you are aware of when you might be developing a habit speaks to your character, and bodes well when it comes to regulating your relationship to these sort of things.

Honestly you remind me a bit of myself when I was younger. Would dabble with the party lifestyle and imbibe to a degree. But always was uncomfortable with the habit and striving to move beyond it. Looking back it was more just a period of youthful exploration that I was always destined to move past.

It was the people I knew that were never entirely aware of their habit, or lacked the desire to move beyond it that really struggled. Many of which still have a habit to this day. Most of them mellowed out to a degree, but still the habit I am sure effects their lives in one way or another. I don't judge, but I personally don't feel that I can afford the toll. Especially the older I get and I am wondering how they are still smoking cigarettes, and drinking like they do. You'll hear people complain about some ailment or another and you'll be thinking "gee that can't possibly have to do with the two drinks you have every night?.".

Or even when someone is just dehydrated. They'll be like "man I have a headache". and I am like "have you had much water today" and they are like "oh no, I haven't had any".

Any way I digress.

I think you'll be fine. And if it feels like it's becoming a habit dialing it back seems wise.

Also, shouldn't really effect your game much if you are learning to be social without it.

Spyce D

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 9, 2019
you kicked your smoking habit, didn't you? How's that going?
It went great then I fall back then into it ... then I quit it again.

What I have realised about myself is that my triggers for smoking was boredom , stress and lack of direction in life. So, when I fell back into the habit of smoking only then it became visible to me.

And it's the same just about drinking and having onetiies , it seems. Too much time in hand, don't know what to do in life. So , in that times , all these things becomes quite attractive.
It sounds to me that this is more of a social drinking habit though. In which case I'd suggest just lean into gaming sober until you feel like the habit is more manageable
Drinking is not my social habit. I drink alone generally. I have done social drinking on a few occasions and let me tell you this , I lose my confidence to approach chicks if I am drunk.

Just like you, I lose my sharpness too.

Maybe, drinking with a girlfriend woould be different.
Even then, is it really necessary?
Exactly. Initially , I though that somehow I would be able to deep dive into my mind and introspect on things that I coulodn't do sober. But, soon it became a rumination session. And it's not like I felt relieved afterwards. I mean what's the point of drinking or smoking when all I will do is to think / or girls.
It was the people I knew that were never entirely aware of their habit, or lacked the desire to move beyond it that really struggled. Many of which still have a habit to this day. Most of them mellowed out to a degree, but still the habit I am sure effects their lives in one way or another. I don't judge, but I personally don't feel that I can afford the toll. Especially the older I get and I am wondering how they are still smoking cigarettes, and drinking like they do. You'll hear people complain about some ailment or another and you'll be thinking "gee that can't possibly have to do with the two drinks you have every night?.".
That's what I have seen too. Lot of people don't want to acknowledge if they have a problem until its too late. Had a friend who died (at 29 ) from cardiac arrest cuz he couldn't control his vices.

Now, all I know is that after 3 weeks (I have an important exam) , I will make a few things right in my life. First thing is to never quit game. Cuz it is one thing that has got me out of the lowest point in my life. I had quit going out last March and it definitely took a toll. Even though, I did social circle game and a few daygame outings but nothing can compare to going out regularly, seeing yourself improving, growing your career.

This is true for other substances too. Marijuana, Mushrooms, Ecstacy, LSD (tried a few others once or twice as well). Been there done that. Can reach transcendent states in a much less toll taking manner through mediation, or hiking, , or journaling/self reflection, or even just good conversation, good sex.
Well, I have tried marijuana. But as you mentioned, there are better ways to reach that state and the best drug is victory. I don't think smoking, drinking ever made me as happy as getting my phone number/date from daygame, winning my first amateur mma fight, etc.

That's why I just can't take it anymore. I just don't see myself smoking or drinking when I am old but I do see myself flirting.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
May 20, 2023
There was a book called the easy way by Allen Carr which I heard some people swear by for addictions. I haven't read it myself.

The swish pattern from NLP if done correctly is useful for avoiding addictions. (most people teach it incorrectly unfortunately).

There is also a meditation technique to assist with them.

I recall reading about a medicine that is supposedly extremely effective in stopping alcoholism, but I don’t remember the name. If someone is interested I can try and find it, but you don’t seem actually addicted yet.