Thank you Franco. The reason this is such a big problem is because he's "in love" with this girl, and he feels it this time, and his logistics are completely out of whack because of it. I've been giving him the harsh reality advice that he needs to hear because like you Franco, I was in a similar situation with my ex, and I fell so hard for that girl, and eventually I had to break up with her which became the turning point in my life, and this is exactly what my friend needs. But he's in depression and denial, and even with the women who I bring up or bring around because of the site, he's not budging, he has his mind set on her, but his depression is bad, and he's not stable under depression ( I was fairly rational even in my severe depression) and he's literally either going to drive himself crazy, or hurt himself bodily, or break up with her (I have very low expectations for this one).
It pains me to see him go through this because I know the exact feeling, and I've been telling him what he needs to hear not what he wants to hear. He's trying to salvage the relationship, but he's providing 90% of the effort, and she's providing 10% maximum.
And, it doesn't seem like he's buying her things expecting love back, he's buying her things and providing her with money because money is something she desires highly, and wanting the best for her, trying to fulfill her desires, provides money and material items to her, he's not doing it expecting love back, but he'd appreciate her appreciation. Money is actually something he hates alot because of the amount of deaths it's caused in his life.
His last major problem, is that he points out the problems and talks to her about it, but she never has anything to say, no matter the subject or emotion, she doesn't talk, and is defensive to an insecure level about releasing emotion (even to a boyfriend she's had for 1 year), and that's another thing that he hates, that she doesn't talk, or, she talks to everyone that isn't him.
My opinion is, she's effectively Plan B'ed him so to speak, and by that, I mean: She's claiming him as a boyfriend to keep getting material items, and a fuck when she wants one, and is too comfortable because he's so nice a guy, he won't retaliate so she doesn't have to stop playing this game with him. But, she's not sleeping with any other guys, she's actually loyal to him, so I'm guessing she doesn't care for a relationship, and sees him once a week because it's the minimum amount of work she has to do to reap the most rewards from him.