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Question about Ex's


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
What are some of the pro's and con's of staying friends with ex's after breaking up? I am well aware of the obvious friendship ones but I'm also the type of person where I just stop talking to them after a while too (since they have a habit of coming back)


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 20, 2012
It's a smart idea to stay on good terms with all your exes. At the same time, you don't want them constantly coming back either. I've only had two serious girlfriends, and after each breakup I explained that I'm not interested in wasting energy on bitterness and animosity. Logically, people will respect this idea, but you will need to give time for emotions to cool off.

Pros: You won't develop a reputation as an arsehole if they girl maintains respect for you.
You'll feel better about yourself - you've destroyed a negative relationship and created at least a neutral one, most likely a positive one.

Cons: Potentially, the girl will think you want to get back together.
Loss of time, especially if you have multiple exes to placate.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 8, 2013
I agree with you 100%, only issue in this particular case is I won't be able to avoid her at all really (small school). I was thinking just cutting ties would be best, especially that way if she gets jealous I wont have to hear about it


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jan 4, 2013
I usually just drop it, unless we were really good friends before.

I let it die down naturally and gracefully by just calling/text/hanging out less. I will still do these things, but by gradually letting it die down, there's less anger/resentment/awkwardness [especially if she's friends with (a) friend(s) of yours; if you're boyfriend-girlfriend for a long time, this will naturally occur].

Negatives that usually happen:

  • She says that she wants a friendship, but then will never hang out with you or responds to a call/text weeks later (which is just a nicer way of "never hanging out with you").
  • She dumps all of her emotions/problems on you without asking about yourself. Also, usually when guys (or at least me) are sad/upset, we just want to be alone anyway and don't want to talk about it for hours, so again, she just ends up talking for hours. You're not her boyfriend, and she's not even really being a friend here. She's wanting to unload/vent so that she can spend good quality time with her real friends without bringing them down.
  • You broke up for a good reason. You weren't compatible or got in arguments or on different paths or at different maturity levels or a huge number of other reasons. Staying close may make you end up going on dates again and forming the "on-again-off-again" relationship. Luckily, I've only done this once in my life and on the first girlfriend I ever had. It's stupid and immature. Move on.
  • She meets your new friends or lovers and badmouths you. With lovers, this is usually jealousy but can be resentment (this usually hurts you and is a huge negative, but can also make your lover jealous and admire you as desirable). With friends, this is usually resentment or saving face. The resentment can come from you breaking up with her. As a side story, I had a girl breakup with me and badmouth me to my friends. I think this was due to how she broke up with me: she just stopped talking with me, and I found out through a friend. So, in this situation, I think she was trying to save face in case I badmouthed her. My true friends of course knew this was bullshit, and I never had to badmouth her back.

Ones that I'm not as familiar with but have seen through my friends:

  • She uses you as a backup. (And you may also be using her as a backup. I don't agree with this, but I won't judge you poorly for doing it -- who am I to judge?)
  • She wants to keep tabs on you. This falls in line with #4 above, but is a little different.
  • She just wants to date your hot friend or use you for some other reason.

This is quite a long list of negatives, but again, this doesn't always happen, but I see it a lot.

The positives I've seen:

  • Friendship, if this is truly mutual. This is good if you don't have a lot of friends that are girls so that you can get a girl's perspective on things: fashion, relationships, buying your mom a present, etc. Personally, I think it's best to just get friends that are girls without dating them first if this is what you're looking for -- and this is actually pretty easy. However, you formed a relationship in the first place because you had things in common, etc., and you probably shared a lot of personal details with each other, so sometimes you can maintain a really good friendship as well.
  • If both of you can keep your emotions in check, you can maintain a sexual relationship. This has negatives though. I've seen guys less willing to go out looking for girls because of this.
  • Hook you up with a hot friend, etc. This has negatives; I'd suggest reading Chase's article on the negatives of dating within your social circle.

I'm sure that I'm forgetting a lot of positives and negatives, but that's all I can think of for now.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Tribal Elder
Tribal Elder
Dec 7, 2012
Whizzy said:
What are some of the pro's and con's of staying friends with ex's after breaking up? I am well aware of the obvious friendship ones but I'm also the type of person where I just stop talking to them after a while too (since they have a habit of coming back)

Unless you're a Jedi Master and have full absolute control over your emotions, then it is best to just cut ties with them. Or at least keep contact to the minimum.
Otherwise you might end up hurting yourself, or subconsciously affect your performance with other future relationships.