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FR  Prom Afterparty


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 27, 2014

Hey guys, this is my absolute first post here on Girls Chase. I'm a Junior at an all boys private highschool. Yikes. Makes it hard to find girls, but I clean up where I can. Been doing pretty well this year with a fair amount of hook ups, a girlfriend, and a little 3rd base action. Maybe I'll make it to the home stretch over the summer, but we'll see. With all that said, feel free to just call me Valesti. Looking forward to interacting with you guys :)

Alas, I digress. Onto this Field Report. Almost a Lay Report, but you'll see why it wasn't.

The Afterparty Begins: Context

After the prom, we head back to this girl's house for the after party she's hosting. Her parents were home, and they expressly forbade alcohol, but a few people snuck in Vodka and a little bit of Whiskey. They didn't bother to come down into the basement where we were, so things proceeded pretty smoothly and without incident throughout the night.

The lights were dim, and only a modest 30 minutes in, people were hooking up (in this context, just making out) with their dates. The entire atmosphere was sultry, which bode well for me.

I saunter on over to one of my good friends, Christian, and he tells me that he is really not into his date at all, and wasn't going to hook up with her. Surprising, because she was a very attractive white female. We'll call her Clarissa. I'm black myself, so I honestly can't resist a little white chocolate.

Role Reversal

So, I was sitting on the couch with my date. I have to be brutally honest though - she wasn't my type. Petite asian girls really don't do it for me, unfortunately.

Thus, although never expressly stated and certainly a nuanced subtext - both Clarissa and I were not going to be hooking up with our own respective dates. The prospects abound.

Still on the couch, Clarissa and I start bantering with each other a little bit, as my date becomes more and more engrossed in another conversation nearby. Shortly thereafter, someone mentions that my date (the asian girl) is an unreal masseuse. Little did they know, my mom herself was a masseuse, so I offer to give Clarissa a massage, since my date herself was already occupied with massaging someone else.

And so, in one simple gesture, the touch barrier was broken. Nothing too major - just some baby steps. After I finish massaging her back, I lay back along the length of the couch. She joins me, and lays across the upper.

Tension Mounts; Biting and Body Sliding

I start teasing her, mostly because she was acting supremely drunk (even though she only had a few swigs of the Vodka, at most). After she tremendously over-exaggerates her drunken walk in a straight line test I teased her to do, I noticed that she's wearing a ring on her hand. I point it out, and she mentions that it's her Junior class ring. I grab her hand, and as I'm inspecting it and saying some bullshit I don't really remember, I'm looking deep into her eyes. Absolutely gorgeous irises. For a solid 10 seconds, we stared into each others eyes, and at that moment I could tell I had piqued her interest.

She had on a bracelet as well, and I tell her I want to try it on. I try to unclip it, and she literally bites me. Very kinky.
As revenge, I told her she had to let me bite her. I take her arm, and start biting from her wrist up to her shoulder, all the while looking deep into her eyes. The sexual tension was palpable.

At this point, I can't say I'm fully flaccid. As if to spite me, she slides down from the upper of the couch, her hold body gliding across my crotch, and finally stops and rests her feet on my crotch area. Definitely didn't help that I have a foot fetish - she ostensibly felt my boner.

Compliance and the Subtle Pull

I knew I had to make a move, but I most certainly didn't want to go for anything obvious and egregious, especially considering my actual date was sitting right next to us. She's showing me some songs on her phone by a guy named Ed Sheeran. He's an insanely popular ginger from the UK (I think?), but his songs are folk and dreadful.

Trying to subtly lure her away from the group, I tell her that I'm going to go listen to this somewhere a little more quiet, and that she should join me. I don't want for her answer, I just get up off the couch and start walking towards the other area of the room. She says she'll stay there for now.

Drat, I think. But no big deal - it was an incredibly subtle and low key move.

I listen to the song for a good 3 minutes - the worst 3 minutes I've ever willingly exposed myself to, and I come back to the party area. My iPod was hooked up to the speakers on the other side of the room, away from the view of the people on the couches, so I sat down and started scrolling through.

She came and sat next to me, hip to hip. Nice, I thought, she's chasing me.

If At First You Fail - Try, Try, and Try Again

As we're scrolling through some songs on my iPod - I felt something I had never really felt with a girl before. An intense feeling of "do it now," a mixture of adrenaline and pure sexual desire, filled my chest.

I put my arm around her waist, and my other hand on her cheek, and tried to bring lips towards mine. Unfortunately, I was met with a lot of both physical and verbal resistance. She was apologetic, saying, "Sorry, I don't want to hook up with anyone when I'm thinking drunk." As I already mentioned, however, she wasn't really intoxicated at all, and had been overdoing the whole bit. Even her friends told me they could tell.

I took this initial rejection in stride, and I proceeded as if nothing happened. We continue joking around, and I got up to sit on the arm of one of the couches. She sits in my lap, literally melting into me. We're going through her phone again, and she jokes that if I look at her Snapchat she would bite me. Naturally, I go for Snapchat, and, lo and behold, she bites me. Rocket science.

Thus, back in the eyes of the other party-goers, her friends see this, and one of them in a classic white suburban female voice says says
"Wow... can you guys like go be vampires together or something? Like seriously, go hook up."
The room resonates: "Yea, go hook up!"

"Well, better not dissapoint them," I say, and I get up and starting leading her off to the other room. Again, she resists hard, saying, once again, she doesn't want to hook up with anyone when she's this drunk. Rats.

However, my friends, persistence is key, and proved instrumental here.

Glorious Success

I sit back down on the arm of the couch. Not to my surprise, she sits back in my lap, melting into me once again. So much for your 2 rejections, I thought. As she's sitting there, with my arm around her, her breathing was getting more and more shallowed and intense. I knew I didn't have to do much at this point, just make my lips available. I turn my head to look into her eyes, and with nary a word, she pounces on my lips, and we start vigorously making out.

It's often said that the third time is the charm, and that proved true here.

Pushing the Boundaries

This was a bit risky, but also quite the power move. After we had been making out for a good 2 or 3 minutes, unfortunately in the eyes of my date (yikes... scumbag alert...), I break the kiss. Even still, Clarissa is still chasing me, trying to kiss me even more. I had her clinched, I thought. Giving her no time to react, I immediately scoop her up and start carrying her towards the other room. We needed to finish this in private - not in the eyes of the 8 other girls and my date there.

Unfortunately, and I'm still unsure the reasons (perhaps it was because, as I said, my date saw *though she truly didn't care,* or some other factor I'm not quite sure of), she resisted to this. I was carrying her lover's style (one arm wrapped underneath her back, the other at her legs), and she kicked off the wall, forcing me to put her down. Damn it.

I'm starting to think that maybe if I just continued the make out and picked her up at the booty (the classic make out style carry), I wouldn't have given her the opportunity to resist, and things would have ended differently.

The Take Away

You'll notice that this entire post was basically a paraphrasing of events. Let this be an advertisement to some less experienced guys here: you don't need magnanimous, clever lines in order to pull girls. I don't remember half of what I said that night, and it honestly doesn't matter. Like Chase and other masters have always said, your fundamentals matter more. My eye contact, use of getting chased by the girl, identification of escalation windows, and willingness to push physical boundaries, worked for me, and not the words I said.

Thanks for reading.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake