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FR+  Prom party


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 7, 2014
So yesterday I've been to a dressed up party. Almost had to drag myself there as the shoes I was wearing turned to be bad. As I was going through the room searching for my fraternity friends I come across a girl I met at a party some time back. Back then we had some chemistry already, but she turned out to be 16. As I'm 22 I'm still uncertain whether I want to pursue or not.
Anyway she signaled me to come over. She might've been a bit impatient (maybe a tad drunk aswell) but she decided to pull me in. She says she had just finished celebrating her birthday this week. Then she pulls me to the rest of her group. I greet a mutual friend and the she starts grinding me hard. We dance for a little bit and then I tell her that I'm thirsty and was going to get a drink.

Going to the bar I finally find my frat group, greet some friends etc. I go get my drink but when I get back it seems her group moved so I couldn't find them anymore. So I stick around a bit with my frat friends while waiting for the friends I arrived with. Fast forward a few hours, I run into their group again. Then she playfully tried to get me and our mutual friend together saying "you should be a couple". All while being very touchy, arm around me etc. We talked for 10 minutes and then their driver says he's getting bored and wants to take off. So they leave and she signals with the "dramatic" grap of "nooooo!!!"

Anyway, I get back to my friends who moved more towards the dj and the bar. We talk and laugh for a while and one of my friends end up talking to a cute brunette. They talk for 2 mins and then another girl joins in (turned out to be her niece). I see the brunette turn away a bit and then I step in. We talk for a while. During the conversation she mentions she doesn't hear to well in her left ear anymore due to club music. I mention I don't hear 100% in my right ear anymore either. I didn't hear her a few times, and I keep pointing her to my wrong here. Then I jokingly said she's talking in the wrong ear. She laughed and playfully hit me on the chest. We talk further and I notice her staring a bit. So I decide to go for the kiss. We make out a little while and then I ask her for her number. she types it in and afterwards she wanted to be sure she got mine so she wanted me give her my number by texting her. I asked her if she would be intrested in meeting up in the next weekend. To which he happily replied yes.

5 minutes later her friends say they're going home. So they take her back home. An hour later we ourselves take off as my friend at whose place I'm crashing felt tired.

Now, I wasn't really sure when to text her or not. One friend suggested to wait a few days before texting to be sure you don't come off as clingy (point taken). Another friend suggested texting the evening afterwards or the day after it (else I might come across as not interested).

I decided to text her the evening afterwards with the following:

"Hey, how's it going? I just wanted to say I had a great time yesterday. Are you still interested in meeting up next weekend?"

Any feedback would be much appreciated. I'll be spending the next week in Germany for a joined school trip with other belgian/germans schools, I'll see how things go there. Until the next one!


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 7, 2014
So I've returned from Germany after a week. I didn't have the chance to update this as I had no pc at hand until now.
Anyway, the girl texted me back.

Her: yeah, I'm doing fine :) and you? Did you stay long? & Yeah, seems fun.
Me: Bit tired. Going out twice in a row can be taxing. Um we left at 5 because one of my friends didn't feel too well. When do you have time?
Her: Are you going out again tonight? or did you went out on thursday? Um I haven't planned anything thus far... I'll have to check again when I'm back home :p
Me: Yeah, I went out on thursday. Let me know when you have a hole in your schedule.

Now this has been a week and I think it would be best to move on at this point.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake