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Question from guys who pull from night game or enjoy night game


Space Monkey
space monkey
Mar 3, 2021
How do you keep the conversation going with girls in night game?

i usually give a compliment, ask their name - but after that i am not sure what to do!

i do whisper in their ear, that's about it - i don't know how to proceed

plus most girls say

1. "ok, we gotta find our friends, bye!"

2. "ok, we will go to dance, bye!"

also, i feel somewhat overwhelmed if the club is loud and i cannot approach women or talk to them, because its so loud

your advices are appreciated!

P.S : I am asking in the context of night clubs, dance floor, loud venues. Where there is little to no quiet/calmer areas to talk to other people and the only option is dance floor or bar, BOTH of which face loud music
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers