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Socializing  Prom, dances in general


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 7, 2013
So my prom is coming up, and I thought I'd ask some questions for it and future refrence for other dances.
Do I need a date for prom? I was thinking of flying solo and dancing with girls there. Anyone have any tips for finding some girls at dances? I read Chase's article already and I know he's not a big fan of dance floor game - just wondering if anyone had some experience there.



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Feb 9, 2013
Man if I could go back to prom...

I would treat it like a night club. Biggest problem is it's almost more like a social circle party... If I were you I would ask as many girls as possible to go with you, and take them ALL. Could you imagine the prom photo of you with 5 girls, you'd be a legend! Amazing! This is how I run my nightclub game as of late, I roll in with girls and game girls when I'm there. Be fun!

It's just a thought, one thing I know is that it works. The girls in the group become more attracted to you, the girls around wonder who the hell is this guy!

This is how i usually run the game:

1. Cold approach girl and build attraction
2. number close and tell her you will invite her out with your friends
3. Invite her to the location and make sure to reiterate that it's not a "date" and there will be other GIRLS
4. meet up with all the girls and lead them to an amazing experience
5. Maintain sexual tension with each one while interacting, leave them wanting more at high points
6. guage interest and close the one of your choosing, or use the preselection/social proof to meet an even hotter girl

This game is extremely entertaining to me since I am working towards becoming an amazing club promoter. If you can pull this off at a prom, wow.. Maybe you would have a promising promting career lol.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
Like Tyme said, roll in with girls, and work your magic. Hell, if you know how to swing dance, you'll clean up easily! Nothing is sexier than a man in a well-tailored suit who knows how to dance. Plus, in my experience, swing dancing is far better for building attraction than simply grinding on a girl. Both are good kino, but swing dancing shows her that you are good with your whole body.