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Quit my job to focus on game?


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
I didn’t go to work on Friday. Might go beg for my job back tomorrow.

Am I being retarded by quitting a job I just started to have the next month free to sarge? I’m freaking out because I’m about to turn 31 and I need a hot girlfriend, or at least bang a really hot girl once.
I live with my parents.
Obviously need a job to move out but this was a shitty job below my pay grade and the people stressed me out just as much as any other job.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 27, 2014
I wouldn't be so quick to quit this job. Why don't you keep working there and try to find a new & better paying job in the meantime? Also just go and do your approaching after work, is that a possibility?


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 21, 2023
I have known some people who took a few months off to just go hardcore on approaching for a short while to really up their skills.

But these were guys who had very odd work timings like big 12 hour shifts or working in an isolated factory etc outside a city and ones who genuinely could not fit cold approach in to their schedule.

For anyone who lives in a city and can go to a mall, main square, shopping street, public transport hub etc and put in 5+ approaches at least 2-3 times a week, there is no need to take a break from work or anything like that.

If you put in 2hrs on a Saturday, 2hrs on a Sunday, and another couple of hours during the week. That's enough to open at least 15 girls a week. If you don't even have time for this. Then that maybe a problem.

But I doubt most of us are in a situation like that. Mostly its AA and the brain coming up with another excuse. That you can approach after you quit your job or after x,y or z happens etc.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Yes I have been trying to approach as much as possible allowing for my AA including lunch breaks. however the stress from the job is weighing me down. I actually tried to quit and my parents convinced me to go back. Now I’m realizing I can just kick the can some more and just be unemployed at home or do some work on my parents house. Because this job doesn’t pay enough to move out I cannot believe I am even saying this because I’ve moved out on lower salaries. Well well well. My point is any job weighs me down with stress. This is a permanent role so I’m hanging on in the hopes that stability will be good for me, but I need a higher paying job. Any office stresses me the hell out. I was thinking this is my crappy day job while I save money live with my parents and finally become a famous rich artist so I can quit. Don’t want to get some great job when I really want to be an artist, and I already hate the office.
anyway thanks for the solid advice.

the point is I was about to get pussy right before I got the job and now I’ve lost all momentum


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 24, 2024
the point is I was about to get pussy right before I got the job and now I’ve lost all momentum

Pussy won't complete you.

I remember when I was 16, a kiss-less virgin. I got invited by a girl I had played to her house when her parents weren't home.
Was so excited I am finally going to taste the ultimate nectar of a girl's lips! I will be complete and happy forever after that lol.

Made out with her tons.
I had finally did it. I don't mean to say it was bad at all. We both actually enjoyed it a lot. There was immense passion.

As soon as I left her door though - this gnawing feeling inside my heart returned as the excitement waned. I didn't achieve Nirvana all of a sudden. It was how I felt always: normal.

Some people look into different things to make them feel complete. It maybe spirituality, their business, work or in your case, art.

When you are feeling grounded and have your shit together, you will find it's quite easy to game. Your overall vibe/state is affected by it. Girls will be able to tell you are at peace with your life, with or without her.

So, don't quit that job. Get a new one if you hate this one. In the meantime, focus on your art, if that's what you want. Focus most of your energy towards this goal.

And don't look towards women to complete you. It's a very weird dynamic - almost parasitic.

Look at it if it's fun, where both of you enjoy each other. If it's not fun for you right now, don't do it.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012

All the guys I have known who have taken a sabbatical to get really good at pickup were already decently skilled, somewhere in the intermediate range... could pull a new chick once every 3-8 weeks, decent quality, occasional hot girls... just stuck on a plateau where they hadn't been able to go beyond that for a long time and were treading water.

Typically they all had money saved up, or some kind of money cheat code: a PhD fellowship, government unemployment money, some business they'd set up with a partner that was paying them a steady income and they'd stepped back from the business and weren't needed anymore but they were still getting paid. So they did not have to worry about money or autonomy and could focus entirely on pickup.

(I have also known loser-type guys who were bouncing around selling drugs and doing stuff like that as they picked up... so I guess that is another way to go... but I wouldn't recommend it)

But basically: the general order of things is "get to a place where you have freedom + enough money to live off of, THEN you can take time off work to focus on getting your game airtight."

There may be exceptions, but I can't recall ever having seen a guy with no money living at home who took time off work and got really good with girls that way. Maybe it can be done... there is always a way to do whatever you want to do... but you'd be bucking the norm here.

I’m freaking out because I’m about to turn 31 and I need a hot girlfriend, or at least bang a really hot girl once.

Well, it doesn't sound like you have the seduction baseline where you'd benefit from a prolonged 'nothing but game' focus? You generally want an already roughly ironed out process that is producing results before you dive into doing something whole hog... the thought behind it is just "I already know how to get results, but now I need to make them MORE CONSISTENT and BETTER and I can only do that through studious application and experimentation."

I didn’t go to work on Friday. Might go beg for my job back tomorrow.

Am I being retarded by quitting a job I just started to have the next month free to sarge?


Obviously need a job to move out but this was a shitty job below my pay grade and the people stressed me out just as much as any other job.

Mostly sounds like you just took a crap job, realized it was crap only after you took it, and now your brain is spinning around looking for a justification to leave it.



Space Monkey
space monkey
Dec 8, 2017
Didn’t quit my job. It has great breaks and the commute goes past the university area and other areas like parks on the way home

Bob Z

Space Monkey
space monkey
Jun 7, 2024
I'm an artist too. I make a decent side income from it - and hope to/strongly believe I will go full time and do well financially with it eventually. but I found it incredibly unhealthy for me to anticipate making a living from it - things like art are unlike business in the sense that the financial side of things are much more random and unpredictable (non-art business is pretty damn unpredictable as it is). I make much better art when my motivations have little to do with money and im not dependent on the income from it.