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Question about IoIs and daygame


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2024
Hi, new member here.

Recently I made a commitment to improve my game and social skills in general; and this forum seems to be the best to get an advice and learn from experienced members. Currently, about once a week, I'm doing some daygame. I cannot do it more often because I have to travel to a bigger city that has more people.

I'm 31 now. Very little dating experience. What I have noticed in the past couple of years is that I get no IoIs from girls. The last serious IoI I got from a girl that I can remember was when I was 25 yo (not joking). At that time I was at a restaurant with another girl on a date and I noticed this beautiful blonde next to our table just constantly looking at me. When I would look over she wouldn't break eye contact. At one point I even thought going over to her while the girl I was with went to the toilet. I don't know if being on a date played a part, but my intuition says it did because it kinda signals preselection and girls find that very attractive. I think social proof in general is very attractive to them in my experience.

Thing is, I know exactly how IoIs look like because I used to get them a lot when I was younger especially in school. I've used to get many, many compliments from girls about my looks. But I couldn't take advantage of being a good-looking guy because of lack of social skills and anxiety. In my younger years (14-23) I would often "catch" girls checking me out in school, work, shops, on the street. But now when I'm out I feel invisible to them. I don't know if my looks have deteriorated that badly or it's something else, so I thought to ask community how often you get IoIs during daytime from random girls (not in clubs or bars) and have you noticed less IoIs as you've become older?



Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
But now when I'm out I feel invisible to them. I don't know if my looks have deteriorated that badly or it's something else, so I thought to ask community how often you get IoIs during daytime from random girls (not in clubs or bars) and have you noticed less IoIs as you've become older?
I am older right now and get a lot of IOIs also from 18 year olds and such in random areas like shopping or street. Problem is your fundamentals I think.

How is your weight and fashion? Easiest thing to improve


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2024
I am older right now and get a lot of IOIs also from 18 year olds and such in random areas like shopping or street. Problem is your fundamentals I think.

How is your weight and fashion? Easiest thing to improve
I'm 6'2, 80 kg, so a bit skinny for my height, but I've always been skinny, in fact, I was around 75 kg in my younger years.
Fashion definitely could be improved, but I'm not walking around like a bum either just normal clothes.

I think if I would put on more muscle it would definitely help, but due to many injuries I'm dealing with now that's not possible.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Oct 18, 2018
Will do once my financial situation improves.
I get it , it is not always as clear cut as it seems, but you can find great fashion online. People assume I wear expensive clothing usually this is not so, I am just smart about where I buy


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2024
I get it , it is not always as clear cut as it seems, but you can find great fashion online. People assume I wear expensive clothing usually this is not so, I am just smart about where I buy
Where do you buy then, if it's not a secret?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
Very little dating experience.
At this stage, I think worrying about IOIs is not productive.

Fundamentals can always be improved. But many a times improving fundamentals is used by many newbies as a way of avoiding taking action (approaching).

I never thought any women would be interested in me, its only after I started opening lots of women that I was astonished by how many are open to have a conversation and even are excited that you approached them.

So approach 10 girls first before or on your way to the clothing stores to improve your fashion. 😉 It will bring more progress and change and quicker.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2024
At this stage, I think worrying about IOIs is not productive.

Fundamentals can always be improved. But many a times improving fundamentals is used by many newbies as a way of avoiding taking action (approaching).

I never thought any women would be interested in me, its only after I started opening lots of women that I was astonished by how many are open to have a conversation and even are excited that you approached them.

So approach 10 girls first before or on your way to the clothing stores to improve your fashion. 😉 It will bring more progress and change and quicker.
Lacking IoIs is definitely not hindering my motivation to approach, it's just something I've noticed as I've become older.
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I'm reposting this from another thread with slight tweaks:

Last summer I went for several days in a row just practicing how to get attention from chicks. Practicing everything from how I walk, the timing of when I look in their direction. After a couple of days I dialed it in to where I could consistently get girls looking at me. As for a girl standing and eye-fucking you with a huge grin? Last time I had stuff like that happen was first year of university. Some people have said the last time you should expect that is in high school.

It's not that you're not a guy worthy of a girl eyefucking you because you're now older, it's more that girls become less direct with age. They're not eyefucking anyone with a smile, not even chad male models get that. However, you can procur IOIs.

I actually was dressed in sweatpants when I did this experiment, so I would say it isn't the fashion itself, maybe the fashion gives you the right confidence and body language or something. Or maybe it's both, but in either case, I made it happen dressed in sweatpants.
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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 14, 2024
I'm reposting this from another thread with slight weaks:

Last summer I went for several days in a row just practicing how to get attention from chicks. Practicing everything from how I walk, the timing of when I look in their direction. After a couple of days I dialed it in to where I could consistently get girls looking at me. As for a girl standing and eye-fucking you with a huge grin? Last time I had stuff like that happen was first year of university. Some people have said the last time you should expect that is in high school.

It's not that you're not a guy worthy of a girl eyefucking you because you're now older, it's more that girls become less direct with age. They're not eyefucking anyone with a smile, not even chad male models get that. However, you can procur IOIs.

I actually was dressed in sweatpants when I did this experiment, so I would say it isn't the fashion itself, maybe the fashion gives you the right confidence and body language or something. Or maybe it's both, but in either case, I made it happen dressed in sweatpants.
I remember doing something similar on my own when I used to work abroad in a large clothing warehouse in UK. There were a lot of foreign women working and walking around and I frequently noticed them looking at me intently. I would often fake ignorance, completely not paying any kind of attention to them. My intention was to arouse confusion. In their heads they're thinking - why is this guy not even giving me a glance like all the other guys. I wanted to communicate that I'm superior to them and not thirsty and that they're not special. Basically the more dismissive and indifferent you appear towards them the more interested they become in you. That's my theory. But I don't know, maybe I misinterpreted something.

I agree that as women age they're less direct. Rollo in his second book even describes different stages women go through their lives and what priorities they have. Early teens and late teens is basically all about looks. But as they get older they value more status and resources. Looks are still important, but they it's not their priority due to desire to start family.

I don't expect girls eye fucking me, but I'm not getting any milder IoI's either. No longer looks without her immediately looking away, or a warm smile that communicates she wants to be approached.


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jun 12, 2024
I remember doing something similar on my own when I used to work abroad in a large clothing warehouse in UK. There were a lot of foreign women working and walking around and I frequently noticed them looking at me intently. I would often fake ignorance, completely not paying any kind of attention to them. My intention was to arouse confusion. In their heads they're thinking - why is this guy not even giving me a glance like all the other guys. I wanted to communicate that I'm superior to them and not thirsty and that they're not special. Basically the more dismissive and indifferent you appear towards them the more interested they become in you. That's my theory. But I don't know, maybe I misinterpreted something.

I agree that as women age they're less direct. Rollo in his second book even describes different stages women go through their lives and what priorities they have. Early teens and late teens is basically all about looks. But as they get older they value more status and resources. Looks are still important, but they it's not their priority due to desire to start family.

I don't expect girls eye fucking me, but I'm not getting any milder IoI's either. No longer looks without her immediately looking away, or a warm smile that communicates she wants to be approached.
Sure, but my point was that:

- you *can* consistently get mild IOIs... If you apply some tweaks like your body-language, eye-contact, your vibe, fashion etc.

The eye fucking part is from the other thread where I posted the same response. Though it does apply here, just in terms what one can expect if they do this work.
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