I ended up talking to this girl a great deal that I met at a friends house. So during our conversation I passed her my phone with her name already typed in and she entered her number (I do this a lot, because it's seamless. I thought it was good, but now I realize I never ask for a date before the number! Won't happen from now on
Half a week later I text her and set up a date, which was easy to do, luckily.
I pick her up and we go for a drink. I'm laying the sexy vibe on thick--and there's a lot of two way touching going on. Her whole body is turned to me in the seat, she's laughing, she's playing with her hair nonstop, she's driving the conversation. This is probably where my inexperience becomes evident. Despite all this, we're here for about 2 hours, talking. I don't really know this girl at all and wanted to get some deep-diving in. The sexy vibe is actually pretty hard for me to maintain under this string of non-dynamic events, and I feel like I start settling into complacency around this point. Once I realize I should quit while I'm ahead, we hop back in the car and I take her back to her place. I ask her a few times, indirectly but clumsily, if I can come in. It's a no, her place is packed with roommates, which I knew but tried anyway.
So I'm here in the driveway with her, at a loss. So I lean in and kiss her for a few minutes, then say goodbye. I thought about the backseat--but I have no idea how to get a girl who's not your girlfriend into the backseat. Usually I'll just get out, walk around, open her door, take her hand, open the back door, and guide her into the backseat with my hand, then follow her in. I wasn't feeling like this would work.
Any tips for me? I haven't talked to her since. Is this salvageable? Also I'd love for someone to chime in on how to get a new girl into the backseat.
Things I think may have went wrong:
- Let the date stagnate by doing the same thing for 2 hours
- Felt like I had to make a move but we were in a bar, and I'm supposed to wait until we're in private aren't I? Should have pulled her to the car WAY earlier, while the sparks were flying. Damn.
- I start to get uncomfortable when I feel a lull, and begin to act too platonic out of panic. Need to figure out something else to do.
Half a week later I text her and set up a date, which was easy to do, luckily.
I pick her up and we go for a drink. I'm laying the sexy vibe on thick--and there's a lot of two way touching going on. Her whole body is turned to me in the seat, she's laughing, she's playing with her hair nonstop, she's driving the conversation. This is probably where my inexperience becomes evident. Despite all this, we're here for about 2 hours, talking. I don't really know this girl at all and wanted to get some deep-diving in. The sexy vibe is actually pretty hard for me to maintain under this string of non-dynamic events, and I feel like I start settling into complacency around this point. Once I realize I should quit while I'm ahead, we hop back in the car and I take her back to her place. I ask her a few times, indirectly but clumsily, if I can come in. It's a no, her place is packed with roommates, which I knew but tried anyway.
So I'm here in the driveway with her, at a loss. So I lean in and kiss her for a few minutes, then say goodbye. I thought about the backseat--but I have no idea how to get a girl who's not your girlfriend into the backseat. Usually I'll just get out, walk around, open her door, take her hand, open the back door, and guide her into the backseat with my hand, then follow her in. I wasn't feeling like this would work.
Any tips for me? I haven't talked to her since. Is this salvageable? Also I'd love for someone to chime in on how to get a new girl into the backseat.
Things I think may have went wrong:
- Let the date stagnate by doing the same thing for 2 hours
- Felt like I had to make a move but we were in a bar, and I'm supposed to wait until we're in private aren't I? Should have pulled her to the car WAY earlier, while the sparks were flying. Damn.
- I start to get uncomfortable when I feel a lull, and begin to act too platonic out of panic. Need to figure out something else to do.