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FR+  Really intelligent One


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
I just returned from a date with what appears to be one of the most intelligent girls i met so far. She is not from town , she is working here and says she has only few friends here. We met on Saturday in a club and i invited her to mini date to a different venue . Tonight she said it was the best move she ever saw (to be honest this is second girl that responded this way and i think that its pure gold , learned it here of course)

She has a car so i agreed that she will pick me up (some investment is always good) , and we went for a pizza. She talked 90% of the time , and told me how that night that we met few guys approached her and they were bragging how they are awesome handball players and how famous they are,i think it was her saying that she loves how i do not talk about myself (god , how long it took me to realize this).

We went to different venue , a pub , for a drink and she continued to talk about her work and family, we kissed and whatnot ,and at some point she asked me if im judgemental , i answered with a firm "no , not at all , i hate judgemental people" . She continued how she does not care about what people think and if they judge her if she sleeps with a guy on first date (i was stunned for a second). She mentioned few times that she has to get up early to go to work , so i got up and said "lets get out of here". We drove to my place and after i kissed her i said "you can not go upstairs with me" (she said at one point that she is stubborn and does the opposite of what people tell her to do) , she smiled and said "doesn't work every time , next time i will come upstairs , have to get up early for work"
i said "ok then , have a great day at work tomorrow, cya" (did not want to look needy , but some persistence would be good, damn )

What i regret a bit is not making a definitive second date place and time , it ended with like "we will think of something in next few days "

Can you tell me what you think , persist or act cool ?
When should i call her to set up a second date ? Do you think it comes of as needy if you call tomorrow to set the date up for same day ?



Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Apr 11, 2013
Re: FR + : Really intelligent One

Hey Johny,

I ain't no pro with women, but I feel that you could've persisted here. From what I read, it seemed like she said no to coming upstairs, and you just said: "ok." Remember: never take women's words at face value. She even qualified herself for you by saying that she doesn't care if people judge her for going to bed with a guy on the first date. This was a perfect opportunity for you here to say something like: "wow... its awesome that you are so in touch with your sexual side, more women should be like you: true to their emotions." Anything like that would've sufficed, as long as you qualify her for her sexuality and communicate something like "fuck society!" (Good job for passing her test by the way, by saying that you hate judgemental people")

I don't think it was a good idea kissing her at the pub. This would've signalled her alarms as you then proceeded to move her to your home. "Oh no!" she thinks. "He kissed me here, what's going to happen at his place?"

When you did get her to your place, I think a good way to outframe her there would've been something like: "it's only *time*, by the time you'll get home, it'll be *time* and you'll still have *number* hours to sleep. Plus, this might be the only chance you have to see me, so let's just enjoy ourselves in the moment." Say this with a sexy voice and smile... And thus, you're combining logic with emotion, a sure-fire way to beat someone's frame.

What i regret a bit is not making a definitive second date place and time , it ended with like "we will think of something in next few days

I wouldn't regret this, because it would've been needy to force a definitive place and time for a second date after a failed escalation. You should've just persisted like crazy and not given a fuck if she decided to leave. But oh well, that's the great thing about mistakes: you learn from them. I honestly don't think you're gonna get a second chance. If you've read Chase's articles on second date strategies, he says a failed escalation usually doesn't lead to a second date. I know from experience as well.

When should i call her to set up a second date ? Do you think it comes of as needy if you call tomorrow to set the date up for same day ?

Might want to leave this for someone more experienced. But I would say, wait 2 or 3 days, then text her something like: "hey *name*. What's your schedule looking like? Let's say we have dinner at my place soon!" OR "hey *name*. I've got some free time Thursday night. Let's say we have dinner at my place."


Tool-Bearing Hominid
Tool-Bearing Hominid
Oct 14, 2013
Re: FR + : Really intelligent One

i just read the article about second date. I think that the first date went very well and i think ill go with another date tonight while things are still fresh. I was thinking to invite myself to her place like "hey *name*, if you make coffee i will be there in 10 minutes" .

What do you think ? Is it better to invite her to your place or go to hers , somehow it feels like girls are more relaxed at their own place


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR + : Really intelligent One

They get comfortable pretty fast, also i have been trying the

walk away and have her follow thing or grab her hand smile and say common turn around and just walk.


Cro-Magnon Man
Cro-Magnon Man
Jan 28, 2014
Re: FR + : Really intelligent One

like not even said anything just hold your hand out grab hers and be like i have to show you something really cool and just start leading her if she says no then you can probably even then persist a little more she picked you up remember she was expecting to go back to your house!

I messed this up with one flight attendant, i regret that one badly she even told me bluntly that if i would have put in a little more effort i could have had her. we don't talk anymore and i still kick myself for it to this day
a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers