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Primal Seduction revisited


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 13, 2022
Revisiting Steve Jabba’s pick-up classic

When I really became interested in seduction in earnest a little over ten years ago, the community was in an interesting transition. While the first generation of pick-up artists inspired by Neil Strauss’s The Game advocated using routines, there was also an emerging group of pick-up artists promoting so-called ‘natural’ game. While this would have included companies like Real Social Dynamics in the States, but also English dating coaches like Richard LaRuina, Tom Torero and Steve Jabba.

Of these guys, Steve was one who struck me as having legitimately good game. In one of his street videos, Steve approaches an obviously hot Filipina. Just out of a relationship, the girl initiates the number-close with Steve. Elsewhere, Steve picks up an attractive Brazilian student. With light banter mixed with a little innuendo, Steve Jabba gets the girl’s number in what appears to be a hot lead. As someone with a preference for the empirical over the theoretical, I immediately recognized Steve as the real deal.

Published in 2014, Primal Seduction is Jabba’s only book. The book captures Steve’s approach to dating, which amounts to being good-looking while being an internally reference ‘sigma’ male who lives outside the system. The ‘Sigma’ is a new archetype in animal hierarchies, the independent male who does his own thing but can still consort with the alpha male and get women.

The problem today is day game is being done but done poorly. In a video posted by British far-right politician Paul Golding, a French girl is harassed by an unacculturated black male. While a decade ago cold approaching was cutting edge, these days one is increasingly liable to see scenes of ‘spam approaching’ like this unfolding in commercial centres where one is liable to see girls. For those of you who have not yet had the pleasure to familiarize yourself with Steve’s content, I will merely say that he pioneered a style of game that involves relating authentically to women as a maverick guy with a sexual identity, something a world away from “spam approaching” as practiced by pick-up numpties and young immigrant male labourers.

I can attest that Steve’s stuff works. Today, I saw a hot scruffy haired Asian at an intersection wearing a plaid shirt, leggings and ballet shoes. Later we cross paths again while shopping downtown and she looks me right in the eye. I approach her at the opportune time, and she gives me the real her as we talk in the street. I number close her for a date and do some parting kino touching her arm, suggesting I can be her “new friend” or maybe her “special friend”. Now, we’re texting to “hang out”. Thanks, Steve!

My one contention with Primal Seduction is I’m not sure the style of game Jabba advocates (i.e. approaching women as a random stranger) is the best approach to get a girlfriend. To be sure, studs can forge leads, but most guys will need a little extra social cachet to win over a given girl. On a larger level, I think the style of game Jabba advocates makes most sense in large cities like London. In March 2020 shortly before Covid broke out, I visited London and was struck by the churn of people entering and exiting the Underground. In such a place with its sheer volume of people, optimizing your look and approaching scads of women is perhaps a more adaptive strategy. For those of us who live in comparatively small cities in North America, I would advise focusing on lifestyle design rather than approaching women in a vacuum, which could also attract unwanted social attention.

I would recommend Primal Seduction for guys who want to know how to properly do a cold approach. Especially lately, I’ve noticed men spam approach and have a lack of sexual presence. Steve’s approach is more geared towards working on yourself (i.e. aesthetic, vibe, etc.) and then approaching women based on signals. Further, Steve knows how to lead a seduction. Amidst a largely clownish seduction industry, Steve is a guy I would recommend for making an impression on a girl that drives impact. However, overall I think the strategy is a bit short-termist and not as useful for guys who want to go the relationship route. If you’re looking to potentially get laid off cold approach, though, Steve’s as solid a guide as any.
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