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Pulled an Asian hottie on business trip. LMR at my place (no lay)


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jun 11, 2021
I had a major shift in my cold approach game last week.

Similar to @Atlas IV's experience. He had 4 pulls.

I had one pull and one instadate so far from past week. I anticipate one more pull.

Out of 13 approaches from the past week, I had 9 successful opens, 6 closing attempts, and 3 number closes, all from daygame during and after work hours.


About 6.30 pm after work. I sometimes go to one of the busy neighbourhoods with offices, malls, and plenty of foot traffic.

My outfit : Black buttoned-down shirt that compliments my muscular frame, tight grey formal pants, gold-colored watch, and chelsea boots.

She walked past me as I got down from the cab.

Bright boots, colorful tight leggings, denim jacket - feminine charm.
Picture one of the Asian bond girls strutting through a sea of commuters.

I caught up to her strides, made eye contact and pointed at her boots.
She took off her headphones.

Me: Those boots.... so bright..you have a vibrant sense of style (with a smile)

She smiled, acknowledged the compliment, and walked ahead of me.

While she was walking ahead of me, I noticed a tattoo on the back of her neck.

Me: And that tattoo...(loud enough for her to hear) It makes me think (while catching up to her strides)

She looks at me expectantly.

Me: Let me guess. You are in a band, Maybe play an instrument (pointing at her bags)

Her: No they are my laptops (slows down, matches my pace shows signs of immersion)

Me: Don't tell me you're a hacker (Teasing smile)

Her body language opens up a lot more.

Me: Are you on your way to yoga, looks like you keep yourself in good shape (scanning her body up and down getting into sexual state)

Her: No, I'm going to my hotel(motioning towards the other side of the street, and trying to cross the street).

I sense that she is visiting my city and from reading countless lay reports of girls in last few days in a new city, decided to go for the kill.

Me: Listen, we should hangout and have coffee, get to know each other

Her: I'm here for just a few days

Me: That's perfect, it's just coffee. Whatsapp? (while having my phone out already)

Her: Okay

I moved her a few steps to the side of the street while saving numbers.
She mentioned during this time that she's free on the weekend.

In this 1 minute and 30 seconds of interaction, her vibe changed considerably from polite to a noticeable sexual vibe.

I motioned for the hug, She hugged me reasonably tight with our cheeks pressed together.


Me: You must be getting the 'You look like you play an instrument' a lot :)
Her: Absolutely never

I commented on her vibe and asked her what she noticed first about me.

She mentioned my confidence and voice.

Me: Remember that mall near where we met. Let's meet there tomorrow 5.30 pm

Her: 5 pm is better

Me: Perfect. See you


She was at the mall on time.

I arrived a few minutes late and hugged her.

She was dressed more plainly than when I met her - she looked more like one of the Asian tourists in a mall. That was a bit of a letdown after seeing her with makeup and hair done during the approach.

I noticed she had a handbag and made a mental note that this meant the lay must happen at my place(as she seemed prepared for a nightcap).

She suggested to go to Starbucks.
I declined and told her let's go for a walk and then choose a spot.

The idea was to get more compliance and arousal during the walk.

During this time, there were incidental touches and I placed my hand on the small of her back a couple of times while going in escalators.
She mentioned that she was in 3 different cities in the past few days and is battling a jetlag.

I found another coffee shop and sat next to her.

She asked me if I preferred sitting opposite to her as she didn't feel comfortable.

That was a curveball I didn't see coming(did threw me off a little bit but I maintained composure).

During the coffee, we talked about our cultures and how similar they are.

At one point, we were talking about tea, and I went into minute detail about how I go to great measures to find new tea recipes. This was inspired from a thread where @James D mentions this. My idea was to plant the seed for a later pull.

She kept qualifying about how much she likes my city.
After an hour, we got out of the coffee shop heading to the next spot for dinner.

I told her there are so many good restaurants in my area, one that I specifically wanted her to try.

She said Yes.

I broke the touch barrier this time again and pulled her close to me.
We had more connection this time and her body language was more open to me.

We took a train and then a cab ride back to my area.
During this time, she took pictures of us and I had my hand around her.

I tried kissing her in the cab once and she turned away showing visible surprise.

During dinner, I transitioned to sex talk from relationship talk.
I talked about how Asian cultures slut shame women and how men are considered studs for having as much sex as they like.

Her eyes lighted up at this and acknowledged the topic, but she was never actively contributing to sex talk.

I mentioned that she should try the tea at my place. She neither accepted nor denied.

She paid for the dinner.

Outside the restaurant, I asked her to warm me up as the night was getting cold.
She hugged me super tight and gave me a hard-on.

I took this as a green light and went for the pull.

Me: Let's go to my place and I'll make you that tea I was talking about.

Her: How far is your place?

Me: 5 minute cab ride

Her: And how far is it by walk?

Me: Around 17 minutes.

Her : I'm okay to walk if you are.

I decided to walk and add more compliance and touch.

But this was a BIG mistake.

I didn't remember in time that she's battling a jetlag.

During the walk she mentioned that this was the most daring adventure she had ever been on - going back to a stranger's place she just met.
I told her how we're both enjoying each other's company and should go with the flow.

She smiled and agreed.

At my place I made her sit at the table, put on Netflix and went to make tea

While talking, I went near her, turned her face towards me and kissed her lips

She reciprocated.

I pulled back and went back to get her the tea.
I massaged her shoulders while she sipped the tea

She went to the bathroom to freshen up and I was planning to take her to the bedroom.
She came, finished the tea, mentioned she loved it but said that she wanted to leave

I told her to stay the night, as she's totally tired.

She said she doesn't want to do anything more as she's exhausted as hell.

I told her we're not going to do anything that she's not comfortable with (while massaging her shoulders)
Then went back to get her another serving of the tea.

I went for the kiss again, but she insisted on leaving back to her hotel. She said she would love to stay the night but she has not slept in 3 nights because of the travel and wanted to catch some rest at the hotel.

We made plans to meet the next day.

She fell sick and couldn't meet. She apologized profusely.

I proposed a meet on one of the weekdays after work but she said that's not possible as she had to get up early for meetings.

Lessons learned:

1. Move fast. I could have gone for the kill on the first kiss where she reciprocated. But I decided to take it slow as she was not showing signs of arousal till then
2. Girls on vacation are primed for a quick lay, but need to handle the logistics with more precision.
3. Don't assume a girl staying the night, just because she's tired.
4. Persist on the approach. Watch her body language. Be tactful but don't give up on the conversation just because she's walking ahead.
5. Take the cab from date location to your place. Don't walk and make her tired.
6. My estimate is that she hit the ceiling and led to a crash. I had built lots of connection & similarity during the date thus raising the floor. However this also meant the ceiling was lower. Need to dial up the player vibe with chicks on vacation
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Staff member
Jan 1, 2020
Nice one Stark!

I like your persistence, and assuming that it's on despite what she says by looking at how she responds. I can defos see how allen inspired your M.O.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take