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Pulling Long Distances (15 minutes ++)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Jun 16, 2013
Over my course of learning pickup (since the beginning of 2013) pretty much all the girls I've pulled have been long distance pulls.

I live in a small coastal town in North Florida that is about a 25 minute drive to the main city (of 100,000 people give or take). The main city is about the only place to really meet girls aside from the beach (18 minute drive) which is a seasonal spot.

Although this sounds like terrible logistics (which they are) I'm happy to have had a city within reasonable driving distance than having nothing at all.

Every girl I've pulled home and had sex with has been at least 15-20 minutes drive from her leaving whatever venue we met in to my house. My record is 50 minutes which I've done on two occasions.

As a result I have become very proficient at pulling girls long distances and today I want to share with you the secrets I use to get girls easily agreeing to give me this amount of investment.

I will also divulge to you how I keep things from getting derailed once you start going back to the sex location.

Lastly I will share how to escalate once you get back to your sex location.

Pro's and Con's of Pulling Long Distance

-Harder to convince girl to come with you
-Allows time for you to drop the ball and have things go awry
-Allows time for emotions to simmer down and escalation windows to close (though EW seem to be put on hold a lot of times from what I've seen, however emotions are still prone to simmer down)
-If you don't have sex you'll probably have to give her a ride back (those car rides SUCK ass like no other hahaha)
-If you do have sex you might have to give her a ride back (those are a pain sometimes but are better than above)

-Typically girls will put up much less LMR
-You get to have sex
-In my experience a girls escalation windows will be preserved during the time between pulling and arriving at the sex location (though don't hold me to it)
-Added testosterone boost from winning despite the odds not being in your favor

Let's address how to minimize the cons and maximize the pros!

You are an Olympic Athlete!

There are two main hurdles to get past to pull this off smoothly.

I like to view it as an Olympic pole vaulter that has to vault not over one pole but two.

The first pole vault is the biggest hurdle and the second pole vault is smaller but has sharp spikes sticking out from the bottom so if you fuck up it hurts a lot worse.

The first hurdle to get over is the initial act of getting the girl to commit to going home with you, and driving a long distance with you, who is a complete stranger... that's a crazy skill to have if you think about it.

Get her to Commit to the Pull

So the pull here is just like any other pull and you'll typically get two different scenarios here:

1. High Attraction; Minimal-Decent Investment- These girls are the girls that hook instantly are instantly spell bound by you. These are the easiest girls to get commitment from and in fact they're typically already committed granted that you're leading. You want to pull these girls ASAP and strike while the iron is hot.
Reason being that if you have a 30 minute car ride you want to get her in that fucking car to preserve the escalation window before it closes (or whatever your transportation is).

2. Minimal-Decent Attraction; High Investment- These are the trickier girls to pull long distances since they aren't completely bought into you. The only leverage you have is their investment which you've gotten from moving her around and getting her to comply to your lead. These girls will typically give objections and test you before committing to go home with you. They are also less forgiving of mistakes so be sure to stay sharp. If you know you're going to pull long distance and the girl isn't madly attracted to you be sure to move her around MULTIPLE times and have her invest as much as possible before pulling.

If you know you're going to be pulling long distances be sure to take note of what type of girl you have on your hands and act accordingly (move her around if she's not of high attraction or pull her ASAP if she is high attraction)

The next question that arises is when and if you should tell her you're going to pull her long distance.

To tell or not to tell?

When you're going to pull a girl a long distance there is a good chance that if you tell her how far of a drive it is before you leave the club/date/venue of choice it will cause her to throw some objections your way.

To prevent this, if possible, I keep things vague as possible by not telling her how far we're going and simply keep leading her to my car (afterparty! fun! Whatever!). I then start driving and then tell her casually "it's a bit of a drive so why don't you show me your favorite radio station". She'll do one of two things here.

1. She'll comply and not really care too much or if she does it will be a mild questioning of "where?".

2. She'll semi freak out and throw an objection (rare) in which case you will listen to her main worry and give a reason why it's not a big deal (she can leave whenever she wants) and then change the subject.

The reason you don't tell her until you get the car moving is because she is less likely to throw a serious objection your way and more likely just to accept the fact she's already in the car and settled in she is just going to have to wait a few more minutes than was expected.

Sometimes though she will question where you're going before you leave in which case I tell her the time it will take to get there minus 10-15 minutes (If 30 minute drive I tell her "a quick 20 minute drive") and the part of town we're going to.

Okay so we have now successfully jumped the first hurdle now we must jump the second hurdle which is not dropping the ball once en route to the seduction location.

Step into her Shoes

Okay follow me real quick as we step in a girls shoes that is about to get pulled and fucked by some random dude she just met.

As a girl you have had many experiences in which a guy was seemingly cool and then out of nowhere he gets all weird or needy for no reason and ends up sort of creeping you out because of his sudden change in demeanor.

Maybe you've been this guy before (I know I have!) and for whatever reason you got to a certain point with the girl and maybe had some pressure put on you (or you put on yourself) that made you act weird and different then you were previously.

This freaks women out and creeps them a bit.

When pulling in general and ESPECIALLY if you are going to be pulling long distance you MUST demonstrate to her before you pull that you aren't going to get weird if she decides to go home with you. She needs to be convinced you are going to remain the same fun cool guy you were when she first met you.

On top of that you MUST actually follow through with this unspoken promise once you are en route to pulling her home.

The worst case scenario for a long distance pull is you're cool, she agrees to go home with you, you start heading back to your place and half way home you "run out of things to say" which weirds/creeps her out (since you were previously chatty/cool) in which she will then demand you take her back.

Once she gets in your car (or whatever mode of transportation you use) it is INHERENTLY IMPORTANT that you stay fucking cool and fun.

Use "Pull Talk" to keep her emotional brain focused/engaged and her logical brain off the long car ride. (see link to pull talk here: https://boards.girlschase.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=10387)

Keep things cool and fun.

Do this successfully and you'll be home in no time and ready to go.

What to do once back home

You've just pulled long distance which means you've wasted enough time as it is. She knows why she's at your house and she's hoping to God you aren't going to fuck around and dilly dally forever.

Get busy quickly and move things forward decisively and sexually.

Unfortunately a lot of times both of your emotional states have dropped since you left the venue you pulled from. This means for me I typically follow this simple process of escalation get our states back up.

Build comfort (give a quick tour of the house) ----> Give an excuse to touch her incidentally and then keep escalating it further (cut up fruit to feed each other or make drinks for one another) ----> Build sexual tension ---> Kiss her ----> Escalate to sex

Fortunately enough it's typically very easy to get your and her emotional state back to where it was and more in no time!

So there you have it the complete guide to pulling girls long distances if the need should ever arise.

1. Take note of the type of girl you're dealing with (high attraction-low investment or low attraction-high investment) and proceed accordingly by pulling ASAP (if high attraction) or stacking investment (if low attraction-high investment).

2. Don't tell her it's a long distance pull until she's in the car with you and you're driving towards your sex location. Handle objections casually.

3. Once en route to sex location (or on the way to your car for that matter) DO NOT get weird, stuck in your head, or run out of things to say. Use "pull talk" to keep the vibe fun and comfortable.

4. Escalate soon into getting home (10 minutes or less rule)

Hope this was of value,

keep it pimpin gentlemen ;)

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Feb 13, 2013

Excellent post here.

I have a bar literally down the street from my house. Pulls from there are quite easy, as we can simply walk down the road a bit.

However, I also frequent bars in a nearby medium-sized city which is about a 20-25 minute drive from/to my house. This is much more difficult and as you said the girl has to be 100% committed to going with you.

Good shit as always, man :)
