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Reading vs. Results


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 20, 2012
Hey all,

The real reason I consider myself a beginner (despite working at this for about a year) is the fact that I can read as many posts as I can, yet when the time comes, I seem to not have the success I expect. It's frustrating because I am an intelligent person. I could ace a girls chase paper test, but when it comes to the field test, my work just doesn't show.

Any advice (besides more practice) that you guys have? I would really like to see better results.

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
Where do you feel is the point in the interaction that everything starts to come apart? It's a pretty open question otherwise.
you miss 100% of the shots you don't take


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 9, 2012
I understand where your coming from I can honestly say I read every single article on the site (and im only 17!) i'm serious about improving my game, what I realized and although it may be hard to hear (Or read in this case) you can read it all you want but in order to actually improve you have to push yourself into doing uncomfortable things, whether it may be opening with a girl to get her number or escalating and taking her to bed. When I started I was frustrated always choking up and I still do choke from time to time, but even with all the failures when I do come through and find a success it motivates me to seek more, what can I say aha I get addicted to the feeling of accomplishment just when I think I cant do it I make a breakthrough and find confidence. All in all practice makes perfect, don't see the failures as reasons to quit see them as a reason to push harder because when you do succeed the feeling is so great that you'll constantly strive to obtain it. Good Luck ~ Novacane


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Nov 25, 2012
I'm right there with you guys. Unfortunately, reading something does not equal internalizing it. Chase has said it ad nauseam, but it's completely correct; the only way to get better is to keep practicing and to apply what you are learning. Keep it up and don't worry if everything doesn't come together immediately. Eventually with enough practice, each part will click into place and you'll start seeing more successes.

A Life Loquacious

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 7, 2012
I agree there's no substitute for practise in the field, but I will also say that when I initially found the blog, I devoured it. I think I read all the posts at least once over the space of a couple of weeks. I definitely internalised something as on the occasions I did get out, I noticed something had changed about me and I was definitely getting a lot further with women, and they were also gravitating towards me with less effort on my part. Things like improving posture and tweaking wardrobe you can work on without leaving the house. Also after reading through the blogs I was able to think back over my near misses and outright fails over the years and almost always I was able to work out why that had happened, pinpoint the exact moment when things went wrong, and what I should have done. Simply reading and digesting the knowledge here has definitely brought about positive change, many people have remarked how much more chilled out, in control and just generally more comfortable in my own skin I have been recently.

Mr. Wes

Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Dec 21, 2012
I know exactly how you feel man. And I have to agree with what everyone else is saying.
Besides practice, get your fundamentals down.
Get a sexy vibe, a sexy walk, voice tone, etc.
I can tell you that I haven't been making many approaches lately but I am definately oozing with confidence in public.
I also feel comfortable in my own skin and notice girls checking me out.
Once you have all that down, its a matter of opening your mouth, do what you learned and perhaps the sexy vibe brings all the rest to you.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Dec 7, 2012
I know how you feel I've also read probably 99% of the girls chase articles and one of his books, sometimes more than once but it's only after a lot of practice that stuff is getting internalised. I do internalise things usually very quickly but I've had a few obstacles to get over such as AA, and basically 'difficult' women (that I seem to attract in droves) :)

It may help just to internalise things in steps, work on a specific thing get it right then move to the next thing, that's how I'm doing it, most of the stuff in the newbie missions are pretty much the 'steps' I've been doing myself over the last 3yrs or so, and it's only over the last 6months that things are clicking into place.


Staff member
Oct 9, 2012
Runner (and anyone else struggling with getting going)-

Starting up's the hardest part. It's hard with everything challenging - lifting weights, meeting girls, beginning a big adventure when you've never been off on one before. You can dive in with a splash like I did when I was 18, and just go hit nightclubs with the goal of "pick up a girl TONIGHT!," but usually that'll just lead to you crashing after when you realize how far from your goal you are (or at least, how far it SEEMS you are from it).

If you haven't checked it out yet, the Newbie Assignment is designed to help you avoid this, with small, achievable goals set up in an escalating manner to get you out and easing into the waters. Nino was the first guy on the boards to really tackle it with gusto, and you can see the progress he made in only a couple of weeks from his journal - from trouble making eye contact, to bedding a couple of new girls.

The reason the first few steps of the Newbie Assignment are so easy is to help you build up the momentum to tackle the ones that you might feel are a little more challenging later into the assignment.

Try it out. You might be pleasantly surprised by how you handle it.
