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Random Instagram girl messaging me


Space Monkey
space monkey
Sep 11, 2018
Hi beginner here,

So when I was going to my Instagram the other day I noticed that someone new started following me. I thought nothing of it sometimes new people follow me no big deal. But then she started messaging me out the blue. You know just asking basic questions like how am I doing where I'm from things like that. That kind of raise the red flag I don't know this girl and from the looks of an Instagram she looks like she only has one or two photos. So automatically I think this is a fake account trying to get me into buying some porn site (that has happened to me shitload of times)

Then she started liking my photos and sending me more picture. (Nothing graphic). I'm still 60% sure that this is a fake account so to test her I decided to ask her out. I said hey let's meet this weekend over coffee. She loved her the post I made and says "oh okay".

At this point I'm not sure if this is a fake account, somebody catfishing me, or just gently a random girl that liked my photos and wanted to get to know me more. But the point is I want to get to the bottom of it. Like I said I'm pretty sure this fake account but how do I expose this person.

And let's say for a slight possibility that this is real. Did I do the right thing by trying to move things forward with her. If a girl DMS you and want to make something happen with you what do you do from there? Also on the side now what does it mean when a girl gives you a "oh Okay" type answers because I had a couple of those in the past and I just wanted no how do I take that as?


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Mar 28, 2021
I think you pushed for a close too early. You mentioned her asking about you but never mentioned you asking about her. You also mentioned her sendings pics but never mentioned you asking for the pics or rewarding them.

At some point you have to lead, and asking for the meetup was leading but more than likely it was too big of a jump from where you were in the interaction.

When I talk to girls on instagram, I usually go from building basic rapport by asking one or two questions and diving into those, mixed with some flirting, push pull etc. If it’s a good vibe then I’ll tell her to send me her number.

Once I get the number I continue texting and will work on building a ladder of compliance. If she doesn’t have alot of pics on her profile i’ll weave something in our texts along the lines of “hmm how do I know when we meet you wont look super different ;)” she’ll send pics then I reward.

Then back to our thread of convo. Then my next compliance will be weaving in letting me hear her voice “I find it crazy how we connect so much and i’ve yet to hear your voice”

Next weaving in a phone call, if the phone call goes well then set up a meet. In this process you can assure her you aren’t looking for a girlfriend and are someone worth seeing by setting the right frames through text. You also want to be alluding to a future meetup at some point with your language “when we meet” “just don’t jump my bones when I see you”.
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Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jul 6, 2020
I think you pushed for a close too early. You mentioned her asking about you but never mentioned you asking about her. You also mentioned her sendings pics but never mentioned you asking for the pics or rewarding them.

At some point you have to lead, and asking for the meetup was leading but more than likely it was too big of a jump from where you were in the interaction.

When I talk to girls on instagram, I usually go from building basic rapport by asking one or two questions and diving into those, mixed with some flirting, push pull etc. If it’s a good vibe then I’ll tell her to send me her number.

Once I get the number I continue texting and will work on building a ladder of compliance. If she doesn’t have alot of pics on her profile i’ll weave something in our texts along the lines of “hmm how do I know when we meet you wont look super different ;)” she’ll send pics then I reward.

Then back to our thread of convo. Then my next compliance will be weaving in letting me hear her voice “I find it crazy how we connect so much and i’ve yet to hear your voice”

Next weaving in a phone call, if the phone call goes well then set up a meet. In this process you can assure her you aren’t looking for a girlfriend and are someone worth seeing by setting the right frames through text. You also want to be alluding to a future meetup at some point with your language “when we meet” “just don’t jump my bones when I see you”.
The problem is I cant think of a compliance ladder over text.

It’s easy in person because most of the compliance I’ll ask for is to move her (give me ur hand, lets move over here, etc.).

What does your ladder look like when you’re texting someone to build lots of compliance easily? (What do you demand?)


Modern Human
Modern Human
Oct 21, 2019
What does your ladder look like when you’re texting someone to build lots of compliance easily? (What do you demand?)

“What are you doing?”, “what you do for a living?”,”seems like you like to do X, how is that?”, “so, are you single?”, “doing anything tonight?”, “ever been to X?”

It’s obviously much less impactful that asking her to move or show you her hand but you work with what you get.
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers