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Questions about this night game set


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi guys, I met a couple of chicks on the dancefloor last night in a club. I later found out the girl I originally started singing along to a song with had a boyfriend, she was being socially awkward with any guy that came over to her and was very unsociable in general though made an effort with me?

I had no interest in the first chick, I liked her friend that I was now with more, the first chick I befriended for an opportunity to talk to the better looking one. I'm curious why the first chick was sociable with me, was she just being a good wing woman? She seemed very happy for me and her friend to hook up and even encouraged her friend.

Despite the first chick encouraging her friend to get with me I was met with a lot of resistance. She wouldn't leave her friend, I couldn't extract for a same night lay and she made it difficult arranging a date and getting her number.

I've had much easier times with much better looking chicks before lockdown, Although she made it difficult she was compliant and kept investing in me, coming back and putting her hands all over me. She seemed fairly awkward and surprised I wanted her number. She carried more weight than I like but she had a pretty face and I need to get momentum going!!

the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Jul 2, 2021
Despite the first chick encouraging her friend to get with me I was met with a lot of resistance. She wouldn't leave her friend, I couldn't extract for a same night lay and she made it difficult arranging a date and getting her number.

I've had much easier times with much better looking chicks before lockdown, Although she made it difficult she was compliant and kept investing in me, coming back and putting her hands all over me. She seemed fairly awkward and surprised I wanted her number. She carried more weight than I like but she had a pretty face and I need to get momentum going!!
This part is frankly more interesting to me than the first chick being cool and putting a bit of effort into you.

You should go in more detail here.

Was the vibe too social, attainability issue, lack of comfort, logistical issues? We may never know.

Definitely would be good to know though.

Maybe whip up an FR if you so fancy


Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
Hi @Mist22 , thanks for reading and for your FR suggestion. There was a lot happening that night and a follow up event which might add a better perspective. I'm not sure what the missing factor for her was, I'd like to think logistical, hopefully the FR can shed some light!

(If it matters she's 19, I'm 31, you can go into clubs at 18 where I live)

I started dancing face to face with her, making strong eye contact, we were bouncing off each others vibe while building sexual tension. She got closer and got very handsy touching my chest and arms and seemed very pleased with my body. She was very receptive to my touch and if I stopped touching her she'd try and hold hands which I'd do or she'd put my hand back on her.

She kept breaking circle to go back to her friend which I understood, she kept coming back to me, touching me, building tension. We did make out which I know validates her but this hasn't been "game over" for me before. Whenever she broke circle her friend was encouraging her to get with me and giving her, her blessing to hook up.

I isolated her from her friend, the tension was built, she seemed fully hooked and I asked if she wanted to get out of there. She said she couldn't leave her friend. I found out she was going back to her friends and couldn't get past this. We ended up back on the dancefloor with all the above repeated.

The end of the night came, we were hanging out outside having fun so I decided to set up a date to give me another shot. She seemed taken back and surprised I wanted to meet her again but happily agreed to the date but wasn't sure when she was free. This was bounced about for a bit before going for a number grab, I know this is low odds but it gives me a chance to practice if nothing else. She eagerly said yes to the number but then took a step back saying "if you want it". She ended up giving me her phone to put my number in and gave me a call so I had her number.

I didn't like the games and flakey behaviour with the number and expected to be ghosted.

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Space Monkey
space monkey
May 3, 2020
I sent her a text the following morning saying it was cool meeting her. We text a little, I found out she has an obsession with an actor I look a little bit like with similar hair and body, I teased her a little, soft closed suggesting we go for coffee, she agreed and asked me when I was thinking (all done in about 6 messages, messages can be written up if helpful).

Rather than give my availability I ignored the question and asked her when she was free. She then replied saying she's busy for the next two weeks. I told her it's a shame we'd have had fun. (I seen this as a polite rejection, I have no interest in being a pen pal for 2 weeks, she'd make time if she was really interested.) She replied saying I know, I'll say hi to you if I see you out in the club.... (Amazing, she doesn't see me good enough to make time for but she'll say hi....... I'm flattered!)

Ironically I seen her in the club again the following weekend. She walked by me several times holding hands with some guy. She kept touching me running her hands down my arms or back when she walked by but I really didn't see the point and didn't react just kept hanging with my wing.

At one point she comes over and taps my shoulder to get my attention to say hi. I look round and notice it's her with a chubby guy wearing baggy bent out of shape clothes in tow with his arm round her. I have no idea what she expected me to do but I feel it's way to much effort for low hanging fruit.
