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FR  Psychobilly Freakout!


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 12, 2013
9 April 2014

This took place yesterday, but since I got home at 1 in the morning, I'm writing it now.


I didn't do any approaches at my university. I remembered this guy I met in class invited me to a psychobilly (rockabilly + punk) concert in the main city here, and since my sister has crush on him, we decided to go (it's funny to, my sister dresses like Forever 21/Wet Seal style and he dresses more of the punk rocker way). I like punk music, but I'm not big on the scene (I know it's not popular with girls, plus I know the punk scene doesn't have very hot girls).

Girl 1

We got to the show, and met up with Bro (the guy who invited me). He's pretty cool guy, and a kickass wingman. Anyways, after chatting with him, I saw this SEXY rockabilly looking girl (which I didn't expect, since I didn't expect any hot girls at all), and decided to talk to her.

I walked right up to her:

Me: (tap her on the arm) Hey, I saw you standing over here and I just had to tell you that you are very hot. [Note: I was standing really close to her, and while we shook hands, we held hands a bit longer for that lingering touch]
Girl: (big smile) Oh, thank you!
Me: I know it's a blunt comment, but I just thought I'd tell you the truth right off the bat. Wha-

And her friend fucking interrupted me.

Friend: Uhm, what did you just say to my friend? Did you just say she's "very hot?"
Me: Uh... Yup, I did (grin)
Friend: Oh, well uhhhh, poor choice words, you should really change that [said with a sharp attitude, and a finger waving motion]
Me: Oh you're right. (turn to Girl 1) Your red leather jacket and the elegant rose in your hair makes you look incredible. Better?

Girl is just smiling, and Friend is appeased for the moment. I felt panicked inside, and things were still good for a bit, but the condo dips at the end.

Me: Well, I just got chewed out by your friend.
Girl: Yeah, you kind of did (lighthearted smile/laugh)
Me: So what brings you out here?
Girl: Oh, my friend. (points)
Me: Ah, the one who chewed me out...
Girl: Yup, she likes to bring me things.
Me: Well that's good. I can tell you guys are good friends, she was probably just trying to look after you with her comment.
Girl: (laughs) Yeah probably. What brings you out here?
Me: My friend invited me out here too. Thought I'd give a punk show a shot. How into this whole thing are you?
Girl: My friend's into it. I'm just hanging out.
Me: Nice. So what do you do for fun then?
Girl: I dance!
Me: What kind?
Girl: I do blues dancing!
Me: Oh is that kind of like swing dancing and all that?
Girl: Yeah they're pretty similar!
Me: Cool. What got you into that?
Girl: (points) Same friend haha.
Me: She just gets you into all sorts of things.
Girl: Yup pretty much!
Me: Nice. Maybe we could totally dance on the next song. I'm a great dancer, can do the worm and all that shit.
Girl: Very nice!
Me: So how old are you?
Girl: 20. You?
Me: (pause) I just turned 12. Hitting puberty and all that.
Girl: Oh, really? [she didn't respond warmly to this part. Her response was more of a "wow that's an awkward thing to say"]
Me: I'm 18. (smile) I'm sure I look 12 though, the braces really don't help me out at all.
Girl: (small smile)
Me: Here come on, I'm going to grab a water.
Girl: Oh no thank you (smile)
Me: Oh come on... (smile)

[she didn't say anything, she just stood there]

Me: (trying to reconnect) So do you go to school out here?
Girl: Yup, [name of university]
Me: Nice, so you're not too far away from here. I'm down at [name of university]
Girl: Oh cool. (polite smile)

And going in for the grand fail....

Me: I totally dare you just go out there with me, and we can have a dance battle or some shit.
Girl: Mmmm no, I'm good.

The conversation pretty much died right there, so I left to go talk to my sister. She was in a bad mood because Bro was flirting with the friends of the girl I approached, and she told me, "Stop following me, geez!"

My own... fucking... sister...

Girl 2

The night got better after that. Bro and me started rockabilly dancing, and the crowd started getting pumped, so I was having fun. But I didn't want to approach anymore... I was off-put from my failed interaction and her bitchy friend who's frame I gave in to. I didn't even fight her on it... I submitted to her.

Anyways, my sister was lightening up since Bro was talking to her, so we all danced. I left them alone to help her get with him, and so I hung in the back of the room. This hot rocker chick (legit hot) looked over my way, and then walked over to me:

[yelling over the music]

Girl 2: Are you looking for your friends?
Me: Naw, my sister likes that guy, and I'm just giving them some space. You?
Girl 2: I'm looking for my friend!
Me: [lean down to hear her, and I put my arm around her ] Oh, I think I saw her, is she in like a dress?
Girl 2: No, she's in a skirt! [she puts her arm around me]
Me: Oh, yeah, I saw her she just went to the bathroom.
Girl 2: Oh got it!
Me: [staring romantically into her eyes, because I just wanted to take in her hotness]
Girl 2: [big grin and stare back]

She slowly walked off, but are arms were like glued together, and slowly slider off each other. I should have grabbed her hand to pull her back, or I should have gone with her, or something. Because when she came back, the interaction tanked:

Me: Is this your friend?
Girl 2: Yeah this is [name]
Me: Nice to meet you, I'm Tramp [shake hands]

[Girl 2 whispers into her friend's ear]

Me: You missed it, this older woman thought I was drummer in one of the bands and she started hugging me
Girl 2: Oh was it the woman in the white shirt?
Me:Yeah it was, she's crazy cool.
Girl 2: Oh, she's actually pretty cool, she's the sweetest person [I think she thought I called the woman "crazy" instead of "crazy cool"]
Me: Oh yeah, she's really cool.
Girl 2: Well, we're gonna go to the bar?
Me: What? [can't hear over the music]
Girl 2: We're going to go get a drink! (makes hand motion of drinking)
Me: Got it. See ya!

On an embarrassing note... I think what shot down this interaction was my breath. I was dehydrated because water is $8 there, and my Altoids were just making my breath worse and worse... And since I had to be close to talk to her because of the music... she was probably getting the brunt of my bad breath:/

What I learned:

1. Don't ask so many questions in a row.

2. I need to learn to approach more girls at the same place. When I approach girls and actually get into an interaction, I feel like they're watching me and if I approach another girl they'll think I'm just playing them and auto reject.

3. I need to push my interactions further (i.e. holding onto that girl that walked away)

4. Need to find more ways to keep my breath in check besides Altoids.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers