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I've mentioned in some of my lay reports from time to time of using pull talk but I'm not sure if everyone here has a solid grasp of what it is and how to actually use it so I figured I'd lay it all out for your and my own better understanding of the subject.
A mistake I've run into in the past and a lot of newer guys run into is when you're pulling a girl home and all of a sudden she changes her mind and throws up objections or worse decides she no longer wants to go home with you.
Perhaps you've had this happen before and it can really derail you mid seduction if you weren't expecting it.
This will typically happen when you're attempting to pull a girl and you do one of the following:
A. You get stuck in your head thinking "oh shit I can't believe I'm pulling I hope it goes well. I hope I don't fuck up! What do I say?" which the girl senses and can lead her to change her mind especially if you have a noticeably different change in your state.
B. You let the fun vibe die down or get stale. This happens when you were having fun but then you "run out of things to say" and then small talk ensues along with a lame platonic vibe.
C. You let her focus on getting pulled and allow her to get logical. Here you give her time to think "oh wait.. I just met this guy and I'm going home with him. I'm being a slut right now maybe this isn't a good idea afterall."
D. You didn't set the right frame before pulling to give her plausible deniability for coming home with you and/or communicate your non-judgmental about female sexuality.
The end all main problem that all of these issues have in common is that the girl gets logical and realizes she is about to go home with a guy she just recently met.
The root cause we need to address here is being reactive and allowing for her to engage in logical analytical thinking in the first place. We fix it by being proactive by anticipating this and then preventing it.
Luckily I have a simple solution for you taken from the greats of seduction!
Let me ask you this!
What's the difference between the experienced charming seducer pulling a girl and a the retarded newbie (sorry newbies it's just more funny that way) pulling a girl?
The experienced charming seducer pulls the girl and she doesn't even realize she's getting pulled!
Why does she not realize?
Because the experienced charming seducer doesn't give her a chance to think about it!
On the other hand the retarded newbie goes to pull and she knows very logically she's getting pulled. Not bad, that's how we all start out. Luckily you'll run into girls out there during your learning curve that will agree to going home with you because they like you and want to get laid.
But we want to seduce women like the all time greats dag gummit!
So how does the experienced charming seducer do this?
Simple... with pull talk.
What is pull talk?
The basic answer is that pull talk is simply just spouting bullshit out of your mouth. The vibe you want to have is playful, fun, and fresh (although I prefer over the top dramatic at times as well).
By having fun and offering positive emotion she is going to have no other option than to engage with you and keep following out of fear of losing the positive emotion she's getting off you.
All this consists of is telling the girl to come with you or having her to agree to come to your place for a nightcap and the second she agrees to come with you, you immediately change the subject. You do this in a super casual way and resume talking as if nothing happened.
Then you change the subject to random, fun, and engaging conversation. Explore and roam all through different tangents and spectrums of emotion. I'll list examples in a second.
If at any time during the pull she asks where you're going just give a brief vague answer and switch back to pull talk just like you did when you first pulled her.
(i.e. You: "Were just going to grab drinks real quick! So anyway.. pull talk, pull talk, pull talk").
Here are a couple examples of things I do when I use pull talk:
-Tell funny outlandish stories (you can make them up or steal some from somewhere else if don't have any personally). The more outlandish the more she's going to be wrapped up in the bizarreness of the emotion thus keeping her focus off going home with you.
-Get her to tell her funny outlandish stories (if her story sucks tease her and tell a better one)
-Tease her mercilessly in a obviously joking manner about trivial stupid things (i.e. "omg your middle name is Cynthia? It sounds jewish! you better let me ride in your Lamborghini you rich girl you!")
-Make up bizarre/funny hypothetical situations and ask her what she would do in each situation
(i.e. "Imagine you have you meet your soulmate and fall in deep passionate love with him. He's everything you want in a man and more. He turns you on to no belief and all you want to do is rip his clothes off and let him take you. But! He's a hardcore Christian and is saving himself for marriage and will only get married if he dates abstinently for 2 years! What would you do?" and then she answers and you take her answer and go further on another tangent and just keep going down the rabbit hole
-Break rapport HARD (i.e. she's talking about something you don't care about and midsentence you go "aaahhhhhppppttt!! Shhhh! [put your finger over her lips]... did you just hear that?"
Her: "ahaha what?!"
You: "Cynthia (teasing her again from the aforementioned example) what did I tell you about answering questions with another question? Very very impolite in America
Her: "hahaha I'm sorry!")
-Show her random childhood games (i.e. back in high school we would put all five fingers in the middle of someone's knee and slowly spread them in opposite directions which feels really weird to the person)
-State random shit (i.e. "Look! I just got the IPhone 6 it has this feature and thing going on [talk about whatever you like about it] its super sexy.")
Use combinations of all these conversation tactics and use what else in in your own repertoire to keep the conversation going and as FAR away from what is logically happening.
The more you influence her emotional state and get her involved/participating in the fun the less time she will have to even remember she's going home with you.
Before you know it you'll be at your escalation location and you can transition your vibe to full on sex mode and get busy.
Keep it pimpin gentlemen!
P.S. I forgot to add this clip in but here is a great infield example showing exactly what I'm talking about. Skip to 0:55 seconds in the video.
A mistake I've run into in the past and a lot of newer guys run into is when you're pulling a girl home and all of a sudden she changes her mind and throws up objections or worse decides she no longer wants to go home with you.
Perhaps you've had this happen before and it can really derail you mid seduction if you weren't expecting it.
This will typically happen when you're attempting to pull a girl and you do one of the following:
A. You get stuck in your head thinking "oh shit I can't believe I'm pulling I hope it goes well. I hope I don't fuck up! What do I say?" which the girl senses and can lead her to change her mind especially if you have a noticeably different change in your state.
B. You let the fun vibe die down or get stale. This happens when you were having fun but then you "run out of things to say" and then small talk ensues along with a lame platonic vibe.
C. You let her focus on getting pulled and allow her to get logical. Here you give her time to think "oh wait.. I just met this guy and I'm going home with him. I'm being a slut right now maybe this isn't a good idea afterall."
D. You didn't set the right frame before pulling to give her plausible deniability for coming home with you and/or communicate your non-judgmental about female sexuality.
The end all main problem that all of these issues have in common is that the girl gets logical and realizes she is about to go home with a guy she just recently met.
The root cause we need to address here is being reactive and allowing for her to engage in logical analytical thinking in the first place. We fix it by being proactive by anticipating this and then preventing it.
Luckily I have a simple solution for you taken from the greats of seduction!
Let me ask you this!
What's the difference between the experienced charming seducer pulling a girl and a the retarded newbie (sorry newbies it's just more funny that way) pulling a girl?
The experienced charming seducer pulls the girl and she doesn't even realize she's getting pulled!
Why does she not realize?
Because the experienced charming seducer doesn't give her a chance to think about it!
On the other hand the retarded newbie goes to pull and she knows very logically she's getting pulled. Not bad, that's how we all start out. Luckily you'll run into girls out there during your learning curve that will agree to going home with you because they like you and want to get laid.
But we want to seduce women like the all time greats dag gummit!
So how does the experienced charming seducer do this?
Simple... with pull talk.
What is pull talk?
The basic answer is that pull talk is simply just spouting bullshit out of your mouth. The vibe you want to have is playful, fun, and fresh (although I prefer over the top dramatic at times as well).
By having fun and offering positive emotion she is going to have no other option than to engage with you and keep following out of fear of losing the positive emotion she's getting off you.
All this consists of is telling the girl to come with you or having her to agree to come to your place for a nightcap and the second she agrees to come with you, you immediately change the subject. You do this in a super casual way and resume talking as if nothing happened.
Then you change the subject to random, fun, and engaging conversation. Explore and roam all through different tangents and spectrums of emotion. I'll list examples in a second.
If at any time during the pull she asks where you're going just give a brief vague answer and switch back to pull talk just like you did when you first pulled her.
(i.e. You: "Were just going to grab drinks real quick! So anyway.. pull talk, pull talk, pull talk").
Here are a couple examples of things I do when I use pull talk:
-Tell funny outlandish stories (you can make them up or steal some from somewhere else if don't have any personally). The more outlandish the more she's going to be wrapped up in the bizarreness of the emotion thus keeping her focus off going home with you.
-Get her to tell her funny outlandish stories (if her story sucks tease her and tell a better one)
-Tease her mercilessly in a obviously joking manner about trivial stupid things (i.e. "omg your middle name is Cynthia? It sounds jewish! you better let me ride in your Lamborghini you rich girl you!")
-Make up bizarre/funny hypothetical situations and ask her what she would do in each situation
(i.e. "Imagine you have you meet your soulmate and fall in deep passionate love with him. He's everything you want in a man and more. He turns you on to no belief and all you want to do is rip his clothes off and let him take you. But! He's a hardcore Christian and is saving himself for marriage and will only get married if he dates abstinently for 2 years! What would you do?" and then she answers and you take her answer and go further on another tangent and just keep going down the rabbit hole
-Break rapport HARD (i.e. she's talking about something you don't care about and midsentence you go "aaahhhhhppppttt!! Shhhh! [put your finger over her lips]... did you just hear that?"
Her: "ahaha what?!"
You: "Cynthia (teasing her again from the aforementioned example) what did I tell you about answering questions with another question? Very very impolite in America
Her: "hahaha I'm sorry!")
-Show her random childhood games (i.e. back in high school we would put all five fingers in the middle of someone's knee and slowly spread them in opposite directions which feels really weird to the person)
-State random shit (i.e. "Look! I just got the IPhone 6 it has this feature and thing going on [talk about whatever you like about it] its super sexy.")
Use combinations of all these conversation tactics and use what else in in your own repertoire to keep the conversation going and as FAR away from what is logically happening.
The more you influence her emotional state and get her involved/participating in the fun the less time she will have to even remember she's going home with you.
Before you know it you'll be at your escalation location and you can transition your vibe to full on sex mode and get busy.
Keep it pimpin gentlemen!
P.S. I forgot to add this clip in but here is a great infield example showing exactly what I'm talking about. Skip to 0:55 seconds in the video.