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Space Monkey
space monkey
Jul 5, 2024
Sup everyone,

Posting here to get my thoughts/revelations down and feedback is always welcome.

Looks/status profile: Above average in the looks category. 6'1, average build (working hard on it now, in the gym 6x/week). No crazy initial turn offs when first seeing me. I make ~250k/year but work and odd schedule, and have next to no social media presence.

Background: I've always been relatively successful with women but specifically only women in my orbit/social circle. It was rarity I wouldn't sleep with a girl after a few weeks/months of knowing them without sleeping with them. By age 23 I slept with ~20 women. A handful were same night lays, and two of those were strippers. Around that time I entered a 2 year monogamous relationship. After we split up I was single for just a few months before entering a 5 year monogomous relationship.

Around 2 years ago that relationship ended, I fell into alcoholism and depression. Shortly after, I latched onto this girl that was extremely hot and cold and in my vulnerable state I turned very beta, supplicated, simped etc. It's been a month of me instituting no contact with her and I am now realizing how toxic it was.

I've reflected on my past success with women (little to no success in the 2 years since my breakup, albeit only weak efforts on my part). When I was younger I was career driven and legitimately did NOT want a relationship. After being in a relationship so long, it was all I knew and now that I'm stable and successful in my career I've lost that drive and motivation or even carelessness towards women that they tend to find attractive.

I now have first hand experience that success/money does not equal a successful sex life. Tale as old as time, but feeling it firsthand hits different.

Resolution: I've spent the last few months in my typical hardcore analytical ways of consuming everything I can about game, but hardly putting it into practice. I know I need to just DO. I have a few roadblocks that I am working on. The biggest one is that I don't want to make women uncomfortable in any situation, which leads me to not approach. You could call it AA, but I can approach, and not exactly nervous about it. I just don't want them to feel bothered.

I need to stay in sets longer, I often reject myself much too early even when sets are going well. Possibly afraid of them rejecting me? I think I try to play it too slow or safe, going for the pull rather than just going for reps and experience. Being more polarizing would go a long way for me, tips appreciated. I'm getting better at noticing IOIs and seeing them often.

Appreciate all the advice and info from members here, it's been very motivating.

Back at it,

a good date brings a smile to your lips... and hers


Space Monkey
space monkey
Jan 27, 2025
All I can say is that it will burn at first but with consistency and determination you will succeed no doubt about that. Are you looking to do Daygame, night game, online or?