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Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
This will be my third serious attempt at getting over my bullshit and start approaching on a very consistent business, and start going out a LOT.

Over the past 9 months I've played around with the idea of going out four times a week about seven or eight times, committed to it properly three times and here I go again.

The difference this time is that I've hit my breaking point. I turned 19 days ago and finished high school last year. The difference this time (I'm hoping) is that I've grown a lot in the last 6 months. I've been living overseas for the last three weeks in Spain (I'm Irish). I run a small internet business and I've hit my breaking point.


My friends have all lost their virginities over the last few months, some having had multiple partners and I'm embarrassed by it now. I didn't have this feeling before. I have one cousin back home who always asks me if I've had sex yet. It pains me deeply every time I have to say I'm still a virgin.

You only really fail when you give up completely so I haven't failed yet. I went through a similar process with the gym, falling off again and again and again until I said, like I have today, enough is enough and I got into the best shape of my life over the rest of that year gaining 20 pounds of muscle. Same thing with my business falling off over and over again.

Anyway, no sob stories here- just accounts of tomorrows goals and what I did today.
At about 12pm tonight I was bouncing off the walls in excitement about tomorrow night- I'll talk about those goals tomorrow. This combined with the horrendous feeling of how shit and non-existent my love life was, gave me the idea to go out RIGHT NOW.

I'm toying with the idea of Joe Vitale's law of creation, and a big part of what he says is to run with your ideas using the energy behind them to make the necessary actions a habit and progress as far as you can while you're still excited about the goal.

I threw on some jeans, gave my teeth a quick brush and headed out the door. I was mugged a little while ago and I'm still scared walking on my own. It's pathetic, but feel the fear and do it anyway, so I adopted my super slow walk, angry frown and walked the 5 minutes to the bars. There are a lot of bars near where I'm staying but I haven't found the clubs yet. . . Guess that's a good place to start.

Saw literally two sets that I could have approached. They were sitting outside but I couldn't do it. I spent 20 mins walking looking for a good bar but just came back.

Had a very nice chap scare the shit out of me as I came back into my apartment building, who went on to ask me for some weed in broken English. . .

What did I do well:

Went out

Worked on my walk

What could I do better:

Need to find some good clubs nearby

There are no excuses for not approaching-

Tomorrow's goals:

During the day I will go out and ask one girl for directions for somewhere.

I'm going out at night but I will post that after I complete tomorrow's goal.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Today's challenge: Ask one girl for directions.


One very important thing I've learned about myself is that I need a low barrier to entry. If my goal was to ask ten girls for directions, I'd have said that's too hard and never have done it. This was an easy goal but I'm going out tonight also.

I walked the 20 mins into the town and saw three sets during about 15 mins of walking around. I approached the second girl.

I pussied out on the first set- Two girls about my age sitting in my favourite part of the city- ironically, it translates to Virgin Square. . .

A few minutes later, I saw a girl on her own. Muttered something in my bad Spanish, she didn't understand. Asked if she spoke English. Probably lasted about 20 seconds. BUT that was the goal.

Saw another girl, but again pussied out.
What did I do well:
-Hit my goal
-Approached second set I saw

What did I learn:

-After the first approach, use the social momentum and do another one quickly, before it wears off
-Stopping a girl in the street isn't the big deal I've made it out to be in my head

I live with three people who are also fairly new to the city. They go to lots of couchsurfing meetups and invite me to go along with them quite a bit. Every Thursday they go to this small dive bar. The only problem is that everyone speaks Spanish and I don't.

I really don't want to go, BUT, I've made it a point to say yes to every social event I'm invited to. It's been going ok so far. Last week, I basically just talked to my roommates but I can't do that tonight.

Last night I was a bit anxious about it and really didn't want to go. My Spanish is horrendous. Learning pickup is all about improving socially in general so my goal for tonight is to speak lots of terrible Spanish and to amuse myself.

It must sound like a silly goal but my criteria for success is to not be a wallflower- Introduce myself to three people and say every stupid, horrible, incorrect Spanish sentence that enters my head. (Obviously not everything but enough that I can be considered to be apart of the conversation even if I understand very little.)

Criteria for success will be introducing myself to three people and speaking some Spanish.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Early wins- date lined up and had a shitload of fun

Tonight was the best night I've had in the three weeks I've been in Spain. It was also the night I was least looking forward to. Honestly, I thought the night was going to be shit. I was worried I'd have to spend the whole night being a wallflower.

We went to the same bar last week with two of my roommates but the way it worked out, we ended up in the corner mainly talking among ourselves and not with the group.

One roommate was notably annoyed about this. As though my lack of Spanish was holding them back, and made a point to say the same wouldn't happen which is completely fair.

We were the first ones there, but after 5 minutes a couple of guys from the group came in who I got talking to. Not long after another ten or so couchsurfers came in.

Tonight I spent more time talking and socialising with the group than they did which I found kind of funny.

Fell in with a group of five speaking English and Spanish- my Spanish got me surprisingly far. . .

Massive social proof
There was one girl who I spent quite a bit of time talking to but she wasn't pretty. I locked in at the bar and spent 30/40 mins there talking mainly with a couple of people but also with whoever came by.

Towards the end of the night I noticed this girl sitting beside me. I started talking to her, speaking 90% Spanish as that was the mood I was in. She turned out to be Austrian- 21 so 2 years older than me.

I noticed her playing with her hair so thought it was time to do something. At the same time one of my roommates said they were going to go soon as they have class in the morning.

I asked her what she was doing Saturday- couldn't take her out on Valentine's day of course- suggested we grab some food, and took her number. My sim card is broken so I took her number on my roommates phone.

All in all, had a fantastic time. I guess Chase was right when he said the best nights are often the nights you least want to go out.

I spoke Spanish as much as I could but I told her we'd speak English on the first date. I know that if I don't, I'm violating the law of least effort. Also, I don't want to fall into the entertainer mode.

I think I'll try and get three short dates in as quick a time as possible i.e date compression. Hopefully, I'll have the balls to invite her home first time though.

I'm getting ahead of myself right now. She might flake. She might not want to meet me again. Maybe it would be good in a weird way if this all fucks up . . . Anyway, on to tomorrow.
Tomorrow's goals:

Do one real approach. Stop one girl and tell her I think she's cute or something to that effect. I have to go into the town to get a new sim card so I'll do it then.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to seeing what happens with AustrianWine


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014

Today sucked so hard but I'm going to do my best to keep positive because I beat myself up the last hour and nothing good comes from that.

*Wrote this about 8pm*

So yesterday I said that it would probably be good for me if something happens with that number, and it did, and I learned a big lesson.

I've had a shit day in general- work wise I couldn't accomplish anything. I didn't do my one daytime approach so I have to go out tonight to do it because if I rationalise missing my goal even one day, it will all go downhill from there.

I sent AustrianWine an icebreaker text this afternoon, which, and this is completely pathetic, I spent all fucking day waiting on her to text back. I couldn't even focus on my work and wasted the entire day!

What's so frustrating with being in scarcity like this, is that if she were to reply, It would perk me right up. It just motivates me even more to get out and approach.

I'm really pissed off with myself but I got the lesson that I need to meet more girls to get over this. Tonight, I'm going to go walk around and look for a bar or club and I will do a couple of easy approaches.

I watch a lot of RSD videos, not so much for the game theories, but to help with the mentality I need. I listen to Tyler's "Truth about success" speeches all the time.

Well, they talk a LOT about social momentum and that seems like a great place to start. Just go out every night and build up my state some. My number one goal right now is to get to the point where I am doing this regularly throughout the week- ideally four times minimum.

Tonight I didn't do any approaches but I learnt some things that will make other nights easier. I left the flat about 11. Couldn't find the club I wanted to go to so walked an extra 20 minutes and discoved some spots-

This night doesn't deserve to be talked about, I'm exhausted so I'll just put up the things I learnt.

-]Find out where the bus is- walking 45 mins to the bars will make it too hard to go out on a regular basis. I was tired by the time I arrived
-I've had plenty of times where I didn't approach before, but I've never been so pissed off with myself about not doing so. I must do better.
-Found some new bars to go back and explore

Tomorrow, I might check out an Irish bar I've heard about. At night however, I am going to back to the same place and have one beer in two different locations.

I will also send some of the people who I met when I was in the hostels to see what nightspots they recomment


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
DISCLAIMER: I am a little over tipsy writing this, but Chase has made it very clear that you must write a field report as soon as you come home so here goes.

MISSION: To go out and do three very short approaches- each approach lasting slightly longer.

RESULT: FAILURE. I only did one approach-it was about fifteen seconds which would have been ok had I done the other two. I learned some good lessons though.
I left my flat about 11.15- very early for Spain I guess. The night had two parts- on my own and after running into a friend.

I arrived at the clubs about 12. I learned last night where all the good places are. Still trying to find a busy club though. Went to a small dive bar- I think it's a dive bar. I don't really know what a dive bar is hah. Sat at the bar for 30 minutes before heading to next place. Not many opportunites to approach- only option would have been a girl surrounded by guys, or a table with two girls sitting at it. Looking back, I could have approached the latter. . . FUCK, I am a pussy

I have a two drink rule when I'm out- I am only allowed to drink two beers. I love Spanish beer so it would be very easy to break this rule.

The second place was a small club with a live band. After about 10-15 minutes, I finally mustered up the balls to do an approach. Literally stood beside her for 3 minutes first. It was literally, Hi, How are you" and away I went. She gave me a weird look.

Went to the toilet and almost did another approach. I'm so pissed off I didn't do these approaches! FUCK. I opened my mouth to do another to the girl I was standing beside, but bottled it at the final millisecond as she turned around.

Left that club feeling discouraged but planned to go somewhere else and have coke(drink, not drugs) if need be. The bouncers put me off too much- God, looking back I feel worse and worse.

I went exploring a little more in a different complex of bars. Was on my way out without having completed my goal. . .

Just as I was leaving I ran into a guy I met in back when I was staying in hostels. He was out with two of his finnish friends- a guy and a girl. he invited me out with them. This is why I violated my 2 drink rule as I am now saying yes to every social opportunity I get.

We go to one bar and have one round of beers.

Then we head across road to the complex where I originally started my night for what I thought was a normal shot but was a Monika Lewanowski. . . Give me a break, I only turned 19. I didn't know what it was hahaha.

Talked to one girl while blindfolded but it doesn't count as an approach as I thought it was a friend of my friend. Had a shot and another beer.

I wanted to approach and had a few good chances but couldn't bottle the nerve.

The one redeeming part of tonight was that I invited "MonikaFinn" back for an "afterparty". To my surprise she was up for it, but my original friend cockblocked me somewhat. Started saying I live faraway- only 20-25 minute walk and that's with the slowwalk I do to avoid trouble. He also said something else which I can't remember exactly and brought up her knowing self-defense. It was weird on his part.

I didn't push through hard enough with the after-party because I remembered I had no condoms so wouldn't even be able to do anything had I got her back. Probably for the best as I hope to hang out with my new friends again soon.

What a fun night- but, I'm so disappointed I didn't complete my challenge!!!!

What did I do well:

-I did my first approach that I was supposed to.
-I went out and applied my two drink rule- It was pure coincidence to run into them as I was going home.
-Said yes to something I was asked to go to.

What did I learn:
-Just FUCKING approach. This is pathetic. I won't learn if I don't fucking approach. The time for being a pussy is over..
-To move eyes before I move my head. Remembered about this as I walked the 40 mins to the club. I was moving my head too much and remembered Chase saying this.
-Where the clubs I'm going to check out over the next few days are
-Buy condoms
-NEVER have a Monika Lewowski! hahaha
-Don't leave my house until later- clubs don't really open until 1am in Spain

In order to not burn myself out, I'm going to take Sunday and Monday off. if I can plan a date for these days, I will, but if not I won't panic. I'll decide later
the right date makes getting her back home a piece of cake


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Time to update again I guess.

So a week on and I haven't made much process. I've learned a lot about how I'm going to make this work though for the next few weeks.

I had thought I was going to do some daygame but it's too difficult to fit into my scheldue as I have a LOT of work on right now. I'm going to commit to going out every Wednesday through Saturday. Thursdays I go to an expat meetup which is a lot of fun so that's three nights a week going out solo.

The goal I'm still trying to reach is to do three approaches in a night.

At least now I know where the good clubs are.

On the other days of the week, I am going to have a focus on my fundamentals.

I restart travelling in three weeks so I need to get going with this
AustrianWine was at the meetup again tonight and she gave me the wrong number by accident last week. We got it sorted and we're meeting up on Saturday. The goal for that night is to invite her back. I can't even think past that at this point. Whatever happens, happens.

One of her friends knew all about me so that must be a good sign, BUT last week taught me to keep my expectations down. Plan for the loss. . .

Friday night's challenge:

Go out to the club and approach ONE girl. If I can't do this, I should shoot myself.

Those were just some tired thoughts. Off to bed now


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Anyone else found that the game makes you hate yourself? haha


Was actually meant to be going to a divebar with my roommates today. At the very last minute they cancelled and terminator came on.

I wish I could just drag myself out to the club and fucking get on with it! Goddam.

Rationalising that I have a big work project that does need to get done but let's be real, it's just an excuse. . .

Embarrased to be writing this but want to be transparent. I must do better.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Hit a new milstone today- didn't lose virginity but got to third base on our first date- so much LMR...d

Yesterday was a crazy day...

Did one approach during the day. Was at a irish pub watching the Ireland VS England rugby match. Noticed the girl standing beside me had an accent from my part of the world. Asked her where she's from, bantered for ten minutes, asked her to join me for a cup of coffee during the week, she agreed and exchanged numbers. Almost didn't approach but I said to myself, "If I can't approach now, how am I going to invite AustrianWine back for sex... This shows how many opportunities I'm missing during the day

She's pretty hot so I was chuffed with this one.
Onto the date. . .

TL;DR. Got to third base for the first time. Looking for some advice on whether or not I could have taken it all the way. She said the whole time that one part of her really wanted to, but the other part was saying no. She has only had one partner before, she's 21, and that wasn't a good experience. She really wants to see me again, but I leave town in three weeks and it seems like she wants something serious so I don't know how this will go down. She said she didn't know anything about me but only because I kept the conversation on her the entire time. Any advice on whether or not I could have closed or what I could have done differently would be fantastic.

Brian Tracy, (a sales expert) once said that you don't develop your closing skills when you make a sale. Rather, you develop your closing skills when faced with a prospect who just will not budge and you hit them with everything you have, over and over again just to build your closing muscle.

I guess the same principle works in game because I sure had my tough prospect last night! Then again, I can't believe that I got as far as I did on a first date.

Got her to walk the 20 mins over to mine, and went for a quick bite to eat.

Took me a while to build my social momentum and get in the flow but after 75-90 minutes we were at a bar 2 minutes away from my place. We had one beer and I asked the remaining "8 questions to always ask a girl". Didn't do 7 or 8 as I didn't feel I could do it naturally but did ask them at 4am.

Noticed a pool table at the bar so we had a game- easy chance to get some physicality showing her how to aim, how to position her hand etc. Immediately after our first game she brought out more money for another.

It's maybe 11.30 now. We have our second and last drink. Conversation is really flowing now. I ask if Austria has a version of jersey shore, as there is a very funny spoof of a Northern Ireland version. I botch my yes ladder a bit, mumbling my words, but she agrees to come back to watch it.

At my place, I get her to take off her shoes. I offer her a drink of water and go to the toilet to get her used to my room. I show her a video of hurling, an irish sport we talked about as I didn't want her to get too interested.

I stare at her and try and kiss her. She resists, I try again, she says "what will this lead to,". My reply, "We won't have sex, I just want to kiss you." I try again and she really gets into it. After a quick kiss, I pull back and

We get under the covers and I start touching her everywhere. I take her boobs out over her top after some resistance. "It doesn't count as sex, It just makes it hotter," is my new favourite line. I always thought licking boobs would feel different...

I try to take her top off but she again insists that we're not having sex. I get to her pussy over her tights and she's soaking. She doesn't let me put her hand down her tights but is ok with me playing with her clit over the pants.

The gist of the rest of the pull was I'd try and do something and she'd move my hand away. She would kiss me more passionately every time I touched her pussy but continued to insist we weren't going to have sex.

I whispered a lot of things in ear, "You do know me- I'm Tom, You're so sexy, You're boobs feel amazing," I got her ass out over her tights and this was as far as I could get for a while. Eventually, I take off my boxers. I thought I'd have a raging boner but it stayed pretty flaccid most of the time.

I get her to play with my dick and she starts to wank me off. Around this point I finally started to finger her properly- it took ages though. Push, pull back, push, pull back, push, pull back over and over again. The sheets were soaked she was so wet.

She was adamant the entire time that we were not having sex. Eventually, she tells me she had a bad experience with her last and only partner- in a sentence, he was terrible in bed and she didn't want to regret it again. Another, thing I found interesting was that she kept saying how one part of her really wanted to but the other part didn't.

I threw every LMR technique and thing to say I could think of.

We finally takes her tights off so we're both completely naked. I go to get a condom (keep them in cupboard beside bed dumbass!) and she says we won't be needing it.

At this point, I actually gave up and took condom off as I'd went soft. We talk for five minutes and explains how she has a rule to herself and had to get to know me better first. I get her excited again with my words and go through the whole process again. She wouldn't give me head as she said she didn't like doing it. just what every guy wants to hear...

After more push and pull she finally let's me finger her fully and I make her cum while she pulls on my dick. I'd been wary to make her cum before as I didn't want her to cum before we had real sex. She tells me to stop as she's finished. This really surprised me as I thought she had a while to go yet. Wasn't an amazing orgasm she says but she still came. I go and reach for another condom.

She starts to say she's tired and I whisper we're only getting started. I put the condom on- found this part awkward as I had to stop doing everything to her in order to get it on- any advice to make the transition easier and without freaking her out that I want sex.

She doesn't care too much that I haven't came yet but I keep going anyway. If she's still naked in my bed, there's still a chance of losing my virginity, right?

I knocked her head against the wall, at which point I got too frustrated to continue- made sure not to let me frustration show.

I don't even want to settle for a handjob so off goes the condom as I'm soft and we lie beside each other. I check my watch and we've been going through this show for 2.5 hours. Couldn't believe it- thought it was maybe one max. . .

What I did well;
Invited her back
Moved to different venues to get more experiences in a shorter period of time.
Kissed within ten minutes
Acknowledged three times rule and pushed and pushed in as relaxed a manner as I could
Got to third base for the first time.
Did the push and pull the best I could when escalating.

What could I do better:
Ask questions 7 and 8 on the date.
Make the frame more sexual


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Update for Sunday to Wednesday

So after Saturday night which, even though I didn't get laid, I got farther than I ever have before and on the first date which I thought was impossible before the game so I'll celebrate this rather than be butt-hurt about it.

All day Sunday though I was hurting so much and I couldn't really figure out exactly why. I couldn't stop thinking about AustrianWine for two days straight. Monday evening I pulled myself out of the pathetic state I was in-avoiding days like these is why I so badly want to get out of scarcity.

I really want to learn daygame. It fits in much better with my lifestyle, is easier from what I've seen Chase say. If I don't wake up early to do my work, I waste the entire day. I'm definitely a morning person.

Basically, I felt so bad it forced me to commit to approaching three girls everyday. If I'm feeling really bad it can be just asking for directions or even saying Hi.

As much as Sunday and Monday sucked I learned a lot from it and it's really got my head in check and motivated me to keep going with this.


On Monday and Tuesday I did my three approaches. I also did them today. They were so shit and can hardly be called approachs so I won't talk about them.

I had a coffee date with AustrianWine on Tuesday. The first hour went ok but then we went a walk, I got out of my head, relaxed and we both had a really good time.

This is definitely a trend I'm noticing. With my last girlfriend, when I go a walk with the girl, or do something active, or even changing venues, I do a lot better. Maybe I can work this into my future dates.

Wednesday, I was just about to go out to do my approaches when AustrianWine sent me a text saying people were going to her house for drinks and where going out after.

I kind of knew I shouldn't have went, (see Chase's article) but I had already text her when I remembered about this. You know what, writing this has made me see how I was rationalising my decision. In future I will decline party dates or anything with friends. I'm learning to be ok with making these bad decisions and having these bad things happen as it really kicks me into gear. Getting reference experiences to validate what I've read. Thinking about it this way makes it much easier to make mistakes. I like the pain of it in a weird way now...

I'm definitely in the boyfriend zone with this girl. There were 6 there initially and another 5 came and we sat holding hands, arms around each other. Couplely things etc.

Didn't know what anyone was saying the first hour or so. After that time I'd had some shots (really starting to see how my small bad decisions are adding up). I had a lot of fun after that first hour.

About 1.30am everyone left the flat. Me and the three housemates of that flat went to a club(NO party dates Tom! You know this!)

We made out a bit on the dance floor and left 15 minutes later. The other two had disappeared.

If I had been thinking clearer I could have done better at this part. We were in her room and realised she'd lost her phone. Seems like it was stolen at the club. As soon as she said this, I knew I wasn't getting anything hah.

After 20 mins or so, I put on my coat to leave, kissed her goodbye which led to us lying on the bed and she said I could spend the night. I really didn't want to walk home.

We were both exhausted so just went to sleep which I was fine with.

In the morning, I tried escalating again. Got her top off surprisingly easy but no further. At one point she said she had too much on her mind. She also had class in an hour so the logistics weren't there.

On the positive, I still got something out of it.

Seeing her tonight- we both go to a travellers meetup on Thursday's. I'm going to invite her home. If I don't get through tonight I'm going to fall off the radar for a bit.


On the walk home, I was really racking my brain trying to figure out what I could have done better. A lot of it was out of my hands, BUT I am 100% responsible for everything that happens.

I've been fucking up on my rituals over the last week. I've been hitting the gym perfectly, but I'm really slipped up on my meditation, my reading and since we don't have an oven my diet hasn't sucked. I'm actually really excited about getting home in April so I can go on a real bulk and get back to my former size.

If I had been doing my habits, I truly think my head would have been in a clearer space and I could have made better decisions. This was my biggest takeaway. My decision to not be doing my habits added up and resulted in this "failure".


I'm going to start working really hard on my fundamentals, doing it two at a time. This week, it is about moving slowly with my head movements and eyes. The second is to keep my shoulders retracted. I've quite a few muscular imbalances in my hips and my shoulders are very internally rotated due to neglecting certain muscle groups in the gym so I'm correcting that there. Hopefully in a few months, my fundamentals will be completely different.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Goals for tonight:-Get rejected by five girls
-Each time be rejected in five different ways

Invited out to a party by some people I met while trvelling here. As part of my becoming a yes-man I had to accept. Saying yes to these invitations has been overwhelmingly positive experience. Much in the same way that simply introducing myself to other people has led to me making some cool friends.

Introduced myself to a guy at a sportsbar today while watching the football who introduced me to his friends and had an awesome time. Weird how those small things work.

Anyway, off for to the party now


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Frustrated but will get there.

Annoyed with my life situation right now. I'll make sure the tone of this update doesn't reflect this.

Wasn't able to go out on Saturday night. The plan was to go to the house for a bit but everyone stayed in the end. There was one girl who I really liked. Perfectly my type and way out of my league ;) In my head I had so little of a chance I took the opportunity to work on being a bad boy- right now I'm a serious nice guy so was good practice.

To my bewilderment, it got a great reaction. She was running around telling everyone how I was so mean but she said it in a playful way and kept coming back to talk to me. After a few hours, we were both standing in the hall and I gave her a long hug while we talked. She said she felt uncomfortable. I asked why. Turns out she was married... and she only was 22!

This was a real bummer as I really thought I had a shot.

The weird thing was that maybe an hour after this we were sitting in the kitchen alone and I asked about her husband. She mentioned how there are some things that she can only talk to him about. I asked what. She says her parents divorce and breaks into tears. I tell her it's ok to open up to me and she spends the next hour crying into my arms. She said she felt really comfortable to talk to me. Maybe this means my conversation skills are improving. Maybe not.

It felt nice that she was able to trust me with something she has told to so few people and she said how she felt much better for it.
On Sunday I did my three bullshit approaches so that was good.

I didn't today as I just had a date with AustrianWine. It did not go well... at all.

In fact, I'll probably never see her again. The conversation was dry. I half-heartedly invited her back to mine but was feeling so out of it that I didn't follow up. It's these days I'll remember when I'm getting some results.

I'm just going to keep going with my three approaches per day I guess.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Fucked up big time. Mismanaged my energy completely. Was planning to eat after my approaches but was so hungry I had to go home.

Did my 3 bullshit approaches. Could have done better with them. It's going to take me ten years at this rate. My biggest thing is not opening the very FIRST girl I see. One rationalisation leads to another. Will keep this in mind tomorrow.

This evening at about 9pm I was really annoyed about this so I went out. Was too dark and scary to do any approaches but I pushed myself by making myself look like the biggest spastic I could. Felt so incredibly liberating to just let go and look like a retard- walking with my arms in the air, doing pushups in the middle of the street, skipping. My biggest problem is that I'm so stifled. This really helped me- felt so good after. I might try this again before my sets tomorrow.

Going to a couchsurfing meetup again. Pretty sure things are done with AustrianWine. She's away this weekend but I'm going to text her next week and try and get something before I leave Spain hah

Going to shave my head tomorrow and as always I'll make sure to do my three bullshit approaches


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
25-30 rejections tonight. Burned it to the mother f**ckin ground!
I can't be sure if that's the exact number but by the end of the night, there weren't anymore groups I hadn't approached. had some very minor success. The real success was the fact that I approached and approached and approached. Really happy with this.
I've been fucking up on my shitty daytime approaches. Daygame is what I want to be good at- really need to step it up. Was watching a Steve Pavlina talk about abundance and he said there will be something that comes up that will scare the holy hell out of me. The only way to get the abundance is to do the thing over and over again. I need to seriously up the quality of my daytime approaches.

There's no way I can remember every set so I'll just write what I remember.
Went to a pre-party about 10.30pm. Had two and a half beers over as many hours. Was very much in state talking to lots of people I hadn't met before. About 1.30 we left to hit the club. Everyone was standing outside. Started talking to a girl who turned out to be English. Was very physical dancing and hugging her- think what RSDTyler does. Probably not ideal but I didn't know what else to do and it's fun. Three guy friends of mine wouldn't fuck off. I asked this girl to see me Sunday. We swapped numbers but she was very unconvincing. This one guy was cockblocking me so much again. When I master this game stuff things like this won't bother me.

Arrived at the club around 2.30/3- early for Spain believe it or not. Ridiculous country haha.

It took me a while to get going. My main objective was to "open all". I didn't talk to quite a few girls early on- maybe 6/7. There were a few really short sets. I started to get out of my head.

One girl I opened and she was very positive. Her friend helped me out. I really didn't know how to open as the music was loud making it hard to hear. I really like the dance thing RSDTyler does. Felt very comfortable doing it so why not- whatever keeps me approaching. I made out with this girl. Our teeth clashed at one point. This hasn't happened me ever and it happened with AustrianWine when I had her in bed a few times last week. I need to be more careful.

Straight after, I reached out my hand to a girl in the middle of a group. She wasn't going to but I kept my hand out and she came. Isolated her from the group immediately. Again, danced and talked. Went for kiss and she turned her head. had a boyfriend. Went back to talking. Tried again. She actually had a boyfriend haha

Remember very little of the next few sets. There were extremely short- perhaps 60 seconds. There were another 4-5 really, really shit sets before the make out.

The notable one was with a girl who's friend I had already been talking to. That one I thought was going really well. She was asking me loads of questions but turned her head when I tried to kiss her. I know, no kissing in public-don't worry I learned this lesson properly later.

The next batch of sets are extremely vague. I think there's 7-10 sets I don't remember at all.

I went to the outside part. Started dancing beside two girls. Put my arm out to one of them and the other friend grabbed my hand. Isolated her and moved her 5-10 mins later. Tried to deep dive as much as I could and did decently at this. It was much quieter outside. I SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN HER LOGISTICS. She was very cool, full of passion with the things I had her talking about. Also tried to relate to the things she was telling me.

She said she had to go see her friends. I tell her to stay another 2 mins. She stays 5. I kiss her, she turned her head to the side first but then she did. Then she said she really needed to go find her friends. Feel like I did something wrong that I don't know about. I definitely shouldn't have kissed her. This was a good chance for a pull.

Went back inside. Nothing notable about the remaining sets. A couple of harsh rejections. Lost my state a little at one point when I got tired and chilled with some people I met at the pre-party. Then decided, I'll never be back at this club again, maybe in my life. Let's burn it to the ground. After a few more sets, the only remaining girls were the real fatties. I had talked to everyone else.

What did I do well:
-25-30 approaches
-Tried to be physical as much as possible.
-Was excited by my own actions
-Talked to a shitload of girls.
-Kept going even when I wanted to stop at times.
-2 make outs.
-Number earlier in the night
-Had a massive pump in my state
-Didn't give a fuck about my rejections- at least after the first ten :)

Lessons:-Don't kiss in public. My ego and state is very related to this and often I just don't know what else to do.
-Open all. Don't hang around
-Try and extend my sets just a little longer. Stick with the awkwardness just a little longer.
-Need to keep going out!
-Get the logistics!
I have 10 days left in Spain and then I go back home until 30th April. I need to keep working on my game but don't know how I'm going to do it. Will need to really work hard on my business to allow me to continue living somewhere conducive to what I want.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
I'm back baby. . . Wrote this yesterday but only uuploading now. In my last week of Spain I probably had another 7-10 approaches. Nothing extraordinary. Ready to start my seduction journey once again.

So I've been back home for the last 6 weeks or so. I live in a tiny village in Ireland so no game for me. Had a hard core work phase.

I'm in Dublin today before my flight to Budapest, Hungary tomorrow. I tried some daygame today but it was pathetic.

I walked around Dublin for two hours and did no approaches. I did ask for a lot of directions- that's no longer an issue but it's not good where I'm at.

Had some unbelievable rationalisations as to why I couldn't approach and worrying I started to believe some of them.

I was asking myself what was the point in doing all these approaches. Why I should even bother learning game. I just finished reading the War of Art by Steven Pressfield and there's a part of that where he says that we can even start to believe the lies the "resistance" tells us if we allow it to take over us for too long.

The biggest thing I'm doing wrong is not talking to the VERY FIRST girl I see. I wait and wait and the urge to approach goes down and the rationalisations go up.

A major problem here was that I was really hungry. I don't do well at ALL when I'm hungry in any area

Regardless. . . I will get this.


Space Monkey
space monkey
Feb 13, 2014
Tonight I am in Budapest where I should be living for the next month.

Went out to do some daygame but really I was looking for a supermarket. Around 9.30pm I got really pissed off that I hadn't made any progress with my game today and that I was being such a pussy about the whole thing. I decide to leave my hostel and look for some bars. There's one about a minute away from my hostel.

The first time I pass, there's 3 bouncers and I get scared. I walked a little further when a large group of people speaking English walk towards that same bar. I wait 30 seconds and see where they go- right into the bar I was scared of. I almost go in and then chickened out. Back in hostel I realise how pathetic I am, and march right back and go into the club.

Order a beer and an Australian pulls up beside me. I ask where he's from and we get talking. After a few minutes he says there's more people from his group and invites me to join him, [side note. I'd been feeling really lonely the last two days and so stuck in my head. This was exactly what I needed. So bought in to do daygame tomorrow]

He introduces me to his group and I hold my own in the conversation. Two girls come over and one is giving me loads of great reactions. Don't think I could have the results but was better than nothing, right?

What I did well
-Went back to the bar even though I was scared and didn't want to.
-Introduced myself to the guy in the bar(I had lots of friends when I moved to Spain purely because I started conversations with lots of people. I haven't been doing that over the last few days and it's resulted in a lot of frustration.
- Stayed in set
-Only had one beet

What I could have done better
-A few minutes into starting to talk to the girls I should have went back to the other group to show I'm not a social leech.
- Went into the bar the first time
- Opened some hungarian girls
- I started to censor myself near the end and go back into my head. I stopped being expressive and could have opened some other people.

All n all, I'm really happy with what happened tonight socially if not from a pickup standpoint. I'm convinced that loneliness comes from a place of not knowing like you could make friends again. The more times I push myself like this, the better I'll get, the more sex I'll have and the more fun and good emotions I'll feel